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== Oogway isn't entirely gone. ==
The sequel has him in the cast (as [[The Obi -Wan]] ?) and there's a hint that his spirit remains during Tai Ling's fight with Shifu. Tai Lung attempts to use the Staff of Harmony to strangle Shifu, but instead, it shatters; [[Call Back|peach petals]] drift by as it releases its spiritual energy.
** He didn't appear in the sequel, not counting flashback cameos. The DVD commentary states that a part of Oogway's spirit indeed lingered in the Staff of Harmony, but is gone now, since it was broken by Tai Lung.
*** But it would seem that Shifu repaired it and uses it as his main weapon, himself.
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** ... You mean like the Jar of Whispering Warriors?
== Po hasn't finished his [[The HerosHero's Journey|Hero's Journey]]. ==
Tai Lung was only the [[Threshold Guardians|threshold guardian]] and Po has made it past the [[Belly of the Whale]], or has yet to get there.
* Given that the movie is apparently the first of a series, this is pretty much a given.
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== Po is actually the son of a (or two) great kung fu master(s) ==
His birth parents - assuming both Mother and Father taught kung fu, as you see by the parenthesis - must've believed Po was simply too out of shape or just not capable of learning kung fu, so instead of leaving him at the Jade Palace as a [[Door StopStep Baby|baby]] ( {{spoiler|much like Tai Lung was}}, they left him at the Noodle Shop and the rest of the movie explains it all, and his unknown-to-him kung fu heritage shines in the end of the movie.
Knowing Dreamworks, this idea is too good to pass up. Or his parents simply couldn't afford to raise him or disappeared without a trace.
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** Or it could even cleanse/purify Tai Lung--wipe his insanity and rage, turn him good, remove his memories, who knows? But apparently Dream Works missed the memo that a) a LOT of people like Tai Lung, and [[Audience Surrogate|not just for]] the [[Draco in Leather Pants]] reasons and b) the possibilities of a team-up for him and Po are limitless, especially since he knows all one thousand scrolls. [[They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot|Sigh]].
*** So, is there any clarification on whether Tai Lung was killed or not? This troper saw statements to either effect, claiming to be backed by [[Word of God]]. His appearance during the end credits montage, that clearly depicts the stuff characters are doing after the main story, serves as an evidence of survival, at least.
**** I don't know if they may have said anything more clear and specific elsewhere, but all the directors said in the DVD commentary was that "no one knows what happened to him, it's a mystery". This could be them being cagey in case they want to bring him back for a sequel--and if they are, they're keeping their cards close to their chest since no announcement of Ian McShane returning has been made, although I read somewhere that he was slated to appear in the second episode of the TV series. Or they didn't want to confirm that he had been [[Family -Unfriendly Death|blown to bits]], [[No Kill Like Overkill|but just so small you can't see them]]. For what it's worth, though, I doubt they'll bring him back since a) they stated that they had made him [[Unintentionally Sympathetic]], so why give the audience more fuel to care about him? and b) it seems to be a trend in animated movies to create villains who are so far from being flat and one-note that you sympathize for them, only to have the rug pulled out from under you by a denial of their redemption. Sure, [[Reality Subtext]] dictates that there will be people in [[Real Life]] whom, even if you understand their motivations and sympathize with them, are evil and stay unrepentantly so...but whatever happened to escapism? Seems some people are a little too far on the cynical side of the scale... Anyway, I do happen to concur, though, that Tai Lung's appearance during the end credits which all clearly take place post-movie, is rather suggestive...
**** Considering that Po was ready to forgive Lord Shen, who, as he believed, ganked his entire biological family, the possibility of Wuxi Fingerhold being lethal just went to extremely low. The size of Ki shockwave hardly means anything in a world where accoplished martial artists can survive being slammed into ground with a force of an exploding bomb almost unscathed. The DVD commentary more or less states that the writers wanted a way to end the fight in an epic final blow, that would have made the outcome absolutely clear, but deliberately made its effects ambigious (a gigantic explosion was considered but discarded). They stated the final fate of Tai Lung to be a mistery, but, well, we all know what [[Never Found the Body]] is for. Bringing him back in a satisfying way, though, might be a tad difficult - there is little doubt that Tai Lung will be utterly morally crushed by his defeat (as, again, authors went out of their way to ensure that his defeat is crystal clear and total). He cannot go back to villainy without desperately lying to himself, and therefore losing much of his power, and a [[Heel Face Turn]] might well be impaired by the fact that Shifu and Po apparently are fed up with him, and everyone else just fear him. I guess we have to wait for TV series and see.
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== Someone handed Tai Lung a spiked drink when he was [[Drowning My Sorrows|Drowning His Sorrows]] from not getting the dragon scroll. ==
One depressed kung-fu master with kung-fu metabolism, plus a probably-not-insignificant volume of alcohol, plus something to make him "[[Mushroom Samba|entertaining]]", all adds up to [[Psycho Serum|one wild rampage]]. Tai Lung ended up how he was either because he had twenty years in an oubliette to stew and [[And I Must Scream|go mad]], because [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|the turtle shell prison stopped his metabolism before he got the juice out of his system]], or both.
* Now that has to the most original, striking, and plausible [[Wild Mass Guessing]] I've ever seen. It seems a bit like a thinly-veiled excuse to justify everything Tai Lung did by saying he wasn't really in control of himself...but at the same time it does explain why he would so suddenly rage, an act that seemed so out-of-character. Especially since because, as a kung fu warrior, I imagine Tai Lung was rather against 'poisoning' his body with any sort of drug, even alcohol. (And if he wasn't, Oogway and Shifu would have been.) [[Fridge Logic|Though now that I think about it]], shouldn't Oogway at least have been able to tell he was drugged and thus not lock him away, or at least not until the drug wore off?
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== The next movie will involve the invention of firearms and treat it as a "guns are dishonourable" [[Space Whale Aesop]] ==
* Please, God, no. If this happens I will commit arson, murder, and....
** [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|Promptly get run over at the next zebra crossing]]?
* Hate to say it but it's almost certainly going to be the case; it may not involve the *invention* of firearms, but it would hardly be shocking if Lord Shen's superweapon turned out to be a Shouchong.
* Makes "Kaboom of Doom" total sense.
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*** Interspecies breedings are possible in our world as well; just look at mules or ligers. Whether or not they are fertile or producing viable offspring, though...
== ''[[Kung Fu Panda 2]]'' is a [[Self -Fulfilling Prophecy]] and Po's parents were ordinary. ==
From what we've learned in the few tidbits Dreamworks had released, Lord Shen did something horrible after his mother figure The Soothsayer told him about a vision twenty years ago. Given that Po must confront his past in the second movie, it may have to do with what happened to Po's birth parents. My guess is The Soothsayer foresaw Po as either defeating Shen, stopping his plans in some way or was just his biggest threat. Deciding to get rid of Po before he had the chance to stand in his way, he tricked The Soothsayer into revealing where Po was and promptly murdered Po's family. Po somehow managed to escape and was later found by Mr. Ping who adopted him and loved him as his son. Therefore Shen, none the wiser, thinks he's safe never knowing Ping came and took his new son to live in the Valley of Peace where he'd grow up safe and loved. Given Po's age is somewhere in his early twenties it could fit.
As for Po's parents and his secret past being revealed, I've noticed that that's caused a stir. Maybe Po's parents weren't Kung Fu Masters. Maybe they were just ordinary citizens who wanted to live their lives and raise their son in peace. But when Shen attacked Po's family, he inadvertently sealed his own fate. Po may never have become a Kung Fu Master if he'd just left him alone.
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* Maybe they use 'Peacocks' in the same way that the word 'kings' or 'mankind' would be used?
== The Sixth Movie's plot will involve every main villain from the previous films forming a [[Five -Bad Band]] ==
* Kind of a stretch, but [[Word of God]] says there will be six movies, which is just enough for a villainous version of the Furious Five to be formed. Seeing as Tai Lung & Shen could be seen as counterparts to Tigress & Crane and the formers' deaths could be taken as ambiguous, the subsequent movies could very well introduce other [[Evil Counterpart|Evil Counterparts]] to the other members of the Five. This will eventually lead to a final showdown in the Sixth movie with the addition of that movie's [[Big Bad]] as a counter to Po, and it will be Awesome.
** Tai Lung maybe, but as for Shen, Idunno how "Crushed by giant cannon" could possibly be ambiguous...
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* Nobody in the Valley of Peace knew about that particular prophecy. How would Tai Lung know?
== One of the next movies will involve a [[What Do You Mean ItsIt's for Kids?|toned down]] expy!Mongol invasion of China. ==
Because what are the odds that they'll stay solely in the boundaries of China for six whole movies after having a villain threatening all of China in [[Sequel Escalation|only the second?]] On the same note, expect expy!Japanese ninjas eventually.
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