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A subtrope of [[Tempting Fate]]. See also [[Defensive Feint Trap]], [[Just Toying With Them]], and contrast with [[Exactly What I Aimed At]], where the hero has apparently missed but turns out to not to have needed to hit the villain.
== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
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== [[Card Games]] ==
* Very common in ''[[Magic the Gathering]]'', particularly with combo decks facing creature aggro decks. They slow down their opponent with [[Anti -Magic|counterspells]] or creature removal long enough to set up a devastating move. The right card can often totally shift the course of a game.
== [[Film]] ==
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* ''[[Tales of Vesperia]]'' has a villainous version of this with {{spoiler|Alexei, who was somehow still entering commands into a blastia while fighting you.}}
* Most Tank-type characters in [[City of Heroes]] have a power that gives them a lot of bonuses and power, but only for a few minutes, after which you'll be drained of endurance and/or other abilities. The reasoning is this very trope: You need those extra defenses just for a minute or so, after that it won't matter.
* ''[[The Legend of Zelda]]: [[Skyward Sword]]'' has another villainous version where {{spoiler|Ghirahim explicitly states that the hordes that he summons is meant to stall for the time he needs to sacrifice Zelda's soul, and Ghirahim himself goes [[One -Winged Angel]] and stalls for more time as he duels Link for the third time.}}
== [[Web Comics]] ==
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