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The [[Wild Mass Guessing]] page for ''[[Asura's Wrath]]''.
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Since everyone thinks of him as an [[Expy]] of him, you never know.
** By that logic, then Augus is the ancestor of [[Tekken|Jinpachi Mishima]].
** And by that logic, that makes [[Street Fighter X Tekken (Video Game)|the universes of Street Fighter and Tekken one and the same.]]
** Jossed, they'll be fighting in the DLC.
*** Doesn't exactly Joss anything. Akuma is very well aware of who Asura is, but other then that, no mention of any lineage is stated.
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== Asura is the inventor of the [[Fist of the North Star|Hokuto Shinken style]] ==
In the trailer when Asura defeat the [[Attack of the 50 -Foot Whatever|Planet-Sized Buddha]], [[Rapid -Fire Fisticuffs|he punched it's finger so fast that the whole buddha explodes.]] The reason? He hit it in one of the pressure points.
== [[Cyber Connect 2]] will eventually collaborate with [[Platinum Games]] ==
The creators of [[Asura's Wrath]] have immense respect for [[Clover Studios]], and probably knowing platinum games are the same guys, will want to work with them. Now, if the newest [[Devil May Cry (Video Game)|DmC]] fails to get good ratings and sales, Capcom has agreed to give back the DMC license to Hideki Kamiya (Since it got such a bad reception, Capcom is in talks with Hideki Kamiya to help it work out better). Since he made [[Bayonetta]], a crossover would then be inevitable.
Now, Imagine a [[Bayonetta]], [[Devil May Cry (Video Game)|Devil May Cry]], [[God Hand]], and an [[Asura's Wrath]] Crossover, made by a collaboration of [[Platinum Games]] and [[Cyber Connect 2]]. [[Holy Shit Quotient|Ho]][[Rule of Cool|ly]] [[Moment of Awesome|Fucking]] [[Crazy Awesome|Shit]]!
== Asura's Wrath is set in the [[Exalted]] setting ==
Seriously, Asura punching out a planet sized being with his bare hands sounds like something an Exalted would do. He's probably an Alchemical (considering the arms).
* *ppffttt* ahahahaha! He's so Slayer I think he might be a jouten of Malfeas!
** Nah, he may be pissed, but he's still a good guy. Note the trailer that has him saving the life of completely random kid, as his first act on waking up. Fluff aside, he's totally a Solar. Just a Solar undergoing *the most epic Limit Break ever*.
*** [[Dark Is Not Evil|...Since when does being a Slayer conflict with being a particularly angry good guy]]? {{spoiler|I wouldn't be suprised if Chakravartin is a Solar who took up Primordial Principle Emulation of She Who Lives In Her Name. The cycle he created is the result of his Yozi personality defect being megalomania (narcissism lacking empathy for other people, sees himself as the savior of all regardless of his actions.}}
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And it, like everything we saw so far, will be awesome.
* Considering her role was gathering mantra for the Shinkoku, it might be her that allows Asura to reach the ultimate form that was hinted by [[Cyber Connect 2]] a while back.
* Confirmed. She provides a massive Mantra boost for Asura and {{spoiler|Yasha}} in the final battle.
== Lord Deus was the main god that killed Asura's wife, Durga ==
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== Wyzen, Augus and Yasha are [[Unwitting Pawn|Unwitting Pawns]] ==
They seem to truly believe that Asura did it.
* Yasha, at least, admits eventually that he knew that Sergei killed Durga and kidnapped Mithra, so he can't have been completely ignorant of what was going on. Augus wouldn't care one way or another. Wyzen...he just might be arrogant enough to not see what was going on.
== You will be able to interrupt a boss's inner thoughts. ==
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== [[Downer Ending|The final ending of the series will be]] [[Mind Screw|something the put's even]] [[End of Evangelion]] to shame. ==
Well this is a series made of [[Serial Escalation]] so of course it would try to oneup everthing.
* So very confirmed. Don't expect to look at {{spoiler|the Golden Spider}} the same way again after getting the True Ending.
* From the DLC trailer things sure seems to have gotten alot darker than normal but we will have to wait and see how it pans out.
** {{spoiler|Not quite, it rather pulled a [[Gurren Lagann]] than an Evangelion.}}
== Durga will reincarnate in the sequel as Kali. ==
And she and Asura become a [[Battle Couple]]. In Hindu mythology Kali is an aspect of Durga, and essentially represents the very essence of [[Mama Bear]] brutality. She didn't have much to do in this game, but with the limited cast of characters available in the end, some will probably have to be brought back from Naraka, and she definately has more than enough reasons to get angry by now. This would also allow Asura to reflect on his own anger issues, as he probably would be at least slightly disturbed to see his gentle wife acting very much like he does.
* For the love of god, make that happen [[Cyber Connect 2]].
** Jossed in the games DLC. {{spoiler|where the Recap for episode 22 shows every single Demigod and their minions reincarnated as Regular people. [[The End - or Is It?|Possibly.]]}}
== The Gohma are a strain of [[Gun BusterGunbuster|Space]] [[Diebuster|Monster]] ==
Think about it for second and you can tell that the similarities are definitely intentional.
* Disproven by the game, as they were created via pollution, planetary sentience, {{spoiler|and some Chessmaster dickery.}}
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* Technically if this were true, then {{spoiler|Chakravartin}} is actually the Spiral Nemesis posing as a so called benevolent Universal Ruler.
== [[True Capitalist (Radio)|Ghost]] is Asura's descendant ==
They're both insanely [[Hot -Blooded]] and full of [[Unstoppable Rage]].
== There is one more set of episodes after Part IV: Nirvana ==
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* In other words, you are saying that along with the Eight Mantra affinities, they each potentially have their opposing Mantra affinity that, when tapped into, gives greater power than the initial affinity?
== Asura is the descendant of [[God of War (Video Gameseries)|Kratos]], and possibly, Gaea is an [[Elseworld]] of Earth. ==
Going by the ending of God of War III, {{spoiler|Kratos brings about [[The End of the World Asas We Know It|The Apocalyse]] onto his world after killing all the gods. That could possibly be how the Gohma came to be in the first place; his screw up in killing nearly EVERYONE in his bloody quest brought about so much hate, rage, and wrath that when it happened, it took onto a physical form of Vlitra who would eventually become the sort of Hive Queen of all other Gohma to come.}} Centuries later, a new order of gods precedes to do the systematic ritual of stopping Vlitra, and up comes Asura, the man that has the closest chance to kill Vlitra, but has a mad temper. This could explain why Deus killed Asura rather than tried asking him for Mithra's cooperation in The Great Rebirth; Kratos destroyed civilization once and he [[Dangerously Genre Savvy|snubbed his descendant early before he had a chance to thwart his plans.]] He even mentions his death would be the beginning.
Then there's [[Just for Pun|Asura's Wrath]] to consider. He's completely mad about what happens to Gaea over the 12,500 years of the game's story, especially towards people that are dying. He may, in an unconscious level, remember the people ''he's killed'', and coupled with being powerless to stop the Seven Deities from casually killing people for their Mantra, he is mad at himself the most. The Girl serves as his [[Morality Chain]] for a while, and reminds him of what he needs to do. {{spoiler|Not even in a Demonic Transformation on two subsequent occasions did he let innocents get involved in the crossfire; he only killed Shinkoku soldiers and Gohma beasts.}} He's not only making amends to what the gods did; he's also cleaning the mess he felt he caused because of his blind fury in a past life.
== Asura/Yasha are [[Distaff Counterpart|spear counterparts]] of Morrigan/Lilith from [[Darkstalkers (Video Game)|Darkstalkers]]. ==
Let's view some similarities between the two pairs:
* Both are sibling pairs (though Asura and Yasha are step-brothers).
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== Gohma Vlitra is in fact a different form of {{spoiler|[[Radiant Silvergun|The Stone Like]].}} ==
== The world of [[Asura's Wrath]] is the future of The [[Avatar: The Last Airbender (Animation)|Avatar]] [[The Legend of Korra (Animation)|verse]]. ==
It's simple, really. Sometime after the end of Korra's adventure, a new power source of energy was discovered that rendered bending of the elements worthless, the power of Mantra. Taking their old bending powered machines and enhancing them with mantra, the people of the avatar world advanced to new heights the world had never seen before.
Because bending was no longer needed, the benders decided to utilize mantra instead, and via genetic manipulation, became the first demigods, and thus, the Shinkoku Trastrium Civilization came to be. Any former non benders stayed regular humans, and eventually developed their own language to distinguish themselves from the former benders, that while still could be understood between the demigods and regular humans, made it untillegible to us.
Now what happened to the avatar spirit, you may ask? Simple. Because the world advanced way to quickly, pollution and overpopulation plagued the formerly unified world, and the Demigods did exactly what the anti bending group of ''[[The Legend of Korra (Animation)|The Legend of Korra]]'' feared, and that was have regular humans be lower class citizens under the Demigod's rule. With {{spoiler|The Golden Spider}} irritating and making the avatar spirit angry and full of rage at the demigods for ruining the balance it tried to keep together so much, the spirit twisted into Gohma Vlitra, and thus caused the first war of creation between the gohma and the Demi-gods.
So now, instead of keeping the world in balance, the former Avatar now turned into Gohma waged war for thousands, if not millions of years, thus the Avatar never being able to reincarnate ever again. It was now up to the demi-gods to take back their world from the Gohma.
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== Lost Episode 3 will pit Asura against Haseo/Skeith from .hack//G.U. ==
If this ends up being the case it will give an excuse to bring out Asura's Destructor form to battle Skeith.
== Asura, Augus and Yasha will end up in the next Capcom Vs Whatever. ==
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* Another exhibit: the fact that the Satsui No Hadou empowers Ryu and Akuma to the point that they are almost as powerful as Asura, Augus, Yasha or Deus. Think about it: it is almost like the very wrath that powers Asura himself (doesn't exactly solve how regular Ryu can survive Asura, but still.)
== The Lost Episodes will open up crossovers with different Capcom games. ==
Think about it: if the Lost Episodes were going to be just crossovers with Street Fighter, then they should have been named after something SF-related or something. This would mean that eventually, Asura would end up battling the likes of [[Mega Man (Videovideo Gamegame)|Mega Man]], or [[Devil May Cry|Dante.]] All they would need to do is to finish up the Asura vs. Akuma fight, before having Capcom's newest hero go all ape-shit on everyone else. Granted, this might be Capcom's way of trying to [[Street Fighter X Tekken|steal]] [[DragonsDragon's Dogma|more]] of our money, but this would be one of their more logical steps.
[[Category:Wild Mass Guessing/Video Games]]
[[Category:AsurasAsura's Wrath]]
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