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** A side quest in Origins reveals that {{spoiler|Lyude is [[Your Cheating Heart|the nanny's son.]] When Camella finds out, she leaves.}} Hence why Skeed and Vallye consider him [[The Unfavorite]].
* [[Musical Assassin]] (Lyude uses a variety of weaponized trumpets, saxophones, tubas, and other brass instruments to attack. And sometimes they'll be light-based or dark-based horns.)
** Shows his work, though, with the [[Musical Theme Naming]] of his finishing moves: [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/:Overture |Overture]], [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/:Concerto |Concerto]], [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamics_%28music%:Dynamics chr(28)musicchr(29)#Sudden_changesSudden changes|Sforzando, Diminuendo,]] [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/:Intermezzo |Intermezzo]], [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamics_%28music%:Dynamics chr(28)musicchr(29)#Sudden_changesSudden changes|Crescendo]], [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhapsody_%28music%29:Rhapsody chr(28)musicchr(29)|Rhapsody]], [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/:Tempo#Basic_tempo_markingsBasic tempo markings|Presto]], and [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/:Finale |Finale]]. Talk about [[Wicked Cultured]]...
* [[Nice Guy]]: Every bit as nice as [[The Heart|Xelha]].
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: Subverted. Kalas initially suspects him, but he's ''nicer'' than him.
* [[Redheaded Hero]]
* [[Sidequest]]: His involves going to investigate the apperance of a [[Ghost Ship]] identical to the Goldoba from before, which houses wandering spectres all calling out to Lyude, including ghosts of his commanding officer, his siblings, and {{spoiler|Almarde.}} The repeated lines of dialogue several say almost sound like a [[Madness Mantra]]. {{spoiler|In the end, it turns out to be caused by [[Eldritch Abomination|a parasitic being from another dimension that feeds off from the mental suffering of others.]]}}
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* {{spoiler|[[Start of Darkness]]: [[The Stinger]] in Origins}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Unwitting Pawn]]: To Melodia in ''EWLO'' and to Verus in ''Origins''.}}
* [[Yes -Man]]: In ''Orginis''.
=== '''Melodia''' ===
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* {{spoiler|[[Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Redemption Earns Life]]}}
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: She's so sweet, though! {{spoiler|Played straight.}}
* {{spoiler|[[The Man Behind the Man]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[No Periods, Period]]: Averted, in a flashback her first period is remarked as her transition into womanhood and becoming a legitimate heir to the duchy of Mira. Of course, there's always the alternate interpretation having to do with Geldoblame, however. Cue the [[Nightmare Fuel]].}}
* [[White-Haired Pretty Girl]]
* {{spoiler|[[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]}}
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In ''Origins'', we see a younger Rodolfo who is a servant to the unnamed Lord at the time, hoping to inherit the post. We see him originally as someone very greedy who would gladly allow the Empire promachinate his country, but it turns out his true intentions are to help push Sadal Suud forward in the world's economy. [[It Got Worse|As expected,]] it doesn't work.
* [[Did You Just Scam Cthulhu?]]: What he [[Subverted Trope|''tries'']] to do to Hughes in ''Origins''. Unfortunately, Hughes didn't actually buy it for a minute, and was in fact already prepared for the event.
* [[Fat Bastard]]: Comes off as this. {{spoiler|Subverted. He may be somewhat rough and selfish, but he truly has the good of his nation in his heart.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Jerk With a Heart of Gold]]}}
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* {{spoiler|[[Gone Horribly Right]]: He is the successful tailor-made spiriter/malideiter.}}
* [[Heavy Sleeper]]: A [[Running Gag]].
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: He's voiced by Crawford Wilson, aka [[Avatar: The Last Airbender (Animation)|Jet]] and [[The World Ends With You (Video Game)|Beat]].
* [[Improbable Age]]: He's in the Dark Service, and he's only fifteen. Becomes justified later on when you realise {{spoiler|that certain people in the empire knew ''damn well'' who he was.}}
* [[Jack of All Stats]]: Is arguably the most balanced of the party.
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* [[Badass Automaton|Badass Puppet]]: Easily the most badass of the [[Power Trio]].
* [[Blade Below the Shoulder]]: Guillo's weapons are blades attached to its arms. It primarily uses them to channel magic.
* [[Child -Hater]]: Children are fascinated by Guillo and play rough with it as a result, which annoys it greatly. Additionally, Guillo mentions [[Kids Are Cruel]] plays a part.
* [[Combat Stilettos]]: Doesn't help the gender issue at all, either.
* [[Crutch Character]]: When it first joins your party, it's under AI control.
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* [[Ridiculously Human Robot]]: {{spoiler|Justified. Guillo was controlled by the magic of two different people, and over time has become a fusion of their personalities}}.
* [[Sarcastic Devotee]]: Despite doubting Sagi's judgment and repeatedly snarking at him, Guillo would ''never'' leave his side. {{spoiler|At least, until Guillo felt Sagi doesn't need it anymore}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Take Me Instead!]]: Uses itself to override a broken machina to free Sagi.}}
* [[Undying Loyalty]]: To Sagi.
* [[Voice of the Legion]]: Guillo's lines were recorded by both a voice actor and a voice actress and the tracks were edited together. The result is decidedly inhuman.
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* {{spoiler|[[Heel Face Door Slam]]: Milly almost convinces him to stop promachination and land Tarazed. Then Verus steps in...}}
* {{spoiler|[[Heel Realization]]: It takes a beatdown from Sagi and his Guardian Spirit refusing him power to realize it.}}
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: Looks like [[Mass Effect 1|Saren's]] connection with machines is older than we thought.
* [[Large Ham]]: He's calm throughout most of the game, but {{spoiler|when you confront him in Tarazed's control room}}, his VA unleashes the hog.
* {{spoiler|[[Mad Scientist]]: He outright states that even if he had reservations, he conducted the malideiter experiment partly because he wanted to know if it is possible to create an artificial spiriter.}}
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* {{spoiler|[[Glass Cannon]]: For a final boss, Verus has pitiful HP. Of course, he spends most of the fight invulnerable.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Hoist By His Own Petard]]: See [[Karmic Death]].}}
* {{spoiler|[[I Am Not Left -Handed]]: He's faking that limp.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Karmic Death]]: The afterlings in Tarazed's core override the machina and maul him.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Laughing Mad]]}}
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* {{spoiler|[[Puzzle Boss]]}}
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]
* {{spoiler|[[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: His other character portrait, which you only see after the reveal, has very noticeable red eyes.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Torture Cellar]]: After [[The Reveal]], check the room where he spoke with his spirit.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Treacherous Advisor]]}}
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* {{spoiler|[[The Mole]]: A villain-to-villain example. He is secretly working with Verus.}}
* [[Pet the Dog]]: He genuinely cares about his daughter, {{spoiler|Savyna}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Self -Made Orphan]]: It's heavily implied that Shanath's father is Emperor Olgan, whom Shanath murders at the beginning of the game.}}
* [[Smug Snake]]: As smug as they get.
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* [[Genki Girl]]: Very energetic, although also quite intelligent.
* [[The Glomp]]: Gives one to Sagi after he agrees to get her celestial fell-branches, much to Milly's horror.
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: Catherin Taber, whom you may know better as the voice of [[Final Fantasy XII|Penelo.]]
* [[Motor Mouth]]
* [[One-Scene Wonder]]: Gets three scenes in the whole game.
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