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The Expendables (franchise)/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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** Terry Crews' character was basically [[Idiocracy|President Camacho's election campaign]], end of story.
** Since we're asking questions, why give a shit about the characters? It's not that kind of movie! Most of them could be summed up with a few words: Toll Road was a pseudointellectual with cauliflower ears, Yang was a little guy who needed more money, and Gunnar was really big and completely off his nut. That's as far as their characterization needs to go; anything more is just getting in the way of the ass-kicking.
** Despite the cast the movie isn't an ensemble piece, it's just a bunch of muscular dudes shooting guns, destroying things and breaking necks. The actual story is told mostly through Sly and Statham, with Li and Rourke providing some backup. And despite all that, each character got a moment to shine regardless of screen time and lines they had. Even if you don't know much about Caesar at the end, you ''will'' remember the AA-12... [[Show, Don't Tell]] at work.
* Very disappointed that Van Damme and Seagal didn't accept the roles they were offered. It would've been the perfect 80's Action Narmtacular!
** The scuttlebutt was that Seagal had prior commitments and couldn't take a role, while Van Damme wanted top billing. When they wouldn't give it to him, he went and made ''Universal Soldier 46: Geez, That Time I Popped a Boner on Live TV Was Less Embarassing Than This'' instead.
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