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== [[Interspecies Romance|The romance between Sam and Quorra]] was based on ''[[Eureka Seven]]'' ==
You got a slacker turned hero (Renton and Sam Flynn), a girl who is not human (Eureka is a Coralian and Quorra is an ISO program), the father tried to protect the love interest's species (Adroc Thurston and Kevin Flynn) and [[CompleteFantastic MonsterRacism|a villain hellbent on annihilating those who are not part of his race]] (Dewey Novak with his hatred for Coralians and Clu with his obsession with perfection). Not to mention that the romance focuses on the emotional side of love instead of the physicality of love .
== If a sequel gets the greenlight, Quorra will become similar to [[Gurren Lagann|Nia]] ==
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