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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:DrinkingGame.MyImmortal 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:DrinkingGame.MyImmortal, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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'''[[Drinking Game]]:'''
For the brave souls that decide to read this [[My Immortal (Fanfic)|fanfic]], here's a [[Drinking Game]] to help make it <s> bearable</s> <s> even more [[So Bad ItsIt's Good|fun]]</s>... well, you'll get drunk, trust us. Here's [http://homework.never-ends.net/2010/01/my-immortal-drinking-game-home-game-party/ a formatted party version].
Simple Version:
* Take a shot every time a word is [[Self -Demonstrating Article|mispeled.]]
** Allow the people at your funeral to share each drink following your untimely demise.
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||[[Tropers/Rousseau Is My Bro 314|Rousseau Is My Bro 314]]||17 chapters||Water||Drank whenever profanity was used or implied.
||[[NE Sgamer 190]]||15 Chapters||Water.||I finished 15, only to give up at chapter 16.||
||Morgie||All of it. Multiple times.||Nothing. What did you think I was, suicidal?||Loved it. This thing is epic. Going to read again. Anyone else think [[So Bad ItsIt's Good|the same?]]
||The Comment||22||Water||I was foolish. I tried in vain to finish, and it looked as though I would... Until chapter 20. I finished 6 1/2 pints<ref>Rough estimate</ref> ''without following all of the rules'' before I got a headache and started vomiting. I ate half a bag of tortilla chips and took breaks between each chapter to try and finish. Be warned, dear friends; be warned.||
||[[User:Mister Always]]||8||Lemonade (niece's birthday)||Tongue felt like a sticky slab of bacon that'd been glued to the top of his mouth.||
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||[[Xephyr Enigma]]||Whole damn thing||Nothing, tried to stay up as late as I could though||Listened to the whole thing as read by [[Usually Dead]]. I've never laughed so much in one night.
||Deelles||Chapter 1||Water||I was taking sips. Got drunk after first chapter. Didn't know it was possible with water. Headache. The laughing. The pain. Oww... Eyes... Blurry...
||[[Tropers/Isa Chan|IsaChan]]||Chapter 19||Dr. Pepper, water, Sprite, flavored water, and eventually [[Lemon Wacky Hello|beef jerky]].||This was a bad idea and was directly responsible for a slight mental breakdown, three trips to the bathroom, one hell of a stomachache, a burning tongue, an aversion to sugar, an absurdly dry mouth, and [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|my mother thinking I'm crazy]]. [[Aesop Amnesia|I'm going to try it again]] ''[[Drunk On Milk|with caffeine!]]''
||[[Empress Sanaki]]||1st Chapter||Grass||Decided I'd try and take a hit for each one. realized I would need far more to ever make it much farther, and that I would probably suffer from an endless case of the munchies, [[Tip Of The Iceberg|to say the least]]. I do not recommend this at all.
||Bandit9998||7th Chapter||Large Coke from BK||Ran out, started to feel a little sick. Gonna try it again in a little bit.
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||[[I Am The Tropinator]]||3 chapters||Coca Cola||Got through three chapters before feeling like a sailor. I'll try it again next time, and hopefully I'll do better.
||45xxx||12 chapters||In order: A cup of milk, a can of Ocean Spray Sparkling Pomergranate Blueberry drink, a can of Root Beer, and 1 and 1/3 bottles of water||Stopped out of fear, and stomach cramps. Mostly the cramps. ...and an [[Squick|unexpected bout of farting]].
||xocolatlgirl and 2 friends||Whole thing, friends chickened out after 16 chapters|| Water, Coke, iced tea, herbal tea, shot cookies||Completely destroyed home and internal plumbing. Had a [[So Bad ItsIt's Good|great]] [[Nightmare Fetishist|time]] though.
||[[Tropers/Illuminated Darkness|Illuminated Darkness]] and friend|| Chapter 7|| Cheetoes, Propel, Pocky, Skittles, Chocolate Milk, regular milk, generic Cocca puffs || Stopped because we couldn't go on anymore and fear of implosion and explosion at the same time
||[[Tropers/Heretic Gamer|HereticGamer]] and [[Tropers/Dalek Thay|DalekThay]]|| Chapter 13|| Energy drinks/Lucozade/Relentless/cheap store-brand energy juice|| Got really hyper, laughed a lot, and stopped because [[Tropers/Heretic Gamer|HereticGamer]] fizzed up our last bottle and spilled it all over the fucking floor. Were stupid enough to record the entire thing. [http://soundcloud.com/thefoolishfools/sets/my-immortal-dramatic-reading/ Find it here.]
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||[[Tropers/Stripe Tail|Stripe Tail]]||Whole. Bloody. Thing||First coffee, then water||Party version - used 1L of coffee and 4 L of water in sips. Overall sip count - over 1000. Overall feeling - quite dead.
||[[Tropers/Tandra 88|Tandra88]]||Chp. 16||Water||[[TV Tropes]] version. Read the wikipedia article about water poisoning and got scared. Plan to try again on a later date. Got to three and a half bottles of water.
||[[Felix Falora]] and brother||12 Chapters||Sweet Tea||Only went by the shot for every [[Precision F -Strike]] utilized and yet at 12 chapters, we fell. Good job to those who completed it at anytime.
||Zoro The Gallade & [[Squada Wott]]||2 and half Chapters||Light beer & Lemonade||We took turns reading, drinking and using the bathroom.We stopped when my brother nearly choked.
||[[Tropers/BLOODTEARS 666|BLOODTEARS 666]]||1 through 20||beer||6 participants. we got thru about 75 beers. And we didn't follow ALL the rules. But we can't function anymore. lots of pee breaks, a shit break, many many many many laugh breaks. We will try to complete 21 - 44 at a later date.||
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