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Later it was adapted into that famous movie where [[Audrey Hepburn]] [[All There Is to Know About "The Crying Game"|wears a fabulous Givenchy dress and holds a cigarette in a holder]]. In this version Holly probably isn't a hooker (though she does seek out wealthy men to have flings with), and the gay writer is now a straight gigolo--or something close to it--named Paul Varjak who has a tumultuous relationship with Holly.
Not to be confused with the song of the same name, by [[One -Hit Wonder|Deep Blue Something]].
=== ''Breakfast At Tiffany's'' provides examples of: ===
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* [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]: For a film in which the two lead characters are more-or-less prostitutes, it's remarkably roundabout in its approach to sexuality.
* [[Happy Rain]]: The final kiss between Paul and Holly takes place in a torrential downpour.
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: In the movie Sally Tomato was played by Alan Reed -- the voice of [[The Flintstones|Fred Flintstone]].
* [[Iconic Characters|Iconic Character]]: Any "hip" store is likely to have a poster or a painting of Holly alongside those of [[Marilyn Monroe]], [[James Dean]], etc.
* [[Kick the Dog]]: When Holly abandons her cat in an alley, it's the ultimate sign that she's selling out for a soulless life of luxury. {{spoiler|And going back to find him is her redemption.}}
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