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* [[Chuck Norris]] - Comes with no hitbox for extra-invulnerable goodness! As the [[Defeating the Undefeatable]] entry demonstrates, though, he's not entirely invincible.
* [[Cloning Blues]]: There are many, many edited [[The King of Fighters (Video Game)|Kula]] and [[Melty Blood (Video Game)|Len]] clones out there.
* [[Combo -Platter Powers]]
* [[Combos]]
* [[The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard]]: Prevalent in some characters to an uncomfortable extreme. The good news is that some of the more diplomatic creators will include multiple levels of AI for their characters, and for the rest, MUGEN's customizability lets you curb the more insane AI yourself IF you know what you're doing.
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== D-F ==
* [[Damn You, Muscle Memory!]]: The possibility of a MUGEN build having characters coming from different source games (complete with distinctive control schemes of such) tends to get some players mixed up when getting to know or use new characters.
* [[Death of a Thousand Cuts]]: There are ''many'' characters who's attacks will hit the 999 combo meter. It's mainly overpowered characters.
** What's a little funny is that in [[Original Generation|Daniel's]] readme, his goal is "to achieve 1,000 hits in MUGEN."
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* [[Doing It for The Art]]: Projects that don't heavily recycle existing sprites and stage backgrounds generally qualify, but the [[Mega Crossover|mega crossover]] ''[[Card Saga Wars]]'' is easily one of the most extreme; nearly everything (short of the music, voices and sound effects) is made from scratch. By two very dedicated people.
* [[Dysfunction Junction]]
* [[Early -Bird Cameo]]: Andres Borghi's horror-themed creations (in addition to two new characters) became stars of [[The Black Heart|their own MUGEN-engine full game.]]
* [[The End of the World As We Know It]]: This is what the [[Star Wars|Death Star]] uses as its [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill|strongest attack]].
* [[Eighties Hair]]: Bebum Ryo.
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** The goblin character Menelikke does the same in his super. There's also the giantess Delilah who, in one of her alternate versions, has a full screen gas attack.
** And there's also Gustavo, whose only attacks are... well, farts, when attacked.
** Most_Mysterious [[Playing With a Trope|played with this]]. Some of his characters have moves that have farts as a hitsounds (notable examples include Dink Smallwood's ([[In Name Only|who doesn't seem to even look like]] [[Dink Smallwood|the character he's supposed to be]].) [[Morally -Ambiguous Ducktorate|Big Mother Ducker]] (also appearing as [[Bio Menace|Skullman's]] striker) and ''Omega Tiger Woods's'' Shrimp Bus supers).
** [[Jo Jo's Bizarre Adventure (Manga)|Iggy's]] throw has his Stand grabbing the opponent and Iggy jumping up to said victim and farting on his face.
* [[Finishing Move]]: It's not uncommon for a character's super to be used as this. And that's not counting characters from games that explicitly have finishing moves, such as [[Mortal Kombat]], the [[Hokuto no Ken]] fighting games, and [[Sengoku Basara]].
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* [[Gainaxing]]: Despite not bouncing at all in the actual ''[[Street Fighter]]'' games, Warusaki3's Rainbow Mika does this.
* [[Game Breaking Bug]]: Certain matchups can lead to one character being unable to land a single point of damage on the opponent, both characters being unable to damage each other at all, or outright malfunctions in the engine, due to the different codes used with each character and/or sloppy coding.
* [[Gender Flip]]: See [[Rule Sixty Three63]] below. There's also the infamous [[Darkstalkers (Video Game)|Midnight Bliss]]...
* [[Giftedly Bad]]: That seems to describe GooGoo64 pretty well.
** It's also pretty safe (Lickspittles aside) to assume Alexlexus being this.
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** MC2 as EvilSlayerX5 epically Godwin'd himself by changing his background into a ''swastika''.
* [[Hailfire Peaks]]
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: Segalow, as a result of using voice clips from Seth, is voiced by [[Michael McConnohie]]. And Gelato is [[Persona 3 FES|Minato Arisato.]] This also happens in a number of other releases, since creators will reuse voice clips when appropriate.
* [[High-Pressure Blood]]: With [[Mortal Kombat]] and [[Samurai Shodown]] characters converted to the engine, this was bound to happen.
* [[Hit Points]]
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* [[Rule 34]]: There is a whole sub-culture of hentai related MUGEN creations, including characters, stages and the like.
** Similarly, there are nude versions of many fighting game gals out there.
* [[Rule Sixty Three63]]: [[King of Fighters|Kyoko, Goeniko and Zeroko (both original and clone)]]. Gelato is a rare female-to-male genderflip of [[The King of Fighters (Video Game)|Kula Diamond]], and there is a [[Melty Blood (Video Game)|"Shikiko"]] and a [[Guilty Gear|"Kyko"]].
** Ryuuoutan happens to be the Dragonlord from the [[Dragon Quest]] series if he/it was a cute girl.
* [[Ryona]]: Some MUGEN vids put out by creators explicitly cater to this fetish, with characters doing goretastic [[Finishing Move|fatalities]] on their female opponents being particularly popular.
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** [[Mortal Kombat|Shang Tsung]] himself as well. OMEGAPSYCHO's version deserves special mention, as he managed to make him able to transform into nearly every MK1 character but Goro. Juano's Shang Tsung goes this way too, having every [[MK 2]] character, including Jade, Noob Saibot and Smoke, but excluding all bosses.
* [[Shotoclone|Shotoclones]]: A lot.
* [[Shout -Out]]: [[Yoshis Island (Video Game)|Kamek]] is ''loaded'' with them. He can summon one of three [[Pokémon]] at will and can use [[Mortal Kombat|fatalities]], one of which is directly based on one of Smoke's. His Troopa Rush super is admitted in his readme to be a takeoff of [[Mega Man Legends (Video Game)|Tron Bonne]]'s Lunch Rush special. Some of the objects that can fall from the sky in his Switchblock Drop super are [[Sonic the Hedgehog|the Egg-o-matic, the Master Emerald,]] [[Earthworm Jim (Video Game)|a cow]], and [[Chrono Trigger (Video Game)|Lavos]]. ''And'' he can use [[Final Fantasy VI|Ultima]].
* [[Silliness Switch]]: [[The Simpsons (Animation)|Homer]]'s Drunk Homer mode combines this with [[Turns Red]].
** In [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4S7pU96_msY AWESOME FASHION.)0:28]
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* [[Stringy Haired Ghost Girl]]: [[Original Generation|Ella and Noroko.]]
* [[Sturgeon's Law]]
* [[Summon Magic]]: Some characters do this as a super attack by calling in a reinforcement to perform an assist (see Kamek in the [[Shout -Out]] entry above).
** [[Vocaloid|Hatsune Miku]] takes this [[Up to Eleven]] with her super singing attacks - if she sings a soundtrack from a well known franchise, a character from the franchise comes in to perform the assist. And given [[Loads and Loads of Characters|how many]] [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfzLcX55xAM there are]...
* [[Super Move Portrait Attack]]: The_None's {{spoiler|[[Melty Blood (Video Game)|Shadow Kouma]]}} deserves special mention, for that he has a super move that {{spoiler|takes this trope ''literally''. Yup, the said move involves ''the portrait itself hitting the opponent''}}.
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