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Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality/WMG: Difference between revisions

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== Dumbledore is NOT the antagonist. ==
* He is an old and wise wizard who has been trying to do good, although not always successful. Possible explanations to the points above are:
** He thought Grindelwald was a hero, a [[Well -Intentioned Extremist|''bit'' extreme]], but still a hero. It was not until when, at some point, Grindelwald had somehow crossed the [[Moral Event Horizon]] that Dumbledore decided to intervene. It ''was'' a coincidence that Dumbledore had the most power to gain at that point.
*** Or he was telling the truth when he said that if he had acted any sooner, he wouldn't have been able to succeed.
** Narcissa Malfoy is still alive under some sort of a Magical Witness Protection Program run by Dumbledore. [[Faking the Dead|The body Dumbledore burned was an animated death doll.]]
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== The reason everyone is so much smarter in this fanfic than they are in canon is that their ancestors were all exposed to the Wold Newton meteorite from [[Philip Jose Farmer]]'s Wold Newton family stories == It would handily reduce the points of divergence to one without contradicting anything.
== Harry Potter is in fact [[Doctor HorriblesHorrible's Sing -Along Blog (Web Video)|Doctor Horrible]] ==
'''[[Doctor HorriblesHorrible's Sing -Along Blog (Web Video)|Doctor Horrible]]''': ''The world is a mess and I just need to rule it.''
'''Rational!Harry''': ''I don't want to rule the universe. I just think it could be more sensibly organized.''
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* The never-ending Quidditch match between Ravenclaw and Slytherin will be finally resolved by granting both teams ''infinite'' points. This will be the only way to guarantee a draw for the two Houses that isn't vulnerable to other professors upsetting the careful balance. Even Dumbledore won't be able to skew the results by awarding massive points at the last moment like how he does in the book. And deducting infinite points won't work, since infinity minus infinity is undefined.
== Harry's [[Super -Powered Evil Side]] is Voldermort's "Darkness" ==
Quirrellmort knows that Harry holds a piece of his soul when Harry tells him about his dark side, and he has correctly assumed that it's mostly the part that held the madness from all of his dark rituals and that's what makes Quirrellmort's goals change/take a different approach than Voldemort's.
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== The plan was never to kill Draco. ==
Harry assumes that the plan was to kill Draco and to make Lucius too burdened with rage and loss to think clearly, but things don't really add up that way. Assuming ourselves that Harry was correct and Voldermort was behind the plan, then it makes far more sense to have Draco be found badly injured/dying (and of course Draco was found by Quirrell). If Draco was dead there would be no one to actively accuse Hermione and for the plan to work at all she would have needed to become so burdened by guilt she turned herself in, something that there was no sign of happening before she was arrested. But with Draco still alive, his father finds out about how he'd been getting influenced by Harry, who will keep a closer eye on him and try to steer him towards being a proper Blood Purist/Death Eater once again to insure the blood purists have the financial backing of House Malfoy to rally around for another generation. Meanwhile Hermione would be shipped off to Azkaban which would [[Start of Darkness|so enrage Harry]] that he would [[Well -Intentioned Extremist|be willing to tear down the obviously corrupt Wizard Society by becoming the next Dark Lord]] thus insuring Voldermort gains a powerful ally/enemy against Dumbledor/ someone to follow in his footsteps.
* Given how Hermione acted afterwards, she was most definitely being burdened by that much guilt. The only thing that I could even imagine getting her past the 48 hour mark before she confessed would be the knowledge that she'd face a [[Kangaroo Court]], and even that might not work. And anyways, with the death of the scion and only heir to such a Noble House they'd probably bring in a legilimens to help investigate, and she'd be radiating guilt like a beacon.
* Agree with other commenter that the evidence given is faulty, even if the conclusion could well happen to be correct. Draco shows up dead; who are the suspects? Maybe that girl who was acting really angry at him the day before, and whom he had a good reason to challenge to a duel? Let's give her a drop of veritaserum and ask her the simplest possible yes/no question... or even just ask her without serum...
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