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Overheating: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Main.Overheating 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Main.Overheating, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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Essentially an inverted [[Charge Meter]], and similar in function to a [[Sprint Meter]], though the latter will generally go down instead of up.
== [[Video Games]] ==
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* ''[[Time Splitters]]'' and its sequels use this with the chain gun and plasma rifle, among others. The former even allows you to keep the barrel constantly rotating without firing (which keeps the heat gauge on about 1/3) so you can start shooting more quickly at the cost of overheating faster.
* The vehicles in ''[[Prototype (Video Game)|Prototype]]'' have their machinegun/miniguns do this (they have infinite ammo in missions where you need to use the vehicles or lose).
* Each character's built-in guns in [[Capcom]]'s ''[[Alien vs. Predator]]'' [[Beat 'Em Up]] could overheat, but recharged over time. Except for Linn Kurosawa's, which didn't have any cooldown, but when it ran out of ammo it reloaded very fast (though Linn was helpless during the reload).
* In the ''[[Battlefield (Video Game)|Battlefield]]'' series, there are mounted and man-portable machine guns. The previous has infinite ammo and the latter has limited ammo to force an occasional reload. They have effectively infinite reloads since the support class has the ability to supply ammunition.
** The man-portable machine guns still overheat when too trigger happy.
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