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Sociopaths never seem to see that there's a problem with the way they treat others and as such don't admit they have a problem. They are almost impossible to cure as they often see their therapist as [[Critical Psychoanalysis Failure|just another person to con]], and may well persuade them that they have been cured when they still don't see a problem with their past behaviour. If you do try to lecture and psychoanalyze an intelligent sociopath, [[Hannibal Lecture|he will lecture and psychoanalyze you back]]. And chances are he'll win (or perceive himself as winning, which for him is the same thing). A common tactic that sociopaths fall back on, after all other possible lies have been exhausted (and that does take a while, for them) is to flat out insist that their ''accuser'' is simply delusional or insane, i.e. deny that their hands are visibly covered in blood -- this isn't because they're being petulant or stubborn...they genuinely can't mentally process a scenario in which this is their fault (though in some cases they do know, and this is a calculated tactic to simply bully their accuser into submission).
This makes them different from other personality disorders associated with shamelessness, impulsivity, lack of empathy and an [[ItsIt's All About Me]] mentality, such as the Extreme [[Narcissist]]: when in doubt narcissists want others to take care of their needs and wants. Sociopaths will just ''take'' what they need or want. Narcissists cannot really dispose of their emotional, moral and conscientious weaknesses, such as love or guilt, and when cornered, are far more easy to [[Break the Haughty|be punished]].
Generally, of course, most sociopaths do avoid major crimes that they can intellectually understand would get them sent to prison if they get caught (murder, rape, etc.). On the whole, however, they are completely impulsive and will keep doing bad things...because possessing no empathy, there is no greater rush for them than to cheat and harm other people. Being utterly impulsive and lacking any emotional and rational restraint, they'll keep doing harmful, self-destructive things. Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy killed dozens of people, not as spur-of-the-moment crime of passion, but consistently over many years...because they honestly enjoyed doing it, thought of their victims as simply objects for their amusement, and would never stop.
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