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* In ''[[Short Circuit (Film)|Short Circuit]]'' a military combat robot gains sentience, and this trope ensues.
{{quote| [[Memetic Mutation|Number 5 is alive]]. }}
* [[Fred Saberhagen]]'s [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berserker_<!-- 28Saberhagen29%28Saberhagen%29 Berserkers]] are [[KillerRobotKiller Robot|programmed to destroy all life]] in the galaxy, but in the short story ''Mr Jester'' one of them [[IdentityAmnesiaIdentity Amnesia|forgets what "life" is]], and the local trickster tells it that life is a lack of [[HilarityEnsuesHilarity Ensues|laughter]]... -->
* One of the example characters in ''[[GURPS]]'' Fourth Edition core book is the military robot turned Buddhist monk precisely for this reason.
* {{spoiler|River Song}} from ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' might not have been created as a weapon, but she was taken from her parents as a baby with the sole purpose to, as her captor explicitly states, [[Laser Guided Tykebomb|"become a weapon"]]. Unfortunately for her "creators", while they suceeded to both fashion her into a perfect psychotic assassin ([[Gone Horribly Right|too well, one might say]]) and make her completely obsessed with her target, they failed to eradicate all her human emotions. The former led to her escaping, the latter to her seeking out her parents and falling in love with the guy she was supposed to kill.
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[[Category:Military and Warfare Tropes]]
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[[Category:Trope]][[Category:Pages with comment tags]]
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