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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Main.FurryReminder 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Main.FurryReminder, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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This is a furry reminder, reminding both the audience and the characters what species a character really is. Contrast [[Furry Denial]].
== Anime and Manga ==
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* In one cartoon shown within the show, [[House of Mouse]], Mickey says that Pete is the only cat that Pluto can chase.
** In some episodes, Mickey is shown drinking from a giant water dispenser, like the ones used for small pets. He also exercises on a large hamster wheel.
* ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'' has many. [[Lauren Faust (Creator)|Lauren Faust]] wanted it to be clear that the ponies were ''ponies'', not pony-shaped humans. This is mainly and most clearly done through [[Shown Their Work|careful integration of actions that actual horses do.]] Ponies occasionally do things such as lay back their ears to show unhappiness or paw the earth when aggressive. "[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Recap/S1 E16 Sonic Rainboom|Sonic Rainboom]]" even has Rainbow Dash flicking her tail when being taunted by another pegasus -- which, again, is something that real horses do when annoyed. Now that is attention to detail.
** Seems to be averted, however, with many of the horse noises the ponies might at a first glance seem to make -- they can even "whinny" with their mouths closed<ref>At least seen with Twilight's [[Rearing Horse]] pose in "A Dog and Pony Show"</ref>, and even otherwise, the mouths don't tend to move when the sound is heard. Since the attention to detail is there, this is unlikely to be an oversight. Instead, many of these noises (harder to tell with snorts, of course, and not all cases need to be the same) seem to be symbolic -- same as the jet plane noises sometimes heard in conjunction with pegasuses flying or preparing to take off, or the "beep beep beep" when someone<ref>Specifically Spike in "Feeling Pinkie Keen"</ref> is walking backwards carrying a pile of stuff.
** A number of reminders come up in the form of the ponies' diets. In one flashback, Rarity is designing costumes for a school pageant, and if you look carefully, it becomes clear that it's about the five food groups: fruits, vegetables, baked goods, hay, and flowers. In another instance, Pinkie Pie sings a song to try to smooth relations between ponies and buffalo: "We all eat hay and oats. Why be at each others' throats?" When Pinkie Pie's trying to be spooky about Zecora, she says, "I heard that Zecora... ''eats hay!''" Twilight Sparkle points out they ''all'' eat hay. Twilight Sparkle also [[Loves Me Not|picked flower petals]] to try to figure out which one of her friends should go with her to the Grand Galloping Gala in "[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Recap/S1 E3 The Ticket Master|The Ticket Master]]"... then eats the petals right after.
** During Rarity's "Art of the Dress" song, she sings at one point about the parts of the body to be covered - and they're all ''horse'' parts: "Croup, dock, haunch/shoulders, hips". For bonus points, the patterns she cuts are appropriate for each part named.
** At one point, Pinkie rolls around in the grass. You may think it's just her randomness, but real horses do that a lot.
** In the episode "[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Recap/S1 E21 Over a Barrel|Over a Barrel]]" there's a saloon in Appleloosa called "The Salt Block" where ponies serve salt to customers. This may seem bizarre but if you're familiar with real horses then you would know that salt is an important source of nutrition for horses (usually served in a form of solid blocks of salt). It also helps them keep cool especially in hot areas (like the desert environment where Appleloosa is) through the minerals the salt they consume provides.
** In "Baby Cakes", the Cake's foals are able to run around full-tilt at a month old. This is perfectly possible for real foals, since they can walk within a few hours of birth (and, in the wild, will be abandoned if they can't stand up within a few ''minutes''). In that episode, the month old Pumpkin Cake is clearly teething. Guess when real ponies start to grow teeth. Yup, at about a month old.
* Occurs in an episode of ''[[Birdz (Animation)|Birdz]]'':
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