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Hollywood Dateless: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Main.HollywoodDateless 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Main.HollywoodDateless, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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The flip side of the [[Cool Loser]] and [[Attractiveness Isolation]]. Often results from [[Negative Continuity]]. Contrast [[Urban Legend Love Life]]. Can be used quizzically in combination with [[Everybody Has Lots of Sex]], [[Failure Is the Only Option]], [[Moment Killer]], [[Derailing Love Interests]] and [[This Loser Is You]].
== Comic Books ==
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== Film ==
* Dante from ''[[Clerks]]'' and ''[[Clerks II]]''. The same [[Cool Loser]] having to choose between [[Ugly Guy, Hot Wife|two different, noticeably attractive women]] in the first movie and then a ''second'' pair of attractive women in the sequel. Notice [[Lampshade Hanging]] by both Randal and [[Kevin Smith]] himself in the credits.
* Warren Beatty's character in ''[[Ishtar]]''. Yes, ''that'' Warren Beatty. The character claims to have never dated anyone but his ex-wife in his life and that women "just don't like me."
* Gary is the eponymous character of ''The Last American Virgin''.
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== Literature ==
* [[The Dresden Files|Harry Dresden]]. The man's friends, co-workers, and magical spirit servants mock his lackluster love life. His love life actually isn't all that great - the books, 11 so far, each take place about a year or so apart, so he's had two girlfriends in about 11 years - but it's not all ''that'' horrible. Over the course of the series he has been in two committed relationships so far ({{spoiler|one was [[The Mole]], but it wasn't her fault and they're still friends}}) with very attractive women, plus one paper-thin [[Will They or Won't They?]], one at least somewhat attractive lover in his backstory, and probably dozens of women who have thrown themselves at him only for him to turn them down. His love life isn't that great only because Harry has a [[Dark and Troubled Past]] and a tendency to place [[Honor Before Reason]], not because he's really all that ugly or socially inept. In the books he's tall, dark, mysterious, probably relatively good-looking when he bothers to clean himself up, and has a sharp wit. In the TV series he was played by [http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0085860/ this guy]. There's ''no way'' he couldn't get a date if he actually wanted to.
** Harry's situation is made somewhat worse when you realize that neither relationship lasted very long. And he appears to have had sex ''once'' in the ~7 years between ''Grave Peril'' and ''Small Favor.'' His problem may be just that he doesn't get out enough. Seriously, does the man have any friends he didn't meet through his working life?
** A large factor in this is that he's, by his own admission, a [[Loners Are Freaks|loner]], very set in his ways, and a bit of a geek. He doesn't get out much, and when he does go out for a good time, it's usually to a bar where everyone there is either distantly respectful or outright afraid of him.
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*** Of course, that was just in reference to the other holder of this Trope, Chandler.
* Commandant Klink from ''[[Hogan's Heroes]]''. The irony of it is that the women he has the most success with are actually enemy agents seeking to use him in some plot. Otherwise they would run a mile.
* Charlie in ''[[ItsIt's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (TV)|Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia]]''.
** Charlie being dateless is actually quite justified, he's borderline retarded, lives in a dilapidated apartment and is regularly called out on having terrible hygiene. The only dates we ever see him on are ones the guys set him up on. He proceeds to torpedo these spectacularly. Dee on the other hand regularly complains about having trouble finding men yet in the "Dee Gives Birth" she's shown to have several regular sexual partners, two of which are actually in excellent shape and declared by the guys to be "legitimate lays".
* Cabbage Head on ''[[Series/The Kids In The Hall|The Kids In The Hall]]''.
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* [[Lampshaded]] on ''[[Wizards of Waverly Place]]'' when [[Hollywood Nerd]] Justin asks his brother "Why does everyone think I don't date; remember the centaur, the werewolf and the Goth Girl?" The "goth girl" was in fact his established girlfriend for a several-episode arc.
** This is actually creeping into [[Unwanted Harem]] territory.
** This is largely due to the [[Relationship Writing Fumble|utter inability]] of the show's writers to convincingly ship Justin with [[Brother -Sister Incest|anyone other than Alex]]. And the one time they DID manage it, they turned right around and [[Put On a Bus To Hell|put her on a bus to Hell]] within five episodes.
* Liz Lemon on ''[[Thirty30 Rock (TV)|Thirty Rock]]''. She's dated Jon Hamm, for goodness' sake.
** The show does make it out to seem more like she doesn't have a problem finding men to date, but rather that everyone she does date turns out to be completely insane in the end so she's forced to end all her relationships.
*** Also, Liz has plenty of her own problems to sort out so her trust issues/childhood trauma involving posters/etc. might have some effect.
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* "Lowered Expectations" on ''[[Mad TV]]'' their video library allows you to choose from thousands of [[This Loser Is You|chronically rejected singles just as hard up and pathetic as you]]. Their motto: "Lowered Expectations, when you've been blown off by the rest, settle for what you can get!"
* Rachel Berry on ''[[Glee (TV)|Glee]]''. It sort of makes sense at first since she's established as very obnoxious and the two guys she is romantically involved with in the first half of the season are in a [[Love Triangle]] over a more popular girl. But by the second half she's in the center of her own [[Betty and Veronica]] and throughout the entire series she's had a huge [[Stalker With a Crush]] in the form of a nerd who even at one point blackmails her for her panties.
* Freddie on ''[[I CarlyICarly (TV)|I Carly]]'' averts this, in both ways. He is never considered to be completely inept, but neither is he constantly dating insanely hot girls. 1 date was a [[Femme Fatale]] who was using him to break up their webshow, a second was with a twin he only asked out to prove that it was a trick being played by the original twin, he went to a dance with a wizard that ended poorly, and finally a date with a girl he wasn't interested in due to being forced into a triple date. The only time he's been with a girl he ''really'' likes, it's Carly, but he had been recently hit by a truck and was stuck in bed and then hobbling around on crutches. He also ended their brief relationship because he was worried Carly only liked him because he saved her from the truck.
* Leonard from ''[[The Big Bang Theory (TV)|The Big Bang Theory]]'', though a lot of this comes from his experience before he became friends with the pretty [[Girl Next Door]] who gave him a lot more confidence. It was said the only girl of real significance in his life (not counting minor flings) before Penny came around was Joyce Kim, later revealed to have been a North Korean spy pushing him for government secrets. The few times he is seen in a social situation he ''is'' shown to be shy and awkward, but starting in the second season he briefly dated Leslie Winkle and Stephanie Barrett, dated Penny for the majority of the third season and had a long term relationship with Priya Koothrapali that crossed the fourth and fifth seasons. In between those girls, though, it's clear that he doesn't have that great of a social life.
* Timothy McGee from ''[[NCIS (TV)|NCIS]]'', who, while being a geek, manages to get quite a few dates, and still is told that he needs to get out more.
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