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The Dev Team Thinks of Everything/Baldur's Gate: Difference between revisions

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* Also in ''Baldur's Gate II'', if the player is an elf named Drizzt with low reputation, then when you meet the actual Drizzt Do'urden he'll challenge the player for the honor of his name.
** Likewise, if, in ''BG1'', the player kills Drizzt and takes his loot, he'll recognize it as his when and if he meets the player in the sequel. He'll also be much more hostile than normal.
* A sidequest in the first dungeon of ''BG2'' gives a + 2 greatsword as the reward which the item description identifies as [[Cain and Abel|Sarevok's]] weapon from the previous game, greatly depowered by his death. Keeping hold of it until you can recruit Sarevok in ''ToB'' (long past the point where it's been superseded by better weapons) nets the player some extra dialogue and repowers it to a respectable [[Infinity Minus One-1 Sword]].
** This one is a case of the dev team thinking of it after the fact. It's not in the vanilla game, but in the Ascension mod David Gaider helped make after the game was released.
* During a heavy rainstorm, there's a chance a party member wearing plate or full plate will be struck by lightning. Very surprising the first time it happens to you.
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