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The Treasure of the Sierra Madre: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|"Badges? We ain't got no badges. We don't need no badges! I don't have to show you any stinkin' badges!"|'''Gold Hat''', saying it as how he, [[Beam Me Up, Scotty|not]] [[Blazing Saddles|Mel Brooks]] said it}}
{{quote| '''Howard:''' Aah, gold's a devilish sort of thing, anyway. You start out, you tell yourself you'll be satisfied with 25,000 handsome smackers worth of it. "So help me, Lord, and cross my heart." Fine resolution. After months of sweatin' yourself dizzy, and growin' short on provisions, and findin' nothin', you finally come down to 15,000, then ten. Finally, you say, "Lord, let me just find $5,000 worth and I'll never ask for anythin' more the rest of my life."<br />
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* [[All That Glitters]]
* [[Bandito]]: The fake Federales who deliver the film's most famous line (the page quote).
* [[Beam Me Up, Scotty]]: "We don't need no stinkin' badges!" The quote at the top of this page is what he actually said.
** Also, Bogey's panhandling line at the beginning of the film ("Say, mister, could you stake a fellow American to a meal?") is usually misremembered as the line from the [[Shout Out]] gag in the [[Bugs Bunny/Characters|Bugs Bunny]] cartoon ''8 Ball Bunny'' ("Pardon me, but could you help out a fellow American who's down on his luck?").
* [[Bittersweet Ending]]: {{spoiler|Dobbs' insanity catches up with him, he dies, and the treasure is lost; rendering 10 months of Curtin and Howard's lives a waste. But Howard gets a nice position as a medicine man, and Curtin may yet get his dream of a nice peach farm.}}
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