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* [[BFG]]: The heavy weapons category, including machine guns and rocket launchers.
* [[Blown Across the Room]]: Can be caused by explosives or high powered firearms.
* [[Boom! Headshot!]]: Present in all the games. A hard to hit target, but it causes more damage than shooting the torso, and can inflict some of the nastiest crits in the game. Taken [[Up to Eleven]] in ''S3'', as headshot kills [[Your Head Asplode|remove the head]].
* [[Breakable Weapons]]: Introduced in ''S3''.
* [[Bullethole Door]]: Most firearms can blast their way through a wooden door with ease, though tougher doors may necessitate higher caliber weapons. This method of entry can be ''required'' in some cases, especially if explosives have blown a crucial part of the scenery away (see [[Everything Breaks]]).
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* [[Gameplay Ally Immortality]]: Usually averted, except in the first mission of ''S3''.
* [[Grid Inventory]]/[[Inventory Management Puzzle]]: One of the low points in the game. It was slightly rectified in the expansion. Slightly.
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: Gator's voice is very similar to ''[[Jagged Alliance]] 2's'' Wolf.
* [[Hit Points]]: Called Vitality Points, merely dropping it to zero is a [[Non-Lethal KO]] (for your characters); drop it far enough into the minus (usually by tossing a grenade at someone already out-cold) and the target will die permanently.
** [[Healing Potion]]: Averted. Regardless of whether you're in combat or not, VPs are restored over time and it immobilizes both the healer and the patient until it's done. More specifically, the healer can't do anything else while the patient can turn and shoot normally, but cannot move or change stances.
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* [[Katanas Are Just Better]]: The Katana is the best (and rarest) melee weapon in ''S2'' and ''S3''. Justified, as the other melee weapons primarily consist of knives.
* [[Kick the Dog]]: One of the missions in ''S3'' has you visit a Soviet gulag to gather intel. Incidentally, the prisoners rebel against the guards and take up arms. You're allied with the guards. Depending on your level of historical knowledge/sensitivity, this is anywhere from distasteful to pointlessly cruel.
* [[Level Grinding]]: Primarily in ''S3'', and mostly for money rather than improving your characters. You can redo the "random" encounters over and over again to get the enemy's gear, either for actual use or for their monetary value (since sufficient money is relatively hard to come by). In the process, your squad will gain some skill and XP, but there are [[Anti -Grinding]] mechanisms in place to make sure you can't advance much beyond the optimal level for the next main-story mission.
* [[More Dakka]]: The {{spoiler|Panzerkleins}} carry a LOT of firepower, and there are no problems with fully automatic fire for regular submachine guns and machine guns as well.
* [[Multinational Team]]: The special forces team the player assembles is manned by soldiers of various Allied/Axis-aligned nations. A few are from Allied/Axis-linked countries and ditched them due to neutrality/"own country being a douche in standing up for itself"/"I think the Allied/Axis forces can help my own country be free" issues. For example, there's an Irishwoman who joined the Axis due to the British executing her father as he played a major role in the Easter Rebellion in Ireland back in 1916.
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* [[Shouting Shooter]]: ''Every'' character becomes this if ordered to fire a machine gun from the hip on full auto.
* [[Stupid Jetpack Hitler]]: {{spoiler|This game has gasoline-powered armored exoskeletons with laser weapons (mostly developed in Switzerland, but Germany is shown producing them as well). The [[Final Boss]] in ''S2'' takes the aforementioned exoskeleton and adds a jetpack, making it a partially literal example.}}
* [[Shout -Out]]: During one extremely rare [[Random Encounter]] in Switzerland, the team finds a crater with a UFO in it. In the vicinity, the [[Infinity+1 Sword|Prototype 8M1 laser rifle]] can be found, the only fully-automatic energy weapon in the game. The rifle looks exactly like the Laser Rifle from ''[[X-COM]]: Enemy Unknown''.
** This has given some fans an idea for an ''X-Com'' mod for ''S2''.
** It could also be a [[Shout -Out]] to [[Fallout]], where a similar random encounter also occurs.
* [[Trial and Error Gameplay]]: The "Act of Terrorism" mission in ''S3'' is virtually impossible to complete without several run-throughs. Your men have to be split correctly between two entry points, and carry exactly the right type of weapons to take out several enemies within the space of about two or three turns once they charge through the doors.
* [[Unexpected Genre Change]]: The game puts a lot of emphasis on realism, evident by its highly detailed and authentic weaponry and the well-crafted environments of the English countryside and war-torn Europe. Then, about three-quarters of the way through, {{spoiler|the [[Powered Armor|Panzerkleins]] appear}}. This is so jarring that most players download a mod to turn this off ''completely''.
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[[Category:Turn Based Tactics]]
[[Category:Silent Storm]]
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