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* Why didn't the Omega Armor Jason stole have an override switch built into it? The stolen suit worn by the Secret Service agent in the prologue was shut down remotely by a Restoration agent. If they built such a failsafe into one of their super-suits, why not all of them?
** The most workable explanation is that the Omega Armor is still a work in progress and the suits of it we see are two of less than ten or less in existence, probably with engineers still adding tweaks and smaller features to figure out the optimum load. Since everyone in the complex thought they were too well-hidden for any outside threats to find them, perhaps they never bothered installing one on that suit because they didn't see a need and wanted to spend their time on other things. It's insinuated that the armor we see the standard Restoration soldiers wear is itself a lesser form of powered armor (you can overhear two guards talking about it, one will even complain that he's tech-illiterate and has to have a buddy help him calibrate his own armor because it goes over his head.) If they were actually producing the Omega armor in any kind of numbers yet, you'd think you'd see some [[Elite Mooks]] wearing it.
* Jason is only able to win because he steals all of the Restoration's advanced prototype super weapons to use against them. Ignoring why none of these devices had an override switch built into them, why didn't the Restoration just give all that gear to their best soldier and send him to kill Jason the moment the realized their intruder was a [[One -Man Army]] instead of waiting around for him to steal it all and become even more invincible?
** They didn't realize it until it was far, far too late for that and he had already gathered most of said tech -- notice that through nearly the entire game, they treat Jason as some two-bit spy who is no match for their training and equipment, and only start to take him even remotely seriously about the time they lock him into a room rigged to explode.
*** Except they should have realized it the moment he broke into the first omega suit vault and security system kicked in and moved the suit to a new vault, allowing Jason to just barely grab the jetpack for himself. There's even a cutscene of Lucius watching Jason over a security feed! So the [[Big Bad]] knows at this point that Jason is a serious threat, fully capable of breaking into their most secure vaults and stealing their most advanced tech, and that he must have killed several dozen soldiers to get that far, and yet he still doesn't take him seriously?
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