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* [[Amicably Divorced]]: Averted. He is ''not'' on good terms with his ex-wife <ref>Who lied in court saying that Christopher abused her and the kids just so she could sidestep the California "no-fault" divorce laws, which only allows for non-equal splitting of assets if someone claims domestic abuse. It was later found to be false.</ref>, and he has doubts that such a thing is really possible. In ''Neverlution'', he reveals that his divorce took five years to finalize and his ex-wife walked away with $2 million dollars in alimony (while Titus has custody of the kids).
* [[Angst What Angst]]: Was initially very apathetic about his mom's suicide (though he and his dad were relieved that she didn't take anyone with her) and was annoyed when people urged him to feel sad that his mother was dead -- until he had a mental breakdown on an airplane after smelling a turkey dinner. At the time this happened, a lot of people were on edge because of the Unabomber and what happened to the Oklahoma City building (and Titus added that, nowadays because of the 9/11 attacks, having a mental breakdown on a plane is the worst thing you can do. The episode of his sitcom that featured this incident illustrated that).
* [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking]] and [[Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick]]: One of the staples of his routine.
** "We had everything in my family! Perscription drug abuse. Mental illness. One of my uncles was a Mormon."
** "From the Womb... to Los Angeles, The City of Drive-bys, Riots, Fires, Floods, Earthquakes, and Producers."
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* [[Break the Cutie]]: Christopher's background is made of this.
* [[Click Hello]] / [[Right Behind Me]]: Joked about how his father once pulled this on him, with the sound of a beer can opening.
* [[Cluster F -Bomb]]: In his podcast he discussed this trope, saying how he doesn't like filling up his language with cuss words because it demeans any message he is trying to give, and he hates people who think swearing excessively makes them mature and intelligent. But this came after discussing the Josh Powell incident ([http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Susan_Powell the finale of the Susan Powell event]) and Titus was so pissed off and swearing his friends of the podcast were making sure he was okay. Given Christopher's own experience with custody hearings both as a kid and with his own kids, it's understandable that would be a [[Berserk Button]].
* [[Comedic Sociopathy]]: His shows run on this.
* [[Disney Acid Sequence]]: In "Norman Rockwell is Bleeding," Titus tells the story of how he survived falling in a bonfire and was taken to an emergency "shack" where the doctor put him on painkillers (while still drunk). He describes seeing a world where everyone was a lizard, a "Stanley Kubrick/Charlie Brown cartoon" where everyone was spinning and spoke in that muffled trumpet noise that the adults on the Charlie Brown cartoons used as voices, and then sees the doctor who yells at him as Jesus...
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** Christopher himself felt suicidal from the age of ten to around 28 years old because he felt his father hated him for ruining his life, being a single father.
* [[Dumbass Has a Point]]: When the funeral director suggested a "rental casket" because Christopher's father wanted to be buried in a cardboard box (see [[The Fun in Funeral]] below), his brother, Dave, asked, "Who brought it back?". Christopher pointed out that it was [[Fridge Brilliance|a genius question]].
* [[Dysfunctional Family]]: '''''HOLY SHIT.''''' Besides the jerkass, functioning alcoholic dad and the [[Ax Crazy]], mentally-ill, [[Driven to Suicide]] mom, Titus also had a brother who smoked weed (Dave), a sister who lived with Titus's mentally-ill mom (who was there when Juanita shot her abusive second husband on Thanksgiving), and eventually killed herself as well, had a grandmother on his mom's side who tried to seduce Ken two weeks after her daughter (Juanita) married him, a distant relative who murdered six people during the 1920s, several family members who were addicted to perscription medication, an uncle who killed two people at his surprise birthday party (this was featured on the sitcom when Titus talks about massacres that started off with "Surprise!"), and [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|another uncle who was a Mormon]].
** In "Norman Rockwell" he said that having a screwed-up family helped him deal with how messed up [[Real Life]] could be, even boasting of how proud he is to be dysfunctional. But being in a dysfunctional family (and having horribly dysfunctional in-laws <ref> "Kate"'s parents were miserable, abusive alcoholics, her brother was a petty thug, and her sister was a sexually promiscuous drug addict. They all lived under one house because they were not mentally or socially ready to live out on their own</ref>) skewed his idea of what was normal and acceptable family behavior and what wasn't (such as getting in a fistfight with his dad on the front lawn and having the cops appear at every family gathering). He later mused that it probably wasn't a healthy mindset to have.
* [[Functional Addict]]: Titus's dad. Despite spending most of his time drinking, smoking, partying, chasing skirts, and getting married and divorced several times, he never missed payments on the house or car, didn't deprive his kids of necessities or luxuries (and sometimes had to deprive himself of necessities and luxuries just so they can be happy), and always went to work.
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* [[Insane Troll Logic]]: An old girlfriend managed to convince him that it was ''his'' fault ''she'' stabbed him. And it worked! He explained it rather sensibly that dealing with crazy people will skew your own sense of logic, "Crazy makes you crazy."
* [[Love Makes You Crazy]]: The primary subject of his special "Love is Evol". As he said, "Crazy makes you crazy."
* [[MathematiciansMathematician's Answer]]: In an interview about Neverlution:
{{quote| '''Interviewer:''' What's more screwed-up: America or your family?<br />
'''Titus:''' Yes. }}
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* [[Off the Rails]]: Some guy in the audience tried to heckle him in the ''Neverlution'' recording, where Christopher easily turned it around because he "does this for a living."
* [[Overprotective Dad]]: He has fears about this regarding his new girlfriend's family, since her dad is a former Marine pilot and her siblings are in various high-end government organizations like the FBI and CIA. "If I piss this family off, you're going to hear about it on the news."
* [[Precision F -Strike]]: He is very particular about his language, and in different venues you can see him trying to figure if a swear word is funnier than a less vulgar word. He isn't afraid of swearing, but you almost never hear a [[Cluster F -Bomb]].
* [[Real Life Writes the Plot]]: At least 75% of his material is things that happened directly to him, and many of the bits from his TV show not actually in his specials also actually happened to him (such as getting a call that his dad was dead because he hadn't left his room in days, or buying a back-alley VCR and ending up with a box of bricks).
* [[Refuge in Audacity]]: Everything about Titus's messed-up family, but definitely the story of how his father got custody of him. Ken was refused custody of Christopher for being an unfit father, while Juanita used the child support money on alcohol and sent Christopher to Juanita's parents in Michigan. Ken hatches a plot to kidnap his son -- and inadvertently tells his plot to a man on an airplane who works as a district attorney. Rather than arrest him, the district attorney (after a few drinks with Ken) gives Ken some legal tips on how to convince the judge to let Christopher live with him again. Only in Christopher Titus's highly-outrageous world would this be considered a believable story.
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** In the "Love is Evol" show, his Inner Retard constantly berates him that he'll never be successful and he'll never find love now that "Kate" has ruined him.
** In "Norman Rockwell is Bleeding", Titus tells the story of how he and his first girlfriend (the 5'1, 100 lb. Jewish girl who suffered from extreme [[Mood Whiplash]] [described by Titus as going from "I love you" to ''(angry cat hissing)'']) had a fight at his dad's house on Christmas Eve while watching ''Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer'', which, according to Titus, "...earned me a White Trash Black Belt."
* [[Self -Fulfilling Prophecy]]: During his divorce hearings his wife claimed spouse and child abuse, which caught him completely off guard. "The only thing that has made me want to ''be'' a wife beater... is being called one!"
* [[Sit Comic]]: His original show (''Titus'', which borrowed from ''Norman Rockwell is Bleeding'') was probably one of the most faithful stage-to-TV translations ever, and a possible [[Spiritual Successor]] show will be adapted from "Love is Evol" and possibly "Neverlution."
* [[Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped]]: His routines work on a different level than most comedians, where he uses humor to prevent himself from getting a Victim Complex and to not look at your life as something outside of your control. He ends each routine with a moral based on what his dad taught him his entire life, "Quit being a wussy" and never quit fighting for your right to be happy.
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* [[Tsundere]]: Thoroughly deconstructed, he mentioned the psychological torture he took from a girlfriend who had no warning signs (other than the room smelling of ozone whenver she was about to go ballistic) when she would go from affectionate to physically abusive and blaming it on a sugar imbalance.
** Titus describing America on "The 5th Annual End of the World Tour," stating that America will kick another country's ass, then send them food.
* [[Ugly Guy, Hot Wife]]: Christopher describes his own relationships like this with both his ex-wife and his new girlfriend ("I actually knew my wife in high school, but she was in the 'Hot Looking Babes' group and I was in the '[[Overly Narrow Superlative|Outcast Losers Who Fell into a Bonfire]]' group."). Although how well this translates into Hollywood standards is up for debate, [[Cynthia Watros]] (his co-star on [[Titus]]) has remarked she found him to be quite handsome. After all, he is 6'2, in decent shape and has some fairly square features.
* [[Wimp Fight]]: On his attempt to be a man and fight his dad, "By the way, great way to fight. Arms down... face presented."
* [[World of Cardboard Speech]]: Every routine has one, but the one in "Neverlution" really changed his life. When younger Chris thought his father hated him (and often thought about killing himself because of it) because Ken was saddled with being a single father. At 28, Titus went to a self-help seminar and sobbed how his father hated him because he spent his entire life savings on trying to get custody of Titus back from his mentally-ill mom and her equally crazy relatives. Those at the seminar were stunned and told Titus that his father ''must'' have loved him ''because'' he sacrificed his entire life savings to get his son and stayed with him his entire childhood (something that seems to rarely -- if ever -- happen these days). It was quite a revelation because Titus never did get along with his father, but the last five years of Ken's life they were best friends.
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[[Category:Christopher Titus]]
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