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[[File:INAFD.jpg|link=The Colbert Report|rightframe|Oh, sweet brown medicine, take away the pain...]]
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** In his review of [[Seven Pounds]], Film Brain signs off with "...and I need a stiff drink."
** [[The Spoony Experiment (Web Video)|Spoony]] did this once. After seeing [[Twilight|Breaking Dawn, part 1]]. For ''real''. (For added points, he's not much of a drinker, but he does keep a small stock in case of company, so he was dancing from rum to vodka to whisky, and also nursed a can of Diet Coke.) And since he didn't want to drink alone, he had a conference call with Linkara and [[Jew Wario]] while he expounded upon the outright terribleness of the movie. For ''an hour and a half''.
* The end of the trivia section on ''[[Transformers]]'' wiki [[http://tfwiki.net/wiki/B.O.T._<!-- 28episode29%28episode%29 article]] for the [[WesternAnimation/TheTransformersThe Transformers (Animation)|G1]] episode B.O.T.: -->
{{quote| "Good God, I need a stiff drink."}}
* Played straight on the online Test Cricket radio station [http://www.testmatchsofa.com/ Test Match Sofa], frequently admits to being run on booze; so much so that a running jingle says "Won't Someone, anyone, fix me a drink""
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[[Category:Stock Phrases]]
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