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* [[Conspicuous CG]]: The entire series and pretty much all of the movies were done entirely in traditional animation, though perhaps with some computer assistance in some cases. The turtle talisman in ''Franklin and the Turtle Lake Treasure'' was pretty obviously CGed however.
* [[Cool Teacher]]: Miss Koala, the replacement teacher in ''Back to School With Franklin''. She rides around a motor-scooter and is decidedly pretty hip.
* [[Cross -Dressing Voices]]: Snail is voiced by Kristen Bone, the voice of Maggie on ''[[Maggie And The Ferocious Beast|Maggie and the Ferocious Beast]]''. This has led to a bit of [[Viewer Gender Confusion]], though it's usually made pretty obvious that Snail is male.
* [[Cunning Like a Fox]]: Fox, of course. He's not really a bad guy, but he can be a bit more mischievous sometimes than the other characters.
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]: As a child, Franklin's Granny's (on his father's side) home was destroyed in a brush-fire and she escaped only because she was camping out in a tent. She could only watch as she rowed away in a boat and her home was burned to the ground, [[Deceased Parents Are the Best|along with her parents]]. This, and certain other elements in the film, were so dark compared to the series in general that some parents expressed serious concern about the [[Nightmare Fuel|effect it could have on their children]]. (Though it really isn't any darker than something you might see on a [[Disney]] film such as ''[[The Lion King]]'' or ''[[The Little Mermaid]]''.) Granny is also likely a widow, as Franklin's paternal grandfather has never been seen (or mentioned, for that matter.)
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* [[Dream Within a Dream]]: In "Franklin the Fearless," Franklin has a nightmare about trying to reprise a daring stunt he only managed before by accident in which he falls and falls. He seems to wake up before he hits the ground, then heads off to perform the trick. He chickens out, then wakes up to find out that was just a nightmare as well.
* [[Elmuh Fudd Syndwome]]: Harriet, in ''Franklin's Magic Christmas'' and the fifth season of the TV show. It's dropped in the sixth season, to indicate that she's growing up.
* [["Everybody Laughs" Ending]]: Common
* [[Everyone Went to School Together]]: Almost inevitable, given the limited number of characters
* [[Expressive Ears]]: Rabbit's ears droop back when he's sad about something.
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* [[The One Who Wears Shoes]]: "Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes..." except he doesn't wear shoes, most of the time. The cast are generally [[Barefoot Cartoon Animals]] and Franklin is usually no exception. Several of the books, however, do depict him sometimes wearing shoes and Franklin is the only character ever seen wearing boots on a cold winter's day.
* [[Orphan's Plot Trinket]]: Granny's time capsule, the titular treasure in ''Franklin and the Turtle Lake Treasure'', along with the talisman and photograph within it.
* [[The Other Darrin]]: They managed to keep the same voice, Noah Reid, for Franklin for five seasons and two films, but then the original voice actor's voice got so deep that it just wasn't working anymore. So they got Cole Caplan, who had previously voiced a [[One -Shot Character]] named Squirrel, to do the voice. Then, for the final film, they got Cameron Ansell, one of the many voices of [[Arthur (Animation)|Arthur]]. They also ended up replacing the voices of several other characters in later seasons.
** Happens too with the Latin American Spanish version, but with a [[Inconsistent Dub|very annoying]] twist: Since the Mexican voice acting studio who dubbed the series during the most of the half of the series went bankrupt and Nelvana were unable to find another cheaper one in the same country, they were forced to send the dubbing of the rest of the series to another VA studio in Venezuela. Due to the differences between Mexican and Venezuelan Spanish dialects, some characters and terms were renamed with proper words used in the Venezuelan dialect. The biggest offender of this was Skunk, since his name in Mexican Spanish was ''Zorrillo'' (his name of his species in the Mexican Spanish dialect), but in Venezuela, he was renamed as ''Mofeta'' (his name in Venezuelan Spanish, since Mofeta is "Skunk" in that country). Needless to say, many Latin American kids (especially, Mexican ones) were confused and it became a sort of [[Memetic Mutation]] the phrase: ''Mom, why Zorrillo is now named Mofeta?''
** Almost all of the original character voices have been replaced by others in ''Franklin and Friends'', but this isn't surprising, given it's been nearly fifteen years since the originally series debuted. That said, the casting director has done a pretty good job of picking soundalikes for the originals on the whole. All of the kids have new voice actors, but a few of the adults retain their originals. These include, notably, both Mr. and Mrs. Turtle. (Franklin's parents.)
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* [[Removable Shell]]: Franklin and all of his family members have shells that are removable. Played with in a fire safety story in which Mr. Turtle found that he could not evacuate his house by the window unless he first removed his shell.
* [[Retcon]]: A number of the TV Storybooks insert Franklin's sister Harriet into stories in which she didn't appear in the TV version because she wasn't born until after the fourth season of the program.
* [[Ret -Gone]]: Kit is nowhere to be seen in ''Franklin and Friends''. One of the stories has what is said to be the entire Beaver family staying over at the Turtles and Kit is nowhere to be seen, so it seems safe to say he doesn't exist in this series.
* [[Safety Worst]]: Subverted in "Franklin Plays it Safe." After the village safety inspector, Mr. Marmot, tells them that it's "better to be safe than sorry," Franklin and Bear start becoming militant about safety and, among other things, stop their friends from playing in the treehouse when one of the branches develops a crack. Though their fears are dismissed as silly, they turn out to be justified. When the other kids get tired of being told what to do, they decide to go play in the treehouse, but right before they enter, it gets blown down by a stiff wind. Everyone is immediately repentant to Bear & Franklin and everyone pitches in (with adult help) to build a new treehouse.
** Played a bit more straight in the fire-safety story "Franklin and the Fire," in which Franklin tries to remove anything from the Turtle family household that he thinks could be a potential fire hazard, including candles and a toaster.
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* [[Tempting Fate]]: ''Franklin's Word'' has Franklin promising to spend time with Harriet because his bike is broken. Then his bike gets repaired. Then he decides that it's okay as long as he doesn't have to play with ''Messy Squeakalot'', Harriet's doll. Guess what happens next.
* [[Tertiary Sexual Characteristics]]: It's sometimes hard to tell Harriet apart from Franklin when she's not wearing her purple bow. Additionally, Mrs. Turtle is usually seen wearing a purple neckband with a jewel at the center. Beaver's cousin Betty is also hard to tell apart from Beaver (though there are some definite physical differences, such as that she has no facial whiskers), so Franklin lends her his scarf so that everyone can recognize the two different beavers on the soccer field.
* [[That Cloud Looks Like...]]: In "Franklin's Cellar," when Franklin realizes that his imagination allows him to see shapes in clouds, he realizes that it can also help him to conquer imaginary monsters in the cellar. Some of Franklin's friends also do this in "Franklin's All Ears" on ''Franklin and Friends''.
* [[That Makes Me Feel Angry]]: Not as noticeably, or as heavily used as a show like ''[[Ni Hao Kai Lan]]'', but it is a children's show, so...
* [[That Reminds Me of a Song]] - Franklin's Aunt T. likes to make up songs to sing while she's doing her chores and teaches them to Franklin.
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