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You're tough. Tougher than tough. You're [[Made of Iron]]! What's more, nothing, and we mean ''nothing'' can surprise you or unsettle your [[The Stoic|Stoic]] countenance. Except for injections, that is. Those make you [[Screams Like a Little Girl|scream like a little girl]] and [[Cower Power|hide behind]] your [[Love Interest]]. Trypanophobia, the fear of injections and hypodermic needles, is a recognized disorder in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (the psychiatrist's bible) which is estimated to afflict up to 10% of adults.
For some reason, the [[Fatal Flaw]] of many a [[Badass]] is fear of hypodermic needles and antiseptics. [[Never Bring a Knife To A Fist Fight|Not knives]], [[BFG|not absurdly large guns]], not even ''[[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?|Snakes!]]'' There's just something deliciously ironic about a [[Big Damn Heroes]] who routinely gets [[Minor Injury Overreaction|cut up]] with [[BFS|huge knives]], [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown|beat to]] [[One-Hit-Point Wonder|within an inch of his life and without giving up]], becoming squirmy and panicky when his [[Love Interests|lady friend]] comes over with a simple syringe and [[After -Action Patchup|sanitary cotton to clean his wounds]]. It seems most any non-battle pain can cripple this dude. It's certainly a "clever" way to bring a [[Badass Longcoat]] into a less [[Marty Stu]]-ish territory, and is a very humanizing flaw to have. In extreme cases, expect fainting -- even if the needle isn't going into ''him!''
Even the [[Fearless Fool]] can fear needles.
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* ''[[Ranma ½ (Manga)|Ranma One Half]]'': In one episode, Ranma crash-lands in front of the Cat Cafe after another [[Megaton Punch|trip to sub-orbit]], and a kindly wandering salesman, who had originally intended to sell to the Amazons (currently out on business) tends to his scrapes with disinfectant. This leads to the [[Made of Iron]] martial artist hissing and wincing in pain, leading to the page quote. Somewhat disconcerting, given the sort of abuse Ranma has stoically endured in the series--and while he has complained at medical treatment before, that's been due to the treatment itself being painful (Tofu brutally snapping Ranma's joints back into place and proper rotation, being burned with the counter-moxibustion, etc).
* Not only is he afraid of needles, but Yogi from ''[[Karneval]]'' utterly fears being anywhere ''near'' Doctor Akari, which provides humor for the readers insofar (though there could be more to it). Gareki is probably correct to guess that it's the after-effect of a traumatic surgery done or headed by said doctor.
* The [[Hot -Blooded]] [[Kid Hero]] Jin from ''[[Zettai Muteki Raijin Oh]]'' is turned to a screaming freak at the sight of needles. This fear even incapacitated him for a while in a [[Humongous Mecha|mecha]] battle when he was made to face a ''syringe''-themed [[Monster of the Week]].
* In the first episode of [[City Hunter]], Ryo Saiba is confronted by a bad guy who responds to his gun by pointing out the crowded street through the window behind him, saying the gun's too powerful and if Ryo shoots him he'll also hit someone in the crowd. Ryo fires, and when the falling bad guy reveals an undamaged window, Ryo casually explains that he slowed the bullet by ''shooting through his own hand''. He casually walks out of the restaurant, and after a brief shot of him grasping his wounded hand and screaming there's a cut to him sobbing like a baby while his partner is disinfecting and bandaging his hand up.
* Excel from ''[[Excel Saga (Manga)|Excel Saga]]'' is mortally afraid of needles in the manga due to some forgotten trauma. She manages taking anesthetic needle while visiting a dentist though, since she considered it a lesser evil compared to the drill.
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* Possibly Keiichi from [[Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni (Visual Novel)|Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni]]. When he's {{spoiler|hallucinating from Hinamizawa syndrome he thinks there's needles in the ohagi and that a marker as an injection needle. Hinamizawa syndrome makes you hallucinate some of the things you're most afraid of.}} So it would make sense.
** It's actually explained that when he was younger, Keiichi saw a movie where a guy was killed when he swallowed needles that had been hidden in his food. The scene freaked him out to the point he's since had an irrational fear of finding needles in his food.
* [[Berserk|Guts]]: [[Badass|A guy]] who's [[Covered in Scars]], [[Made of Iron]], and whose [[Attack! Attack! Attack!|ultimate attack]] is basically [[Foe-Tossing Charge|flinging himself into a hoard]] of barbaric and often [[Legions of Hell|demonic enemies]] with his [[BFS]] and [[Charles Atlas Superpower|raw]], [[Unstoppable Rage]] (not to mention that he has this [[Achey Scars|pesky scar that burns like hell]] whenever a demon approaches him) [[The Determinator|no matter what they throw at him]] (be it stingers, arrows, horns, rock-like appendages, fire, lightning, or entire TREES why don't you) HATES getting sewn up with needles [[After -Action Patchup|after the fact.]] [[Minor Injury Overreaction|And he'll cry and whine all the way through.]]
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** An interesting take in season 5's "Mr. Monk Goes to a Rock Concert", where the girlfriend of a roadie found dead in a port-a-potty with a needle sticking out of his arm goes to Monk and Natalie, thinking that he was murdered because he had a pathological fear of needles, despite the needle found on the body.
* At least twice on ''[[What's Happening]]!'', when someone mentions "a needle" around Raj, Raj can only whimper a rough approximation of the question "A needle?"
* ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined (TV)|Battlestar Galactica]]''. In "Rapture", [[Ace Pilot|badass pilot]] Starbuck winces repeatedly as Dualla jabs her with morpha needles, despite already being in incredible pain from 2nd degree burns to both hands. Mind you, as Starbuck was having an affair with her husband at the time, Dualla clearly wasn't trying to be gentle.
* ''[[Oz]]'': Neo-Nazi inmate Robson hates needles, so he insists on laughing gas while getting his receding gums replaced. This has serious consequences for him when he racially insults his Middle Eastern dentist while high; in revenge the dentist implants him with the gums of a black man, then lets everyone in prison know about it. After which needles become the least of Robson's worries.
{{quote| "What is it with you Nazis and gas?"}}
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[[Category:Truth in Television]]
[[Category:Afraid Of Needles]]
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