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** Goober: "Gol-lee!"
* ''[[The Apprentice (TV)|The Apprentice]]'': Alan Sugar (Donald Trump in the American version) seems to relish the chance to say or shout, "You're fired!" to the eliminated contestant. In the final episode of each season, he selects the winner with, "You're hired!"
* ''[[Are You Being Served? (TV)|Are You Being Served]]'':
** Mr. Humphries: "I'm free!"
** Mrs. Slocombe: "I think [states opinion], and I am [[You Keep Using That Word|unanimous]] in that."
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* ''[[Arrested Development (TV)|Arrested Development]]'' was riddled with these. Most of them initially belonged to one character, but others started using them, and they were used different contexts as time went on. GOB had "I've made a huge mistake." and "Oh, come on!" "Her?" was mostly used by Michael about Anne. "Marry me!" started as Maebe's favorite deflection when asked about her age.
* ''[[Ashes to Ashes]]'': Gene Hunt has said 'You are surrounded by Armed Bastards!' a grand total of ''twice'' in the whole series. And yet he says it so well, it's become a catch phrase.
** It even has a [[Shout -Out]] in ''[[Ashes to Ashes]]'' when he says: 'Today my friend, you diary entry will read "Took a prozzie hostage and was shot by three Armed Bastards".'
*** And a second [[Shout -Out]] in ''[[Ashes to Ashes]]'' when Jackie Queen uses it.
*** And a third in the final episode when he asks his team: "Are you armed? BASTARDS?"
** "Fire up the Quattro."
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* ''[[The Avengers (TV)|The Avengers]]'': The colour Emma Peel episodes would always begin with Steed delivering the phrase "Mrs. Peel -- we're needed!" in an unusual or quirky way.
** It was also used in the movie.
* ''[[Babylon Five]]'' Bester says "Be seeing you" as a [[Shout -Out]] to ''[[The Prisoner]]'', but his hand gesture puts the circle on his forehead to represent the third eye of telepathy.
** Other ''B5'' catchphrases included
*** "What do you want?"
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** Danny's "Boom!" whenever he finds a crucial bit of evidence or obtains a useful lab result. Eventually causes Lindsay to start saying it (hey, she becomes {{spoiler|his wife}}), and his constant usage prompts Lindsay to ask him to stop for fear {{spoiler|it will become their daughter Lucy's first word}}.
** Adam's "What up!". He even lampshades himself about it in one episode.
* ''[[DadsDad's Army (TV)|Dads Army]]'' is memorable "Don't panic! Don't panic!" and "Stupid boy!"
** There's also Frazer's "We're doomed, doomed!", and Jones' other catchphrase "They don't like it up 'em!"
* ''[[The Daily Show]]'': "Settle down!"
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** There was a local ad which starred Gary Coleman in the '90s: "When people tell me [X Insurance or whatever] is great, I say to them, What '''Are You''' Talkin'''g A'''bout?"
** Don't forget "WOOOORK?!"
* ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' has a number of these:
** "Very interesting! Yess, very interesting! Or is it, young man? Hmmm?" -- pastiche of First Doctor [[Verbal Tic]].
** "Oh my word!" -- the Second Doctor, pretty much every time he is in trouble.
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*** "I really should go", and variants. Subverted horrifically in "Forests of the Dead" when said by "Other" Dave.
*** Frankly, when you've got a character who talks as much as this guy does, it's inevitable that they're going to develop a number of catchphrases.
** Eleven has "Come along, Pond!" Becomes "Come along, Ponds!" in "[[Doctor Who (TV)/Recap/S31 E13 The Big Bang|The Big Bang]]" and "Come along, Smith!" when he guests in ''[[The Sarah Jane Adventures (TV)|The Sarah Jane Adventures]]''.
*** The Eleventh Doctor seems to like his Trio of "No"'s with a [[Big No|"Big No"]] at the end.
*** "[[Bow Ties Are Cool]]." Also sometimes used to refer to other unlikely accessories such as the unfortunate (in two senses of the word) fez.
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** River Song: "Spoilers!" {{spoiler|Occurs again in "The Time of Angels" when the Doctor unintentionally blurts out a fact from her later life that he learned in "Silence in the Library".}}
*** Also, "Hello, Sweetie!"
** There is a reason "[[Don't Ask, Just Run|RUN!]]" is the Doctor's first line in the revived series. Every single incarnation says variations on it all the time. And Donna even once explained to another character that there was a ''lot'' of running involved.
*** There's also "When I say run, run" and finishing a [[Badass Boast]] with telling the villain to "Basically, run." (They usually do.)
* In ''[[The Sarah Jane Adventures (TV)|The Sarah Jane Adventures]]'', Clyde Langer has used the phrase "Clyde Langer, [occupation]" on numerous occasions (eg "Clyde Langer, secret agent", or "Clyde Langer, alien hunter").
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* ''[[Lie to Me (TV)|Lie to Me]]'''s Cal Lightman has this tendency to call women ''love''. And Loker, on one occasion.
** He also has a tendency to point at someone and say "Ya see that<ref>"That" being the look on that person's face</ref>? That's X", X being some emotion.
* ''[[Life On Mars]]'': Sam frequently says. 'We have no evidence!', mostly because the other coppers in the CID are willing to put someone away with flimsy and/or planted evidence. Gene does a [[Shout -Out]] to that in episode 2x01 when he says. '..We have no flippin' evidence, and I can't believe I just said that!'
* ''Life With Elizabeth'': [[Betty White]]'s early sitcom featured, "Elizabeth, aren't you ashamed?"
** "I shall leave you at this point, Elizabeth."
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** Lou: "What a kerfuffle!"
** Dafydd: "I'm the only gay in the village!"
* ''[[Lois and Clark]]'': In a [[Shout -Out]] to ''[[The Adventures of Superman]]'', Perry's catchphrase became "Great Shades of [[Elvis Presley|Elvis]]!"
* ''[[Look Around You]]'': "Write that down in your copybook now." and "Look around you. ''Look'' around you. Just ''look'' around you. Do you know what we're looking for? Correct, the answer is..."
* ''[[Lost]]'': Hurley has said "dude" 328 times as throughout the series, with an average of 3.2 D.P.E (dudes per episode). Yes, the fans [http://www.lostpedia.com/wiki/Dude have counted].
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