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* A [[Grappling Hook Pistol]]. He already has the [[Mortal Kombat|GET OVER HERE!]] soundclip.
* Vehicles. Just... Vehicles.
* A [[Shout -Out]] to Portal kit, including voiced turrets, blue-and-orange teleporters and combustible lemon launcher.
** What if you are on red team?
*** If you're on RED team, the teleporters will have an orange glow with a small blue spinning light. BLUE team, blue glow, small orange spinning light.
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** All of Heavy's guns are named Sascha, so the voice clip doesn't need to be changed. Sascha can be short for Natascha, she just uses her "full name" because she's bigger.
* More affected by his past than he lets on. His dad was killed fighting the Communists in 1941, his mother and sisters were sent to a gulag, and it proceeded to burn down, all the soldiers dead. Let's say for argument's sake that [[Poker Night At the Inventory (Video Game)|Poker Night At the Inventory]] is canon. He was apparently hired by RED because he killed many soldiers. Heavy was the one who burned down the gulag, killed the soldiers, and because it was his first taste of trauma and death, was somewhat shaken by it. It'd explain why he won't talk about it with The Director and keeps changing the subject back to Sascha. It'd also explain his attachment to Medic. He's really afraid of death and is in denial about respawn.
* ''A member of the'' ''[http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/:Orlov |Orlov]]'' ''family''. Because [[A Worldwide Punomenon|Orlov Sandvich.]]
== The Heavy's shotgun is named Boris. ==
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* ''Gabe Newell.'' "And my favourite class is the spy." But of course, it's your easiest target!
** I don't think he could fit into that flame-retardant suit very well.
* ''an [[Energy Being]]'' He comes from an alternate dimension where everyone is a gaseous [[Energy Being]], and made the firesuit to prevent himself from dispersing. (Something in his home universe prevents him from dispersing there.) His species is highly flammable, and because he's insane, he's perfectly willing to use a weapon that could conceivably destroy himself. Because he's not ''quite'' '''that''' crazy, though, the suit is fireproof. Getting shot tears holes in the suit, causing small parts of his substance to disperse. The suit has internal repair systems that seal the gaps and stop him wafting out completely. The power sources for these systems are located in the [[Boom! Headshot!|head]] and [[Back Stab|back]], which explains why the instant kills work (the transmitted shock takes out the other power source).
* ''Actually deaf'' Taken from [http://www.youtube.com/user/jpqfd jpqfd]'s comment on [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KUCGbJhNfw&NR=1 this video]. "''Pyro is actually deaf so that's how he keeps his calm the whole time while burning people. He can't hear the flaming, the screams, or the bullets flying. It's all peaceful and in harmony''." Because when I heard that, it all made so much ''sense''. The laughter is actually him thinking he's won some game that the announcer invented for him, and the gas mask obscures everything he sees. He just knows he's supposed to "win".
* A [[Fourth Wall Observer]]. Pyro doesn't think it's a game because s/he's an [[Innocent Inaccurate]]; Pyro thinks it's a game ''[[Team Fortress 2 (Video Game)|because it's a game]]''.
** He keeps everything about himself a secret in order to to screw with people, hide as another masked character in an entirely different fictional work if need be, and [[Magnificent Bastard|prevent anyone from]] ever creating completely accurate Rule 34 of him.
* ''incapable of feeling pain properly.'' This struck me while I was in an idle server. I noticed the Pyro's flinch when taking damage was far less noticable than most others, and simply a repositioning of the elbows. Then I realized the Pyro's grunts don't even play that often when under heavy fire. This is why most classes are afraid of it. It's a ground troop that defuses most Spy efforts, can decimate ambush forces, plow through most defenses, overall ruin an organized plan, and it won't even so much as wince when shot most of the time… ''and he’s probably covered in third degree burns''
** ''Alternately, he’s in '''constant''' pain.'' Same reasoning as above, but also gives an excuse for the "harmless friendly fire hurts opposing Spy" tactic: Pyro pyrizes indiscriminately because [[I Thought Everyone Could Do That!|s/he thought the flamethrower was below everyone's baseline of pain]] (see also the WMG that Pyro thinks it's all a game, under "the pyro is actually deaf" above), and his teammates are used to it by now which reinforces the idea. The Spy for your team is not used to it from being disguised as an opposing team member and needing to stay out of the fire to keep cover, and/or RED and BLU use different chemical propellants that each have additional damaging side effects (since opposing team members are still affected by your team's flamethrower and vice versa).
* ''Pyro has no immune system.'' You just never see hir running to a hospital to be put on masses of antibiotics and [[Applied Phlebotinum|antivirals]] after the suit is damaged because none of the battles last more than a couple of hours.
* ''Pyro is a [[Mass Effect|Quarian]].'' Building on the "no immune system" theory above, it is entirely possible that the Pyro has a weak immune system because he isn't even from this planet. Unfortunately, some aspect of his <s> arrival</s> crash-landing damaged the synthesizer that most Quarians seem to use in order to be heard past their masks, leaving him unintelligible, if he's even capable of speaking English. He's playing the in order to get enough to repair his craft and return to his flotilla.
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* ''a unknown species of Pokemon.'' The Pyro is an unknown fire-type Pokemon capable of using Gust (the compression blast), and he can only say his name (the blured sounds are actually him saying his name in a lot of different ways).
* ''Spyro'' He likes fire and his voice/face are muffled. It could be, you never know!
* [[Spoonerism|The Spyro is a pie!]] [[Portal (Video Game)|The pie is a lie.]] [[Insane Troll Logic|Therefore, every Spy as a Pyro is actually]] [[Mind Screw|a dragon dressed up as a man dressed up as]] [[Running Gag|a robot dressed up as]] [[Ambiguous Gender|a woman]] [[Overly Long Gag|dressed up as a man.]] [[I Knew It!]]!
*** [[Word of God]] is that The Pyro is… [[The Un-Reveal|The]] [[Shaped Like Itself|Pyro]]. All of the above?
* Spyro's mother/father! Spyro is purple (red+blue) and breathes fire!
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* The Scout's older brother. He was enraged when he found out how his younger brother came about and, wanting to avenge his brother, became the perfect antithesis to the skill set and combat style of his father in-law, the spy.
** Bruddah also rhymes with Huddah. Food for thought...
* [[Doctor Who (TV)|Calling]] [[Family Relationship Switcheroo|for his]] [[Inverted Trope|Daddy]]. "Hudda" could be a muffled call for his parent. Yes, the Pyro is a [[Gas Mask Mooks|Gas Mask]] [[Our Zombies Are Different|Zombie]]. [[Fridge Brilliance|The suit is to prevent him from infecting his team]].
* Pre-op transgender. Pyro hides because s/he doesn't want his/her teammates to see him/her in a body that doesn't suit them. Alternately, an intersexed individual who wants to avoid confusion from their teammates.
* Chinese. It'd fit in with the time period (escaped from the Communist regime, perhaps?), and China is usually associated with fireworks and dragons.
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* [[Watchmen (Comic Book)|Rorschach]], who is masked and once used [[Improvised Weapon|a flamethrower]]. Dr. Manhattan teleported him to this universe at the end of ''Watchmen'', (feeling this time period would be most familiar to him), and he is acting far more feminine than is usual to compensate for his previous misogyny.
* ...from [[The Rocky Horror Picture Show|Transsexual, Transylvania]]. Admit it, this makes sense.
* Pyro is secretly [[In -Universe Camera|the cameraman]] for some of the more gore-splattered parts of the Meet the Team videos. This is why his video is coming last- they couldn't find anyone crazy enough to replace him when he announced he wouldn't be able to shoot ''Meet The Pyro'' [[Secret Identity|for some reason]].
* Someone from the [[Legacy Character|previous generation(s) of the team]] (possibly using the life extender, though not Lincoln)- either as [[Shaped Like Itself|his/her speciality, the Pyro]] or as a different class entirely. This explains why s/he's [[Heterosexual Life Partners|fond of Engineer]]- s/he was best friends with Dell's father, or [[Luke, I Am Your Father|maybe even]]...
* The Pyro is [[Quintessential British Gentleman|British]]. This explains his antagonism with [[French Jerk|the Spy]], and a few of his [[High -Class Glass|classier]] [[Distinguished Gentleman's Pipe|hats]]. Underneath his mask he [[I Am Very British|sounds amazingly]] [[Rule of Funny|sophisticated]]. Also explains why he doesn't [[Stiff Upper Lip|seem to have much of a reaction]] to pain (see above).
* The Pyro is [[Man Behind the Man|the woman who]] offered Australium to Radigan Conagher, using the third life-extender.
* President of, or at least a heavy influence, behind Spytech(see Loose Canon folder). [[The Chessmaster|She deliberately secured the company]] to supply her [[Serial Killer|favourite]] prey with inferior equipment.
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== .... A [[Time Lord]] ==
* Rogue Time Lords ''love'' taking on titles that begin with 'The', such as [[Doctor Who (TV)|the Doctor]], [[The Master]], The Rani, etc, and the Pyro just happens to have found a perfect place where no one will notice the odd habit, as everyone does it. As for the Pyro's sex/gender, its been changing constantly, along with [[The Nth Doctor|its overall appearence]], and we haven't noticed because of the clothes.
== The Pyro's real name will be revealed in a comic. ==
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== Meet the Pyro ==
* The video will consist of all of the Pyro's teammates talking about him/her in voice over, his/her insanity, how he/she screws around with them… while we are treated to a of a POV [[Oner]] shot from ''inside'' the Pyro's mask... ''as all of the BLU Team burn to death.'' Expect plenty of [[Shout -Out|Shout Outs]] to classic horror movies- ''[[The Shining]]'' especially. [[Actor Allusion|The Spy will know exactly who the Pyro is]], he will even have photographic evidence (see Meet the Spy), but he won't be able to reveal it: the Pyro will shoot a flare through the file. The movie will end when he (or she) [[The Un-Reveal|begins to take his/her mask off]].
* The soundtrack will be rock or [[Heavy Metal (Music)|heavy metal.]] S/he does play air guitar as a taunt (also, the Third Degree’s guitar riff), and the pyrotechnics would fit nicely with it.
* It will be a [[Mook Horror Show]], in the [[Slasher Movie|slasher vein]]. And Scout will be the [[Final Girl]].
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* Pyro will actively troll the audience about what’s under his/her mask. Or, in universe, the camera crew.
* It will be another interview film. But Pyro being [[The Unintelligible|Pyro]], it will [[Even the Subtitler Is Stumped|fail hilariously.]]
* Pyro will find Spy via [[Spotting the Thread|awesome detective skills]], a cutscene version of spy-checking. BLU Spy ''is'' capable of being [[Boom! Headshot!|harmed by his own teammates]] in Meet the Spy, so maybe they’ll want to keep it consistent in-universe.
== The Pyro is [[Modern Warfare (Video Game)|Makarov]]in disguise. ==
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* The Engineer: representative of the [[Gadgeteer Genius|mod community]]. [[The Engineer|Builds things]] that augment the game and alter the course of battle.
* The Medic: [[The Medic|the most straightforward example]]: the player who does everything he can to be a team player and help other players survive. The guy who actually cares about winning.
* The Sniper: the camper who [[Glass Cannon|sits back and shoots people from long distances, because if he gets in close he's screwed]]. That guy who only uses the gun with the incredibly long recharge rate but [[Boom! Headshot!|kills in a single hit]].
* The Spy: the [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder|team-killer]]. The stealthy evil asshole [[Knife Nut|who uses the knife almost exclusively]]. That guy on your team [[Magnificent Bastard|you can't trust]] because you know he's going to [[Heel Face Turn|eventually turn on you]], even if it's just [[For the Evulz|for the lulz]]...but you keep him around anyway because [[Recruiting the Criminal|you need him]].
Also notice that there are no female playable characters, a jab at the "no girls on the internet" joke. There is the obviously female announcer, but she's the one running the show; why should she kill people when she can make a dozen idiots do it for her?
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== Again, it's the world of [[Half-Life (Video Game)|Half-Life]]/[[Portal (Video Game)|Portal]], but not the past. TF2 is in the future. ==
While Chell was in stasis, Gordon Freeman and company crowbarred the Combine off the planet. With everything wrecked, first by the invaders and then by the war against them, civilisation had to be rebuilt, resulting in ''TF2'''s [[Schizo -Tech]]. Strange effects from the invasion also manifested in Australia, creating Australium. ''[[Portal 2 (Video Game)|Portal 2]]'' is concurrent with ''TF2''; Chell will emerge to find things at a sort-of '50's-'60 level, hopefully encountering RED first. (Orange being closer to red than blue.) If she tells them about the Enrichment Center, RED and BLU will soon be fighting to posess it.
** And Wheately is going to get knocked down from space around the same time, get picked up by BLU (for obvious reasons) and lead them to Aperture.
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Seeing as we have a conflict between '''B'''uilders '''L'''eague '''U'''nited (creators) and '''R'''eliable '''E'''xcavation '''D'''emolition (destroyers), there seems to be some sort of Yin Yang relationship going on between the two teams; when one defeats the other, the aspects of life get thrown off balance.
== The respawn system is set with [[Doctor Who (TV)/Recap/S32 E5 The Rebel Flesh|The Flesh]]. ==
A constant cycle of lives with no consequence of death? Given the amount of Australium powered reality bending devices we've already seen from the canon, it's possible that 'the government's worst kept secret' would be among them.
* That respawn countdown? It's the time it takes to whip up another Ganger and drop it into the map.
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