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[[File:zz8vphb173_en_6925.jpg|link=Magic the Gathering (Tabletop Game)|rightframe|"There will come a day so dark you will pray for death. On that day your prayers will be answered."]]
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* The manga series, ''[[Highschool of the Dead]]'' features a bunch of typical high school anime characters put into a zombie apocalypse in which everybody who dies and was dead before almost immediately turns into a flesh-eating zombie. On a number of occasions, this manga pays homage to previous zombie movies and games.
** Notable in that the zombies are actually played as realistically as possible - the protagonists test and figure out that since the dead have no circulation, their eyes cannot possibly work, meaning that they find things from vibrations (throwing a wet cloth at a locker on the other side of a hallway will draw them to it); no circulation also means that with the local humidity, the zombies will decay to the point of uselessness in a little under a month (although nobody has a clue how the zombies are still moving).
** ''[[Highschool of the Dead]]'' also subverts the traditionally leftist/libertarian politics behind most zombie-themed works, and is one of the few that takes on an explicitly right-wing nationalist stance. An ''[http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Uyoku_dantai:Uyoku dantai|uyoku dantai]]'' group provides safe and effective harbour for survivors (whereas the "normal people" undermine it), and the military is shown to be effective at containing zombies. There are also some scenes where the characters lament the stupidity or myopic priorities of groups of anti-government radicals and protestors. Speaking of characters, the main cast includes: the rich, blue-blooded daughter of the ''uyoku dantai'' leader, an [[Heir to The Dojo]] with traditionalist [[Yamato Nadeshiko]] views and styles, a gun nut trained by a Blackwater mercenary, and the daughter of a police officer (and, by extension, [[The Man]]), while the head of the group is praised by the ''uyoku dantai'' leader for his filial piety (family loyalty). The anime actually had some scenes involving Saya's family altered because it became increasingly apparent to the [[Media Watchdog|Media Watchdogs]] that [[What Do You Mean It's Not Political?|the creators were trying to make a political statement with an unpopular group]].
*** The licensed English translation also tries to downplay the right-wing politics of ''Highschool of the Dead''. For instance, in one scene a character likens the Ukyou Dantai group to a mafia - in the Japanese Saya rejects that and defends her father's group, noting how it's a force for good in the community; in the Yen Press version, however, she only growls "we're so right-wing even the mafia hate us", which quite badly distorts the original point.
* Spoofed in an episode of ''[[Urusei Yatsura]]''. Alien toothaches are contagious, and if the sufferer bites three or four people, the pain will go away. In short order the entire classroom is filled with crazed teenagers with swollen faces and a burning need to bite each other and any non-infected that they can. It's like a very silly [[Zombie Apocalypse]].
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* Fledgling ''[[Survival of the Fittest]]'' [[Alternate Universe]] RP [http://z10.invisionfree.com/SOTF_V2/index.php?showtopic=3044 SOTF Zombies] sees a group of ten survivors attempting to fend off the reanimated bodies of their dead classmates to make it to the coastline, where a rescue boat awaits.
* A prominent [[Image Board]]'s Weapons-oriented component routinely sees threads of what would you do during a Zombie Apocalypse. Anything from where would you go, to what weapons and ammo and supplies you carry is brought up. The board is getting fairly sick of it at this point.
* Surprisingly enough, someone managed to make a ''[[Watchmen (Comic Book)|Watchmen]]'' zombie apocalypse [[Alternate Universe]] fanfic, which you can find [http:[Watchmen (Comic Book)//tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanficRecs/WatchmenFanfic Recs|here]], that really kicked ass. {{spoiler|Probably because Rorschach is just about the only character that would wind up happier and saner upon becoming one of the flesh-craving undead.}}
* Several [[SCP Foundation (Wiki)|SCP objects]] could potentially trigger this, especially [http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-008 SCP-008], which specifically invokes the trope. Additionally, SCP-093 allows access to a world where something like this has already happened; {{spoiler|though the "zombies" are faceless, legless [[Cosmic Horror|horrors]], produced by a [[Sufficiently Advanced Alien]], that have absorbed so many people that by this point they're the size of ''buildings''.}}
* This is implied to be the case in [http://www.ubernorden.com Tales of Ubernorden].
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