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The Inkworld Trilogy/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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* Early in Inkheart, when Dustfinger is explaining to Meggie about Capricorn's "evilness" he uses an analogy about Capricorn feeding a bird to a cat and enjoying it, suggesting that...[[A Nazi By Any Other Name|this makes him the worst thing since Hitler?]] [[Values Dissonance|Huh?]] Guess it's okay then to kill and/or imprison anyone who likes watching the carnage on nature shows, who owns a pet snake, or hell, all those naturalists out there who go out and observe all the [[Carnivore Confusion|big mean carnivores]] tearing apart the [[What Measure Is a Non -Cute?|sweet little herbivores]]. I mean, those naturalists probably wouldn't be out there if they didn't enjoy it, even a little. [[What Do You Mean ItsIt's Not Heinous?|Mm, sorry Funke,]] [[Berserk Button|I think you took it a little far this time.]]
** I agree, though I suppose what the author meant was that Capricorn enjoyed to watch out of sheer sadism, while naturalists and so do it to study (though obviously there might be exceptions)
** Er, you forgot the key words. '''Enjoying it'''. People who ''like'' to watch animals being torn apart out of sheer sadism (like the troper above said) are generally messed-up people. After all, one of the big signs that someone is going to be a physco serial killer is loving to torture small animals. Actually, this troper personally is disturbed that the original troper thinks people enjoying watching small animals be torn apart is okay behavior. (BTW, [[Berserk Button|STOP ABUSING THE]] [[Unfortunate Implications|UNFORTUNATE IMPLICATIONS]] [[Berserk Button|TROPE]][[Wanton Cruelty to The Common Comma|!!!]] For the record, [[Unfortunate Implications]] means things that cause offense, particularly politically incorrect things, ''not'' every Family unfriendly thing that comes along!)
*** Well, I am a borderline sociopath, and I have always enjoyed watching animals fighting and killing each other, but I am by no means crazy or stupid enough to go around shooting people like a madwoman. I just like watching animals tearing each other apart in nature documentaries, or seeing my cat attack the birds in the yard. It just struck me as ridiculous and a tad offensive on Funke's part that such a minor thing should, in her mind, indicate a complete unhinged personality. For the record, it doesn't. Just because mental instability is more common in sociopaths than non-sociopaths does not mean the two are mutually exclusive. (Also, you're right about [[Unfortunate Implications]]. Changing it to [[What Do You Mean ItsIt's Not Heinous?]]. Thanks.)
**** Being a sociopath doesn't imply being a crazed [[Knife Nut]] or gunman. It just means a basic lack of a conscience and enjoyment of other's suffering. Your average crazed gunman is, in fact, less of a sociopath than a guard that works on death row because he likes watching the executions.
*** Are you honestly getting offended about people not liking it when other people enjoy watching animals kill each other? Anyway Funke isn't saying that watching animals killing each other and enjoying it makes someone a sadist it's just one of the many elements of his personality that make him like that and as for Dustfinger choosing to tell Meggie that out of a few things it's going to make quite an impression on a young girl.
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