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Fallout 3/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[The Big Guy]]
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: If you rescue him from Vault 87, he'll later show up to help you outside of Raven Rock while he is gunning down Enclave soldiers with a Gatling Laser.
* [[But Thou Must!]]: In the pre-''Broken Steel'' game, he will not {{spoiler|enter the irradiated purifier, claiming it's your destiny to do so.}}
* [[BFG]]: His Gatling Laser.
{{quote| "Imagine the evil that can be destroyed with this tool!"}}
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* [[Drop the Hammer]]: His melee weapon is a sledgehammer.
* [[Elephant in The Living Room]]: No one, not even the Brotherhood of Steel, seems to bat an eye when they see the hero of the wastes traveling around with an eight foot tall gatling laser wielding mutant who looks just like the ones who've already tried to kill them numerous times. Fawkes hand waves it with the random line "It's amazing people trust you enough not to attack me", since you can only recruit him with good karma.
* [[Eleventh -Hour Ranger]]: Fawkes can't be recruited until the final quest in the main quest line. While you can still explore the wasteland and complete sidequests with him, by the time you get him you're pretty much at the end of the game's main storyline.
* [[Gentle Giant]]: He has a sort of Zen philosophy... and can rip you apart with his bare hands.
* [[Genius Bruiser]]
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A pre-war Mr.Gustsy type military robot armed with a plasma weapon and a flamethrower, RL-3, like many robots, is still running on his fission battery and survived the nuclear war. However, he is not instantly hostile, and as a result was acquired and fixed up by a trader named Tinkerer Joe, who is currently selling RL-3 for 1,000 caps (500 with a speech check). However, RL-3 has his own programmed personality, and will only join people who are not too "extreme" (which means you can only buy him with Neutral Karma).
* [[But Thou Must!]]: Despite being a ''frickin robot'', he will not enter the irradiated chamber to start the purify, at least without ''Broken Steel''.
* [[Can't Catch Up]]: Without ''Broken Steel'', he does kick ass at first, but the fact that he does not level up with the player past level 9 makes him much less useful at the end of the game.
* [[Drill Sergeant Nasty]]
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* [[Canine Companion]]: The best one for any video game ever.
* [[Dead Guy, Junior]] / [[Someone to Remember Him By]]: With the Puppies! perk, added in ''Broken Steel'', should Dogmeat get killed in the line of duty, one of his puppies/reincarnation will appear by the Vault 101 entrance a short time later. The puppy is treated as if he were the original and is thus subject to the perk as well.
* [[Everythings Precious With Puppies]]: Awww, did Dogmeat die heroically in combat? Well now your beloved companion is gone forever... or is he? With the Puppies! perk you'll never have to worry about his safety again! Whenever he bites it you'll just have to wait for a new doggie buddy to show up at vault 101. Truly, puppies make everything better.
* [[Lost Forever]]: Yes, Dogmeat can be killed. If he is, he's dead for good.
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The owner of Moriarty's Saloon. He's got a lot of connections, and has a lot of people who owe him a lot of money. Lucas Simms claims to be the mayor of Megaton, but Moriarty is the one aiming to have complete control over the citizens.
* [[Zero -Percent Approval Rating]]: ''Everyone'' wants Moriarty gone. And he knows it.
* [[Affably Evil]]
** [[Faux Affably Evil]]: He'll act all polite and friendly to your face, but one look at his computer tells us what he's saying about people behind their backs...
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** {{spoiler|Which has lead to the theory that he's really a Frumentarii scout, or possibly an undercover member of the Enclave.}}
* [[Expy]]: He's basically [[Fallout 3]]'s answer to [[The Elder Scrolls Four|Oblivion's]] Lucien Lachance, even having the exact same voice.
* [[Four Eyes, Zero Soul]]: [[Complete Monster|Emphasis on the "zero soul" part.]]
* [[Nuke'Em]]: He seems to have some weird love of nuclear explosions. Just listen to him if you blow up Megaton.
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* [[Badass in A Nice Suit]]: He doesn't seem like much when you first meet him and asks you to do most of his dirty work for him, but once {{spoiler|you deliver all the keys to him he'll trek all the way across the wasteland by himself to retrieve a suit of rare power armor.}}
* [[Boom! Headshot!]]: His quest name is even "You gotta shoot em in the head." Mr. Crowley also won't give you the full bounty unless the target dies from a headshot. {{spoiler|Or you get him to reveal that he is just after the keys.}}
* [[Fantastic Racism]]: The reason he gives for wanting the humans on his list dead. {{spoiler|In reality, the only bigoted one is Tenpenny.}}
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* [[All Men Are Perverts]]: The only reason he bothers with Sierra in the first place is because he wants to have sex with her. He is also quite enticed with the idea of a threesome between him, Sierra, and a female Lone Wanderer.
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: He's not really evil (especially by wasteland standards), but he is a bit of a sleezeball. He still refuses to force himself on Sierra, even though there is no one around to do anything.
* [[Girl -On -Girl Is Hot]]: He certainly seems to think so.
* [[Perverse Sexual Lust]]: The only reason he even stays in Girdershade.
* [[Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil]]: He certainly belives this. While not above trying to buy Sierra's love (or rather, her body) he refuses to cross this particular line.
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* [[Anti-Hero]]: Possibly a Type 3 for the organization. While they're mostly morally upstanding Paladins, they have a shoot-on-sight policy when dealing with Ghouls, tarnishing their general image.
* [[Anti -Mutiny]]: Lyons decided that it was more important to follow the ''intent'' of the Brotherhood Codex (rebuild humanity) rather than the ''letter'' (in other words, xenophobic laws). This is what ended up pissing off those who would become the Outcasts, who adhered strictly to said Codex, in turn starting their '''own''' [[Anti -Mutiny]].
** The mutiny itself is treated in an interesting way by the Elders of the West Coast headquarters; unable to come to a consensus on whether his actions were what their Codex intended, they don't actually punish him. Matter of fact, they let him keep his title and status in the order. The catch is, they also cut off any reinforcements to the Capital Wasteland. By the time they are encountered by the Lone Wanderer, their organization is severely understrength and under-supplied.
* [[Defector From Decadence]]
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* [[Chronic Hero Syndrome]]: What arguably has put him at odds with the tenets of the Brotherhood. [[Word of God|Developers have said]] that they liken him to the [[Fallout 1 (Video Game)|Vault Dweller]] in that they were sent out on a specific mission, but after being released from the constant values feedback and insular society, he began to think autonomously and developed compassion.
* [[Defector From Decadence]]
* [[Hey It's That Voice|Hey, It's That Voice!]]: [[War Craft|Cairne Bloodhoof]]? Is that you?
* [[Honor Before Reason]]: In ''Broken Steel'', Lyons opts to distribute the purified water from Project Purity freely to the people of the Wasteland, instead of selling it for caps. He also refuses to sell the water to Raiders and Slavers, despite them having an abundance of caps to buy it with. These decisions drive the very cynical Scribe put in charge of coordinating the water distribution quite crazy.
** Then again, it's good PR (let's be honest, you have to get recruits from ''somewhere''), plus...[[Kick the Son of A Bitch|fuck Raiders.]]
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* [[Made of Iron]]: Laser rifles, plasma rifles, gatling lasers, rockets, and artillery don't even scratch him. All the manpower the Enclave throw at him amounts only to more time spent hosing the gore off the soles of his giant metal feet. {{spoiler|The Enclave finally bring him down with an orbital nuke}}.
* [[One-Man Army|One Robot Army]]: He doesn't need the Wanderer or the Brotherhood's help getting to the purifier... the only reason that they are even there is to witness his awesome first-hand.
* [[Shout -Out]]: Averted, actually, or at least unintentional. Despite a couple of similar lines between them, as well as the impossible-to-miss name and voice, [[Word of God]] says he wasn't intended to be a homage to [[Transformers|Optimus Prime]]. However, it's been admitted the parallels may have been done subconsciously.
* [[Testosterone Poisoning]]
* [[The Plot Reaper]]: {{spoiler|He gets nuked at the beginning of ''Broken Steel'', though the Brotherhood recovered what remained of him and by the time ''Broken Steel'' ends, they're repairing him.}}
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* [[Necessarily Evil]]: They see using guns to defend themselves as such.
* [[Retired Badass]]: One of their members is a former Brotherhood Outcast who will give you his old power armor for completing the "Oasis" quest.
* [[Side BoobSideboob]]: Oddly enough, the female Treeminder robe, despite covering most of the wearer's body, allows for a decent amount of this.
== Raiders ==
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* [[Eagle Land]]: Him and his entire troop line-up. Choice slogans include "Better dead than Red" and "Don't mess with the U.S."
* [[Executive Meddling]]: In-universe, the simulation was adjusted according to his demands constantly, and became very detached from the reality. There's no real way to tell if anything you experience in it actually happened or if it was just Chase making stuff up.
* [[Four -Star Badass]]: Literal 4 Star General. Is also quick to remind the player when they don't call him 'sir' that such idle banter between subordinate and his superior officer is unprofessional, and that those stars on his uniform aren't just for show and is something he earned over a long career so his rank deserves respect.
* [[Literary Agent Hypothesis]]: See under Executive Meddling.
* [[Mission Control]]
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* [[Badass Mustache]]
* [[Better to Die Than Be Killed]]: If you pass a speech challenge you convince him that he's already lost, so he runs himself through with his sword to avoid being taken prisoner. [[That One Boss|It's recommended that you at least attempt this]].
* [[Four -Star Badass]]
* [[Kick the Dog]]: Executing an unarmed prisoner when you first meet him.
* [[Made of Iron]]: Has ''by far'' more health than any other human NPC in the entire ''Fallout'' series, being nearly as tough as a Super Mutant Behemoth. This is most likely due to him being a character in a computer simulation, which was reprogrammed by General Chase to be significantly divorced from the reality of the real Anchorage campaign.
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* [[Cluster F-Bomb]]
* [[Dirty Coward]]: Has shades, mostly through relying on others to achieve his goals for him instead of doing it himself. It's also very easy to convince him his revolution has failed, in which case he flees.
* {{spoiler|[[Full -Circle Revolution]]}}
* [[I Did What I Had to Do]]: When called out on the full extent of his plans, Wernher tells the player that sometimes you have to commit morally questionable acts to create effective social change. It rings somewhat hollow though, due to his previous acts and the completely Jerkass way he talks about it to the player.
* {{spoiler|[[Manipulative Bastard]]}}
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* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: Averted to hell and back with the Alien Captain.
* [[Bigger Bad]]: To the Enclave, sort of.
* [[Early -Bird Cameo]]: One of their crashed spaceships and a pair of corpses (where you can find the Alien Blaster) are found in the original Fallout as well as in Fallout 3 (though the ship there looks different than in Fallout).
* [[Glass Cannon]]: Their weapons are capable of truly ridiculous damage, but they are physically weak. Some of them come packing special forcefields, and as a result are significantly tougher.
* [[Infinity+1 Sword]]: Once again, pretty much all of their equipment, especially the Alien Blaster.
* [[Shout -Out]]: As stated above, they resemble stereotypical 50's and 60's aliens.
* [[Zero Effort Boss]]: The Alien Captain has lower health than pretty much everyone else onboard, and when the player has access to things like the Alien Disintegrater, he literally dies in one shot.
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