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A Song of Ice and Fire/Characters/Deities And Religions: Difference between revisions

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* [[Proper Lady]]: The Mother
* [[Maiden Mother and Crone]]: [[Exactly What It Says On the Tin|The Maid, The Mother, and The Crone]]
* [[Speak of the Devil]]: It is considered bad luck to speak of the Stranger, well-illustrated by the fact that an in-universe religious nursery rhyme called "The Seven" [[Non -Indicative Name|is about the other six gods and doesn't mention The Stranger]].
* [[Two Faced]]: The descriptions of iconography of The Stranger suggest he's depicted this way.
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* [[The Antichrist]] / [[Satan]]: The Great Other
* [[Black and White Morality]]
* [[Casting a Shadow]] ''and'' [[Light 'Em Up]]
* [[The Chosen One]]: Azor Ahai
* [[Evil Is Burning Hot]]/ [[Light Is Good]] / [[Light Is Not Good]]: Depends on who you ask.
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* [[Statuesque Stunner]]: In addition to being beautiful, she is also taller than most men. However, when this height is noted it is not as a positive trait, and is one of the reasons she is considered an...
* [[Uncanny Valley Girl]]: Comes across this way in universe. While descriptions of her by other characters note her beauty, they invariably also note that something is "off" and unsettling about her. While this is possibly just the effect of her red eyes and very pale skin, it is also possible that people have an instinctive aversion to something else about her, and just don't know what it is.
* [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]]: Among the best examples in fantasy literature.
== '''The Many-Faced God'''. ==
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== '''The Drowned God'''. ==
The deity of the Ironborn, who is opposed by a harmful deity known as The Storm God. The Drowned God is characterized by a strong theme of death and rebirth, which in religious practice, has lead to a form of baptism in which initiates are briefly drowned and then resuscitated. He is believed to have created the Ironborn for the purpose of [[Rape, Pillage and Burn|raping and pillaging]] other groups.
* [[Asskicking Equals Authority]]: As Aeron puts it; the Drowned God only aids bold men.
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* [[Crossover Cosmology]]: As has been noted by some Rh'llor worshipers, The Drowned God and his opposition to the Storm God mirrors the enmity between Rh'llor and The Great Other.
* [[Good Old Ways]]: "Pay the Iron Price" is this for the religion/culture (naturally, not really viewed as good by non-Ironborn)
* [[Shout Out]]: The Drowned God is partially inspired by [[HPH.P. Lovecraft (Creator)|Cthulhu]]
** Even more so by Dagon.
* [[War God]]: Creating the Ironborn to 'reave and slay' and being generally pleased when they kill their enemies and wage war on other races makes him look like one of these.
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