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Dethroning Moment of Suck (Darth Wiki)/Live-Action TV/Glee: Difference between revisions

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** bobdrantz: I also disliked the "[[Rocky Horror Picture Show|Rocky Horror]] Glee Show". However, my reason for disliking it is because it's quite possibly the worst "tribute" (inasmuch as it barely has the right to be called one) for one of the biggest cult films of all time. For one, thing, the casting is all wrong--among other things, [[Villainous Crossdresser|Frank N. Furter]] is played by a female, and not very well-played either. Second, the song lyrics are so heavily edited as to lose anything resembling a point.
* [[User:Elegant Vamp]]: "Furt". The Ode To Kurt- oh, I mean, the "wedding". Seriously, the speeches, the song, and even the wedding vows all revolved around him! It was Burt and Carole's day, not Kurt's! And, speaking of speeches, what was with Finn's? The whole, "Kurt made me a man" crap pretty much retconned the whole pregnancy storyline in S1 in favor of more gratuitous Kurt worship. Not to mention, they had Carole Burnett and gave her a half-assed B plot.
* [[User:Capretty]]: "Brittany/Britney". The episode was the first sign of Glee revealing they only cared about commercialism now. The episode only came about because Power of Madonna had been a success the last season. The episode had a successful music video of Sue Sylvester doing Vogue so they decided to do three music videos within the first half hour for hope at another meme, including a recreation of the Iconic "...Baby One More Time" video, this time starring their lead actress. Oh, and did I mention that these three videos had nothing to do with plot and were unbelievably boring. Meanwhile they were also just trying to get more memes by pushing Brittany to the foreground since her dialogue tends to be a [[Fountain of Memes]]. However they gave her so many funny lines that after awhile you just don't care anymore. It's a real shame since her actress is very talented and is trying so hard for her character not to be driven into the ground. Meanwhile the subplots revolving around the Finn/Rachel and Will/Emma romances make Rachel and Will so unlikeable it equals a huge case of [[What Does She See in Him?]] for both Finn and Emma.
* [[Archduke Cthulhu]]: The superbowl aftershow did it for me. The football team are [[The Scrappy|all scrappies]]. There's no way to change that. You can't polish a turd and call it something nice. They're annoying, one dimensional bullies this side of a [[Stephen King]] novel and there's no way they should be given spotlight unless its for character development, which no way happens here.
* [[Largo Quagmire]]: 'I Kissed a Girl' is one of the most offensive things I've ever seen, for a number of reasons. Firstly, Finn went from a massive idiot to a massive idiot with a God complex, thinking that he could erase the damage he did by outing Santana by having a [[Too Dumb to Live|'Ladies' Music' week in the club]]. Secondly, this somehow works in the framework of the plot. Santana forgives and accepts Finn, when, it really should be the other way around - Finn apologizing for his actions and accepting Santana. Thirdly, Glee has never been great at characterization, but seeing everyone throw aside their festering problems because Santana - you know, the girl who has caused them more grief than anyone in the show so far besides maybe Sue and Jesse St. James - is a lesbian, (something they all already knew) was bullshit. Yes, teaching kids to accept their GLBT classmates is a noble goal, but the Glee club is supporting a villainous, bitchy character who, in the previous episode. beat someone until they bled for fun. It [[Willing Suspension of Disbelief|suspends disbelief at best]] and [[Unfortunate Implications|brings up a host of unfortunate implications at worst]]. And finally - the title was a complete fucking lie.
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