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''The Boondock Saints'' ran for all of a week in only a few theaters because no major distributor would touch the film after Duffy's falling out with his initial executive producer Harvey Weinstein. (The recent crackdown on violent action and horror movies and media in general following the school shooting at [[Useful Notes/Columbine|Columbine]] High School earlier that year [[Too Soon|didn't help things either]].) But when it was released several years later on FOX DVD, the movie became a ''massive'' [[Cult Classic|cult success]]. Fans compare the film to [[Quentin Tarantino]]'s classics ''[[Reservoir Dogs]]'' and ''[[Pulp Fiction]]'', and [[Robert Rodriguez]]'s ''[[Desperado]]''. A sequel called ''The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day'' was rumored for years (the first film ends on one hell of a cliffhanger) and was finally released on October 30, 2009.
The film ''Overnight'' details Troy Duffy's [[Small Name, Big Ego|inflation of ego]] during the making of the film. He kinda [[Prima Donna Director|went off the rails]], a bit. While he has tried to [http://www.slashfilm.com/2009/10/28/the-filmcast-interview-troy-duffy-director-of-the-boondock-saints-2-all-saints-day/ apologize for his past behavior], if you watch the doc you'll get a better idea of why we had to wait ''ten years'' for the sequel.
It is especially popular for St. Paddy's Day drinking games, where if you sip every time someone curses, you're hammered by 30 minutes in. Because of this, some people have never seen the whole movie, nor seen it sober.
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== {{smallcaps|Examples Contained In Both Films}} ==
* [[Anachronic Order]]: One of the reasons it is compared to [[Quentin Tarantino]]. The majority of the movies show investigators poring over the fight scenes first, and [[How We Got Here|figuring out what happened.]] Their narration may or may not be correct due to [[Unreliable Narrator|missing something, or outright lying]].
* [[Anti -Villain]]: Everyone on the side of the brothers.
* [[As Himself]]: David Della Rocco.
* [[As the Good Book Says]]
* [[Audience Participation]]: Mostly for the first one, but its cult status has led to some fan screenings, including a few in 2009 on the tenth anniversary of the film's release.
* [[Back -to -Back Badasses]]: The MacManus brothers occasionally do this.
* [[Badass Grandpa]]: Il Duce. {{spoiler|Turns out to be the Saints' daddy. Technically, he isn't a grandpa though.}}
* [[Badass Longcoat]]: Il Duce and Rocco. The MacManus twins are [[Badass]] ''Pea''coats; which, considering Boston in March, is a lot more practical. Detective Eunice Bloom in the sequel imagines herself as a [[Gun Twirling]] cowgirl wearing a duster during one of her summations of the Saints' hits.
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** Hilariously [[Averted]] in the sequel when the Saints visit {{spoiler|Rocco's}} grave and see that they used his mugshot for his memorial.
* [[Mr. Fanservice]]: Multilingual vigilante twins with Irish accents? ''Yes, please.''
* [[Evilly Affable]]: The Saints, concerning their actual targets. When dealing with innocents they fall under [[Affably Evil]] or [[Anti -Villain]].
{{quote| Rocco: We could kill ''everyone''. (meaning, everyone in the South Boston Mafia)<br />
Murphy: What do you think of that?<br />
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* [[Hollywood Silencer]]: The Saints almost always wield silenced pistols.
* [[Iconic Item]]: The pennies that the Saints [[Due to The Dead|place on their victim's eyes]], as well as Il Duce's [[More Dakka|vest full of guns.]]
** Romeo is able to figure out who they are quickly in the sequel, since not only do they ''talk'' about [[Exact Eaves DroppingEavesdropping|matching their police sketches and dying their hair to reduce the risk of being recognized]], but they are a pair of Irish guys carrying a bunch of pennies.
* [[Improbable Weapon User]]: A toilet in the first film, as well as a billiard ball. In the second, a tattoo pen for minor comic relief.
* [[Inspector Lestrade]]: Greenly. Until Smecker arrives.
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* [[Large Ham]]: Smecker, whenever he is re-enacting one of the shootouts. As well, his protegee Eunice Bloom. Connor, in general.
* [[A Lighter Shade of Gray]]: "We urge you lesser forms of filth not to push the bounds and cross over into true corruption, into our domain. For if you do, one day you will look behind you and you will see we three, and on that day, ''you will reap it!''"
* [[Luke, I Am Your Father]]: {{spoiler|Il Duce}}.
* [[The Mafia]]: Italian and [[The Mafiya|Russian mob.]]
* [[Malaproper]]: Doc, the bartender at McGinty's.
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** By the second movie, it seems their accents are almost intentionally bad. Julie Benz' accent is also overdone for comic effect.
* [[Omniglot]]: The brothers speak at least a half-dozen languages fluently.
* [[Overcrank]]: Nearly every action scene uses this to combine [[What Do You Mean ItsIt's Not Awesome?|hilarity]] with [[Badass|Badassitude]]. When it stops being used, [[Cerebus Syndrome|things get serious]].
* [[Papa Wolf]]: --> {{spoiler|Il Duce}}: ''Easy boys... Daddy's working.''
* [[Pay Evil Unto Evil]]
* [[Playing Against Type]]: Il Duce, the [[The Stoic|stone-cold]] veteran [[Hitman With a Heart|hitman]], is played by ''Billy Connolly'' of all people. He's done serious roles before, but not like ''this.''
* [[Pre -Mortem One -Liner]]: The family prayer that the brothers recite before executing someone.
* [[Rated M for Manly]]: Both movies. The dream sequence in the sequel underlines this, though most people generally agree that the scene where Connor ''rips a toilet out of the floor'' is the best example in the first.
* [[Rule of Cool]]: Basically the entire franchise relies on this.
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* [[Tourettes Shitcock Syndrome]]: The bartender Doc. There has been some attempt at realism here, though. Doc has motor tics as well as verbal ones, and his verbal tic is preceeded by a period of stuttering.
* [[Twin Tropes]]: Connor and Murphy are fraternal twins, though they don't fit many [[Twin Tropes]] besides [[Twin Telepathy]] (which is the only way they could have the same dream in both the first film and the sequel, and a mild variant of [[Different As Night and Day]].
* [[Ultimate Job Security]]: Arguably Detective Greenly, who is somewhat incompetent compared to Smecker (and even Dolly and Duffy to an extent). However, he is only shown as being bad at making theories, not at ''everything''. Also, Greenly claims in the second film that he, Dolly, and Duffy have put away half the guys that are in prison. While he was obviously exaggerating, the other characters wouldn't hesitate to [[Dude, Where's My Respect?|take the piss out of him]] if it was a total lie.
* [[Vigilante Man]]: What the brothers become.
* [[Wall of Weapons]]: The underground storage bunker that they get their stock from.
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* [[Amusing Injuries]]: They tie a Russian gangster to a bar top and [[Rump Roast|set his ass on fire]].
** Later, one of the two Russian gangsters gets a toilet dropped directly on his cranium. There are many, many other examples. Let's just say that this film ties with ''[[Tropic Thunder]]'' in the [[Refuge in Audacity|Hilarious Carnage department]].
* [[Angrish]]: Loads and loads. Of note is Rocco's reaction to the Copley Plaza massacre is one of these involving a [[Cluster F -Bomb]].
{{quote| '''Rocco''': Fucking... what the fucking fuck... who the fuck fucked this fucking... how did you two fucking fucks... FUCK!<br />
'''Connor''': Well, that certainly illustrates the ''diversity'' of the word. }}
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* [[Cassandra Truth]]: The [[Butt Monkey]] detectives of the Boston Police are so wildly wrong in the first part of the movie that when they finally start getting it right later on, Smecker doesn't believe them.
* [[Career Killers]]: Rocco drives a "sick fuck" hitman to his job, where he proceeds to wipe out [[Complete Monster|an entire family]]. The three face another, more [[Badass]] hitman in the form of Il Duce shortly after finishing off the first.
* [[Cluster F -Bomb]]: See Angrish, above. According to IMDB, the word is dropped 246 times.
* [[Confessional]]
* [[Couldn't Find a Lighter]]: One of the brothers lights a cigarette using the flame from his gas stove.
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** Earlier in the same film, after Yakavetta's men have {{spoiler|captured the Saints, and realized that Il Duce, whom they hired to kill the Saints and loves killing Mafiosos ''isn't going to stop until he's killed somebody''}}.
* [[Pants Positive Safety]]: Rocco.
* [[Paper -Thin Disguise]]: Willem Dafoe makes as convincing a woman as [[Looney Tunes|Bugs Bunny]] does. And like Bugs, he has extreme good fortune to "seduce" the one guy on earth [[The Guards Must Be Crazy|thick enough]] to be fooled by his getup.
* [[Room Disservice]]: Rocco's attempted hit on the Russians.
* [[Shipped in Shackles]]: Il Duce (who provides the page image for this trope) is moved from his cell to the ground floor for a parole hearing. He is cuffed hand and foot, chained to a rolling platform, and wheeled down to the parole board. The entire prison is put on high-alert, with shotgun-wielding guards on every floor, all to move one man down a few flights of stairs. Once he's there, they even put him inside a metal cage to protect the parole board.
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* [[Suspiciously Specific Sermon]]: A monsignor delivers a sermon referencing the Kitty Genovese case, saying "now, we must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men." The brothers McManus, after leaving the church, feel called to action and spend the rest of the movie killing off various heavyweights of Boston's organized crime world.
* [[Vigilante Execution]]: Inside a courtroom no less.
* [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]]: The Saints as a whole.
* [[What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic|What Do You Mean Its Not Symbology]]
* [[You Get Me Coffee]]: Whenever Detective Greenly would say something stupid or mouth off to Agent Smecker, he would be dispatched to fetch coffee and bagels.
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* [[Billing Displacement]]: [[Easy Rider|Peter]] [[Ghost Rider|Fonda]] doesn't appear until the last 10 minutes of ''All Saint's Day'', yet still got billed over Billy Connolly (Il Duce {{spoiler|and the father of Connor and Murphy}}).
* [[Bittersweet Ending]]: {{spoiler|Il Duce dies, and the brothers get imprisoned, but Smecker and Bloom are going to bust them out.}}
* [[Bond One -Liner]]: Parodied in the second film when Romeo ties up a janitor and threatens him into coming up with a cool thing for Romeo to say when the gunfire stops.
* [[Bling Bling Bang]]: In the sequel, the brothers get Desert Eagles with modified suppressors while Romeo gets a pair of Colt M1911s with golden silencers and grips that look like the Mexican flag.
* [[Brick Joke]]: {{spoiler|The cat}} from the first film walks by when the brothers see {{spoiler|Rocco}}. Also the rope.
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* [[Unspoken Plan Guarantee]]: The attack on the Chinese criminals. In theory, Romeo will knock out a forklift operater via a [[Pistol Whip]] to the back of his head with a [[Hand Cannon]], the twins will hide inside the crate on the forklift, Romeo will drive the forklift to the criminals, the brothers will pop out of the crate and shoot all the criminals, and then do a smooth flip over the crate. In practice, {{spoiler|Romeo doesn't have a gun so the brothers give him a pocket pistol which fails to knock out the forklift operator. After scaring off the operator the brothers hide in the crate, but start bickering. This, combined with Romeo's reckless driving, [[Continuity Nod|causes the crate to clumsily fall off the forklift and smash on the floor right in front of the criminals.]]}}
* [[The War On Terror]]: Otillio came into the country on a visa signed by a sponsor who didn't exist, two months after the September 11th attacks. Which meant that someone pushed his paperwork through during the highest security alert in the history of the United States of America.
* [["Well Done, Son" Guy]]: Romeo. An approving pat on the hand from his uncle and clear father figure results in [[Manly Tears]] from Romeo as he reflects on it later. Naturally, the brothers tease him for it.
* [[With Due Respect]]: Lampshaded.
{{quote| '''Eunice''': "With all due respect... man, I hate it when people say that because it is inevitably followed by a disrespectful remark. Here let me give you an example: With all due respect, detective, this matter falls under whatever jurisdiction I fuckin' say it does."}}
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