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South Park/Tropes R-V: Difference between revisions

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* [[Reading Is Cool Aesop]]: In "Chicken Lover"
* [[Reality Is Unrealistic]]: When Edge appeared in the wrestling episode, he was animated to look like any other character on the show. Edge is actually Canadian, and we all know how ridiculous they're normally made to look, so it was probably done on purpose to avoid ruining the scene.
* [[Reality Subtext]]: In the episode "Fishsticks", Jimmy writes a joke that Cartman seeks to publicize as ''their'' joke, even though [[Garfunkel|he sat on the couch and ate chips while Jimmy came up with the actual joke]] (although [[Self -Serving Memory|Cartman remembers it as being the other way around]]). Much of the episode is dedicated to this conflict, and the episode ends with Cartman apologizing to Jimmie - for not accommodating ''Jimmie'''s belief that he wrote most of the joke. The season that contains this episode was the first to not co-bill Matt Stone as a writer for the show, and during Jimmy and Cartman's interview with Ellen, Cartman is shown with the same hair and clothing that Trey Parker is seen wearing in interviews. However, [[Comically Missing the Point|nobody on the Internet has commented on this because everybody focused on the episode's treatment of]] [[Kanye West]].
** Stan's whole final speech in "Ass Burgers". The previous episode, "You're Getting Old" had looked like it might change the show dramatically, and fans (mirroring Stan in-universe) were worried that the change would be bad for the show. So in-universe, Stan gets over his emo phase, gives a whole [[An Aesop|Aesop]] about how things can change for the better with the entire speech [[Leaning On the Fourth Wall]]...only to play [[Status Quo Is God]], hit the [[Reset Button]], and return the show to exactly where it was.
*** And note that it's note the original status quo but, {{spoiler|the last episode where Stan was depressed. Meaning that Stan is still, even if more so, depressed while everything else is the same. Meaning, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny still hang out with Stan, he lives in the same house, goes to the same school, his parents still live together and all this with the [[Sarcasm Mode|added bonus]] that Stan turned to alcohol to try and be happy.}}
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* [[Revenge Before Reason]]: Cartman, usually [[Disproportionate Retribution|disproportionate]] to the offense. Kyle, who is usually the most logical of the boys often devolves into this when [[He Who Fights Monsters|Cartman is involved.]]
* [[Right for The Wrong Reasons]]: In "Cartman Finds Love" Cartman tries to force Token and Nicole together just because they're both black, but it turns out they're perfect for each other anyway.
* [[Right Place, Right Time, Wrong Reason]]: Cartman decides in prejudiced irrationality that the new Arab student is a terrorist and pulls out all the stops to save Hillary Clinton, who, coincidentally, is in South Park that very same day. Even though Cartman's theory is completely unfounded, it turns out that there ''are'' terrorists plotting to kill Hillary Clinton (Russians secretly working for {{spoiler|the British}})--but the only reason we found out about them is thanks to Cartman's prejudice. This is [[Lampshaded]] heavily at the end, when they deliver the story's moral about tolerance only for Cartman to point this out.
* [[Ripped from the Headlines]]: Because of the short time to animate episodes, they can be far more topical than nearly any show on TV.
* [[Risky Business Dance]]: Kyle does this when his parents are arrested for child molestation, leaving him to take care of himself.
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** Even without any greater implications, you can see his sanity suffer with each {{spoiler|stuffed animal destroyed}}.
* [[Satan]]: Portrayed as half of a homosexual pairing with Saddam Hussein. The ''submissive'' half.
* [[Saw Star Wars Twenty Seven27 Times]]: Eric Cartman claims to have seen ''[[The Passion of the Christ]]'' 34 times (in movie theaters) in the episode "The Passion Of The Jew."
* [[Scam Religion]]: Has portrayed both Scientology and Mormonism is this way. (And the AA movement, too.) Ironically, other episodes have shown that Mormons are the only people who get into Heaven, so it's not taking itself that seriously.
** Nearly every religion spotlighted in the show is depicted as having corrupt or hypocritical undertones. That said it is often balanced with a redeeming view of it's followers (Mormon Gary for example views that even if his religion is a scam his family have happy satisfying lives as a result of the ethics it teaches). This extra complexity is interestingly left out during the show's jab at Scientology (when it seems this moral is about to given the Scientologist members [[Jerk With a Heart of Jerk|all throw tantrums and threaten to sue anyone that mocks their religion]]).
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* [[The Scottish Trope]]
* [[Second Place Is for Winners]]: "The Losing Edge", where the boys try to lose at baseball because they don't want to play. {{spoiler|Everyone else has the same idea}}.
* [["Seen It All" Suicide]]: Attempted by Cartman after being introduced to ''[[High School Musical]]''.
* [[Selective Enforcement]]: With all the terrible things Cartman has done, the one thing that got the other kids to give him the silent treatment was his eating the skin off the KFC.
* [[Self-Deprecation]]: In "A Very Crappy Christmas", after the boys created ''The Spirit of Christmas'' and showed it to the town:
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** ''Terrance and Philip" mocks their potty humor and jokes.
* [[Self Fanservice]]: Well, fan art usually portrays South Park characters rather differently.
* [[Self -Made Orphan]]: {{spoiler|Cartman. Well, half way at least.}}
** Scott Tenorman, indirectly.
* [[Self -Serving Memory]]: In "Fishsticks" Cartman repeatedly recalls to the origin of the fishsticks joke, each time getting more and more fantastical.
* [[Sensitivity Training]]
* [[Serenade Your Lover]]: Stan is advised to stand outside Wendy's window and play Peter Gabriel. He picks "Shock the Monkey"...
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* [[Shmuck Bait]]: Poor, poor Butters. Every single time. And a lot of the time he just never catches on.
* [[Shoot the Shaggy Dog]]: "Stanley's Cup"
* [[Shouldn't We Be in School Right Now?]]: [[Hand Wave|Handwaved]] in "Kenny Dies".
** In the beginning of "Ass Burgers", Kyle, Kenny, and Cartman leave the bus stop moments before the bus arrives to ask Gerald if [[Useful Notes/Aspergers Syndrome|Aspergers Syndrome]] is real. At class, Officer Barbrady shows up with them, saying they were caught playing hooky.
* [[Shout -Out]]: Shout-outs have [[South Park (Animation)/Shout Out|their own page.]]
* [[Shotacon]]: A bit of a running gag.
* [[Should Have Thought of That Before X]]: In the "Cartman's Mom Is a Dirty Slut" two-parter:
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** ...but Halfy didn't sleep with her.
*** How can he? He doesn't have any legs!
* [[Sorry, Ociffer...]]: "What seems to be the officer, problem?"
* [[Soundtrack Dissonance]]: [[Harmless Villain|Professor Chaos' pitiful attempts at committing evil]] are only made all the funnier by the genuinely sinister and dramatic orchestral [[Leitmotif]] accompanying his schemes.
** Later episodes often have this melodramatic piano music or orchestra playing in some scenes that are actually funny in the right context.
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*** The episode straddles the line so it can be interpreted both ways. They didn't know whether to say it was good or bad, because they didn't watch the movie.
** ''Canada on Strike'' was a massive [[Take That]] towards all those involved in the 2007/2008 Writer's Strike.
** "Mystery of the Urinal Deuce" aired during the height of very public allegations that September 11th was a [[False -Flag Operation]], saying those people are "retarded."
** "Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow" ridicules both the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina (specifically those that were more content to place blame than to help people) and those that believe in global warming.
** "[[World of Warcraft|Make Love, Not Warcraft]]" is practically an episode-long Take That towards people who are obsessed with [[MMORPG|MMORPGs]]. With people often refering to players as "Ones with No Life".
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