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Deus Ex: Invisible War: Difference between revisions

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* [[Cyberpunk]]: Quasi-Zaibatsu Corporate-State dominance by the World Trade Organization, Cybernetic enhancement of the human body, and both of the "not evil" factions seem to be attempting to use technology of some sort as cornerstone of their schemes for [[World Domination]]. Plus, the main character has the ability to reject all of them at the end of the game. That fits all of the requirements of [[Cyberpunk]].
* [[Dance Party Ending]]: The secret ending 5th ending, with every single major character enjoying themselves together in Club Vox.
* [[DevelopersDeveloper's Room]]: The secret ending. When you flush the UN flag in Manderley's toilet, you find yourself in Club Vox with all living characters in there and datacubes with developer's comments floating midair.
* [[The Dev Team Thinks of Everything]]: As maligned as the design is, the game will notice everything you do, especially if you do clever things or do things out of expected order.
* [[The Dragon]]: Billie Adams for Saman.
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* [[End of the World Special]]: Transhumanist [[Assimilation Plot]], [[Big Brother Is Watching|benevolent dictatorship]], extremist theocracy, or 200 years of war leading to a ruined planet and the remainder of humanity becoming a [[Hive Mind|hive mind]].
* [[Everything's Better With Penguins]]: The Antarctica levels.
* [[Full -Circle Revolution]]: {{spoiler|1=Nicolette DuClare and Chad Dumier, rabble rousers fighting against the establishment in the first game, FIGHTIN' THE POWER!.... And then they become the power, as the heads of the reformed Illuminati. It's [[In the Blood]] for Nico, since her mom was partners in crime with Everett preceding the first game.}}
* [[GaiasGaia's Lament]]: The Earth hasn't recovered since the events of the first game, and in some cases things are worse. VersaLife's transgenic creatures are now full-blown invasive species, and Nanite Swells--massive clouds of nanites from labs destroyed during the Collapse--infect people with Gray Death-like ailments.
* [[Gender Is No Object]]: See [[Men Are the Expendable Gender]] below; the gender ratio for the various armed forces in this game is pretty much dead even, shockingly.
* [[Golden Snitch]]: Even if you've killed the [[Ancient Conspiracy|Illuminati]] co-leader, or been killing [[The Knights Templar]] the entire game, you can still side with these factions in the end.
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* [[The Greys]]: They now speak English and serve as JC Denton's minions.
* [[Guns in Church]]: Bars and other establishments have "weapons-free zones" that require patrons to submit to having their weapons deactivated--ostensibly this just keeps guns, heavy weapons, and combat-based augmentations from being used, but it also prevents the use of melee weapons. [[Improbable Weapon User|Fire extinguishers make a handy replacement]].
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: Wait, is that [[Laura Bailey|Lust]] as female Alex?
** JC Denton does double duty as the Project Director.
** The female helicopter pilot is clearly [[System Shock|SHODAN]], which is doubly amusing since {{spoiler|she turns out to be an A.I.}}.
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* [[Soul Jar]]: Sort of. The [[Nanomachines|Universal Constructor]] rebuilds JC's body every time you kill him.
* [[Special Guest]]: Free Dominguez of Kidneythieves voiced NG Resonance, and their tracks play in the clubs in the game.
* [[Story -Driven Invulnerability]]: In contrast to the original ''Deus Ex'', where plot-critical characters were simply invincible, in ''Invisible War'' anyone can be killed--however, to prevent this with major characters too soon, they're in places where Alex Denton can't attack them save for players thinking outside the box--this usually reveals that the game is playing it straight at those points.
** One example is {{spoiler|Chad Dumier}}. When first met the character is behind bulletproof glass, which only the EMP blasts (which are harmless to humans) of the Magrail can penetrate. However, a nearby bodyguard ''is'' a character type vulnerable to EMP blasts, and they create a toxic gas cloud upon death. Use the Magrail to take out the bodyguard and nearly everyone behind the glass drops dead while {{spoiler|Chad}} doesn't even flinch despite being in the middle of the cloud.
** Due to a bug, it's possible to kill Billie Adams in the first level, before she runs into a locked, bulletproof room. Surprisingly, the rest of the game proceeds mostly as normal; in areas where Billie was supposed to appear, she's simply missing, and intercom messages she was supposed to send you are instead blank. Sometimes characters will talk as though she's there even though she's not (due to being dead), but otherwise the game remains entirely unbroken.
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