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*** Two Words:[[Crowning Moment of Awesome|"Airship Slice!"]]
** "How are you going to fight without your bending?" POW! "I seem to manage!"
*** "[[Crowning Moment of Awesome|It's called Sokka style!]] [[Bond One -Liner|LEARN IT!]]"
** Early in the second season, we are also introduced to Mai, an [[Lady of War|elegant]] [[Knife Nut|shuriken specialist]], and Ty Lee, a Kyusho Jitsu user and [[She Fu|acrobat/gymnast]], both non-bending [[Dark Action Girl|Dark Action Girls]]. Both have been able to take down [[Redshirt Army|elite fighters]] and even the main characters with little difficulty numerous times.
** There is also the [[Lady of War]] Suki, who kicks all kinds of ass even without weapons or bending powers. She gets [[Charles Atlas Superpower]], though.
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** There's even [[Badass Normal]] ''mooks'' in the form of the [[The Archer|Yu Yan Archers.]] These guys actually managed to capture ''Aang'' by themselves, with nothing but their own impressive archery skills.
** Speaking of archers, [[The Archer|Longshot]] is pretty [[Badass Normal]]. Actually, all of the Freedom Fighters can be considered this.
*** Especially Jet. Yes, he's a [[Well -Intentioned Extremist|well-intentioned extremist]], but he's ''incredibly'' skilled with his Twin Tiger hookswords, to the point where he can {{spoiler|defeat an (admittedly in-training) ''Avatar''. If Katara hadn't gotten involved, Jet would have won.}} He's smart, he's cocky, he can hold his own against powerful benders, and he gives us one of the best fight scenes in the entire show (a personal favorite of Mike and Bryan's) when he {{spoiler|has a hooksword vs. double broadsword battle with an incognito Zuko. We still don't know who would have won if the Dai Li hadn't interfered.}}
* From ''[[The Legend of Korra (Animation)|The Legend of Korra]]'', we've got an entire organization, the Equalists, who are attempting to eradicate bending completely. They are led by the [[Big Bad]] Amon, a [[Magnificent Bastard]] through and through, who has no problem getting his own hands dirty. He's faced several benders already and always gives them a chance to fight back before {{spoiler|he takes away their bending.}} None of them have succeeded in fighting him off.
** There's also [[The Dragon|The Lieutenant]], who at one point takes on both Mako and Bolin and utterly [[Curb Stomp Battle|curb stomps them.]]
** As said above, Amon's henchmen are frighteningly competent. They're basically an entire organization of [[Elite Mooks]]. Using clever strategies and strength in numbers to overwhelm their bending opponents, but even without those two things, just a few of them can put up a hell of a fight against powerful benders.
** As of episode 7, {{spoiler|[[Mad ScientistsScientist's Beautiful Daughter|Asami]] [[Action Girl|Sato]]}} has been confirmed as one.
* ''[[Get Ed]]'' has Ol' Skool, the old Mentor of the main group of heroes. Every other character has high tech Hoverboards, Jetboots, Jetpacks, etc. and top-of-the-line protective gear to use. Ol' Skool has a conventional skateboard & a simple construction helmet. With just these things he is able to outrace pretty much anything in the series without getting hurt or breaking a sweat.
* ''[[Monster Allergy]]'' has Elena Potato even though she only has the Sight Dom.
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** [[Suicide Squad|"Taskforce X"]] uses this trope to help make the [[Villain Protagonist|Villain Protagonists]] of the episode more sympathetic. Even if they are evil, watching four normal people (with a fifth as mission control) infiltrate the Watchtower and make off with a giant magical suit of armour is still sort of cool.
*** Speaking of which: Rick Flag, asskicker extraordinaire. Of the four members, three carry weapons. Flag does not. When questioned about this, the simple explanation is "he doesn't need a weapon." He more than lives up to that hype.
** Special mention needs to be given to the head of [[Cape Busters|Cadmus]] Amanda Waller. Not only is she able to intimidate ''Batman'', she has absolutely no combat training, and yet still goes up against Brainthor along with the original seven with nothing but a handgun, even pulling a brief [[Back -to -Back Badasses]] with [[Green Lantern (Comic Book)|Green Lantern]].
* Band manager Charles Foster Ofdensen of ''[[Metalocalypse]]'', who can kick the ass of a man twice his size and be thrown from a top story window and land like a cat. He also runs the seventh largest financial empire in the world.
* ''[[Transformers Animated]]'': Captain Fanzone gets an honorable mention here for managing to hold off one of Meltdown's mutated monstrosities by himself (while the other one gave the robot ninja trouble). Despite his trouble with technology and usual [[Butt Monkey]] status, he's still a brave and competent police chief who doesn't let his early prejudice against the Autobots get in the way of upholding the law.
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** Red Witch's fanfic "Tangled Web" uses this to great effect. In the fight against the Black Rose, [[The Dragon]] factored in bionics, psionics, and biodefenses...only to have the hacker hand him his ass.
** There's also [[Ambadassador]] Zozo. He's from a race of [[Hobbits]], stands about a meter high, very cheerful, looks utterly harmless...but he's wicked fast, a great shot, and very sneaky.
* ''[[Danny Phantom]]''. [[In a World]] where ghosts roam every corner, nearly all the ghost hunters shown are incompetent... except [[Anti -Hero|Valerie Gray]] who stands out among them as a normal gal packing (anti-ghost) heat. Sam Manson gets a few of these moments throughout the series as well, but not Tucker. He's more of the [[Action Survivor]].
** Danny's mom probably qualifies. And she does it without breaking her matronly demeanor! Jazz has also proven curiously capable at piloting her dad's powered armor, so it must run in the estrogen.
** Even Jack has his moments. He defeated Plasmius to save his family in "Million Dollar Ghost" and saved Danny from Skulker in "Girls' Night Out".
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** This as well as Dos, Trey, IV and Five. They aren't known as the 5 most dangerous people on the planet for a reason.
* [[Codename Kids Next Door (Animation)|The KND]] are a paramilitary organizating entirely of kids, who fight villians who either have superpowers, or use technology that's to be considered alot more advanced (or at least more sophisticated) when compared to the KND's [[Bamboo Technology|2x4 technology]]. While the KND, on the other hand, use strictly military training and the aforementioned 2x4 tech when engaging in combat.
* Applejack from ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'', despite not having any overt magical or reality-bending talents, can keep up with the rest of the Mane 6 and often surpasses them with her physical prowess, ropesmanship, and herding skills that she gained through pure hard work and practice. Though it's hard to determine what a talking magical horse is considered normal relative to a human being, especially when some of the things she does seems to put her into [[Charles Atlas Superpower]] territory.
* ''[[Thundarr the Barbarian]]'' faces off against powerful evil wizards [[Once an Episode]].
* Definitely Lucas Amato from [[Cybersix]] counts. He saves the life of the titular heroine almost as many times as she saves his, despite having no super powers to speak of.
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