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***** The SEITEN was specifically said to be overspeced. Lloyd and Cecile went overboard. For the Albion, they would have built it to work just for Suzaku, so it wouldn't be overspeced. Also, Kallen is the better pilot. Suzaku says straight-up that even with his Geass boosting him, he cannot beat her. He cannot hold back when his Geass is active. That's why he nuked Toyko in the first place. In short, he can only do with help what she can do naturally. That's solid proof of a skill difference.
*** Against the SEITEN it forced him to not hold back his last option (Fliea). Once he fired that and she dodged it, he would have been helpless to resist her finishing him off Geass or not were she not distracted by the big explosions. It really only prevents him from holding back during fights.
* What would happen if Lelouch geassed [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/[Discworld |Vimes]] to do something that goes totally against his principles?
** Probably the same thing tha happened to Euphemia. He resists for a bit then succumbs.
** Problem is Vimes' men are more [[Genre Savvy]] than that. By the time he started issuing genocide orders, Carrot, Aunga and Detrius would have him bound, gagged, and halfway to the Unseen University. Ponder Stibbons would take a great interest but have no insight whatsoever, Ridicully would do something funny, Colon would make a poor attempt as the bad cop in the "Good Cop Bad Cop" routine. Then Ventari would confront Lelouch (wearing a blindfold, obviously), while Lenoard of Quirm would send Nobby and Colon in his "[[Time Machine|Go Backwards In Time And Hopefully Not Kill Your Own Grandfather Device]]", where the two would specatualarly fail to change the past. Then some other stuff would happen and... um, never mind. Got off track there for a moment.
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