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* [[Art Major Biology]]: Jude was literally [[Overdrawn At the Blood Bank]], donating seventeen times in one day under different [[Paper-Thin Disguise|Paper-Thin Disguises.]] Obviously for [[Rule of Funny]], but had the show handled it realistically, Jude would probably have died around the fourth or fifth donation.
* [[Author Appeal]]: Jen get shown naked (censored, of course) a whole lot, especially for a kid's show...
* [[Bad Job, Worse Uniform]]: The Lemon Drop is the most notable.
* [[Bathroom Stall of Overheard Insults]]: Done in at least one episode with dressing cubicles instead, where Tricia overhears Caitlin [[I Resemble That Remark|calling her mean]].
* [[Beauty, Brains, and Brawn]]: Caitlin, Jen and Nikki.
* [[Beauty Is Never Tarnished]]: [[Averted Trope|averted]]. Caitlin's mascara runs often when she cries, etc.
** Oddly, played straight when Caitlin barfs on the rollercoaster and remains completely clean while everyone else gets covered in vomit.
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** [[Hope Spot]]: {{spoiler|Nikki's family even agrees not to move after seeing how much Nikki's friends care about her, but she decides that she has to do the mature thing and move anyway so her father can have his dream.}}
* [[The Blind Leading the Blind]]: Characters often make the mistake of taking dating advice from [[In Love With Love|Caitlin]] or [[Casanova Wannabe|Jonesy]].
* [[Blonde, Brunette, Redhead]]: Caitlin, Nikki and Jen.
* [[Bowdlerise]]: In 2012, PopGirl in the UK suddenly started censoring the show after a few years of airing it uncut.
** All onscreen vomiting is cut.
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* [[Did I Just Say That Out Loud?]]: Caitlin says this word-for-word after telling Jen she's bossy and overbearing, leading to a bet that Jen can't last the rest of the day without telling somebody else what to do, and the others going out of their ways to make her crack. [[Hilarity Ensues]].
* [[Disproportionate Retribution]]: Wanye firing Wyatt from the video store simply cause he accidentally spilled some coffee on a rare video. Before that, Wayne fired Jonesy minutes after hiring simply because Jonesy liked the movie [[Top Gun|Top M-16s.]]
* [[Do -It -Yourself Theme Tune]]: Wyatt sings the theme song with Jude.
* [[Double Entendre]]: This quote from Dude of the Living Dead?
{{quote| '''Nikki''': "...[Jonesy's] oversized male ego!"<br />
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* [[Dude, Where's My Respect?]]: In "Oops, I Dialed It Again" Wyatt saves a baby's life and catches three handbags (one in each hand and one on his foot), but that's immediately forgotten about when he sneezes and has snot hanging from his nose.
* [[Erudite Stoner]]: Jude.
* [["Everybody Laughs" Ending]]: Practically every episode
* [[Evil Is Petty]]: In "Losing Your Lemon" after Caitlin gets her credit card back and quits her job Tricia encourages her to go on a shopping spree just to get her back into debt and so she and her friends can steal the gang's spot in front of the Lemon while Caitlin is away.
* [[Hair Decorations]]: Caitlin always wears a pink butterfly hair clip. This may possibly be to show that she's supposed to be the biggest girly girl in the group.
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* [[Feigning Intelligence]]: When Caitlin pretends to be a college student in Smarten Up.
* [[Feud Episode]]: While they're not long time friends, Nikki gets in a fight with Caitlin but all is forgiven after {{spoiler|Jude's pet fish dies}} in "Fish and Make Up".
* [[Five -Finger Discount]]: The episode of the same name had a lesson against it.
* [[Five-Man Band]]:
{{quote| Jude is [[The Hero]] (as the skateboard hero)<br />
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[[The Heart|Gym Sock]]: Jen<br />
[[The Chick|Cupcake]]: Caitlin }}
* [[Five -Token Band]]: There's some element of this, as you can tell by the picture, but in this case the white male is ''not'' the leader.
* [[Flirty Stepsiblings]]: Jonesy and Jen
* [[Geek]] (Darth, most particularly. Chrissy (of the Clones) shows occasional signs of being a closet case.)
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* [[Hair of Gold]]: Several characters; Jude, Caitlin, and the Khaki Clones prominently.
* [[Heartbreak and Ice Cream]]: Almost a [[Running Gag]].
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: Several of the voice actors on this show were also on [[Total Drama Island|the various Total Drama series]].
** Jonesy is [[Scaredy Squirrel (Animation)|Scaredy Squirrel]].
** In Spain, Caitlin is [[Atomic Betty (Animation)|Atomic Betty]].
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* [[Halloween Episode]]: ''Boo, Dude'' and the hour long special ''Dude of the Living Dead''.
* [[Handsome Lech]]: Jonesy.
* [[If You Die, I Call Your Stuff]]: The Clones are apt to do this because they're all the same size and they have the same taste in clothes.
* [[Inept Aptitude Test]]: Not so much the test, but the fact that their {{spoiler|tests got switched}}.
* [[Informed Judaism]]: Jude, actually, but only because he said he needed to go home for the Hanukkah celebration in one of the [[Christmas Episode|christmas episodes]].
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* [[May-December Romance]]: Although it's not exactly a romance, it's evident the mutual sexual tension between Jonesy and Yummy Mummy.
** Amélie admires Jonesy's little brother Robbie in "A Crime of Fashion".
* [[Minor Flaw, Major Breakup]]: Caitlin frequently dumps guys over minor flaws.
* [[Mistaken for Gay]]: Jonesy and Wyatt are thought to be a gay couple by two women they are trying to pick up. Jonesy wasn't too thrilled about it (Jonesy: "Not gay! NOT GAY!").
** Happens again when Jonesy volunteers to tell Wyatt that Marlowe is dumping him, and telling him in a cafe infamous for being a hotspot for couples breaking up. When Wyatt shouts his reaction in the wrong way, the customers (particularly the females) immediately mistook them for a gay couple breaking up because "Jonesy is deciding to switch teams". For some odd reason, despite their own break-ups with their boyfriends, the girls were angry that Jonesy's "breaking up with Wyatt". It didn't help that after Jonesy gets chased out, Wyatt runs after, asking something that could also be taken the wrong way.
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*** He's basically Jack Black's [["Stop Having Fun!" Guys|Barry]] character from [[High Fidelity]] with an obsession with movies instead of music.
** The Talent Show episode had the judges look exactly like Randy, Paula, and Simon.
* [[No Periods, Period]] ([[Averted Trope|averted]])
* [[Nobody Poops]] ([[Averted Trope|averted]] again)
* [[Not What It Looks Like]] (In one episode, Jonesy and Wyatt are accused of being [[Ho Yay|a "couple"]] after the former breaks up for the latter's girlfriend.)
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* [[One Head Taller]]: All of the guys (and most one-shot dates) are at least a handful of inches taller than the girls.
* [[One of the Boys]]: One-shot character Joanie. She dresses girly, but that belch of her's is all man.
* [[The One With...]]: Some episode titles (in an homage to [[Friends]] )
* [[Overdrawn At the Blood Bank]]: In one episode Jude donates blood seventeen times in order to score free doughnuts.
* [[Power Trio]]: The male main characters
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** In another, Wyatt and Caitlin become attract to each other after accidentally kissing.
** Also between Jen and Jude (when Jen is trying to get her driver's license, when Jude pretends to be Jen's date, and in one Christmas special).
* [[Shout -Out]]: Wayne gives one to [[Seven Samurai]], claiming "The 77th Samurai" is the best movie ever made and his prized possesion.
** The video of Ron the guys watch at the end of the season 3 finale is a parody of the music video of "Weapon of Choice" by Fat Boy Slim. An allusion to Ron being based on Christopher Walken, who starred in the video.
** Also "the first rule of wheelchair club is DO NOT TALK ABOUT WHEELCHAIR CLUB. The second rule of wheelchair club is..."
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** In the episode "Lights Out," where Jude tries to join the goth troupe, Caitlin recognizes one of the goths, "Morgana, Mistress of the Macabre," as Haley from [[Not So Above It All|tennis camp]]. In one of the [[Saturday Night Live]] "Goth Talk" sketches, Circe Nightshade (real name Stephanie) mentions that she and Countess Cobwella (real name Denise) went to tennis camp together.
* [[Shower of Awkward]] (Played straight in one episode, where Jonesy accidently sees Jen completely naked (and to make this more awkward she is his ''stepsister''. He's completely freaked out and everything he sees or thinks about reminds him of the picture in his head.))
* [["Shut Up" Kiss]] / [[Forceful Kiss]]: In "Smarten Up," Caitlin starts dating a college boy, but lies about being in college to impress him. Soon, he starts asking to meet her friends, but she pulls this trope on him to keep his mind off it.
* [[Similar Squad]]: Tricia's new friends in "Losing Your Lemon" are Expies of the main gang.
* [[Single-Minded Twins]]: Kristen and Kirsten, even though they're not really twins.
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* [[Smug Snake]] (Tricia)
* [[The Snark Knight]] (Nikki)
* [[Split -Screen Phone Call]]
* [[Spoiled Sweet]] (Caitlin)
** Subverted in some episodes of Seasons 3 and 4 when Caitlin goes into [[Spoiled Brat]] mode.
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* [[Woman Scorned]]: In "Double Date" after being asked out by the same guy at the same time some girls decide to start a vigilante group against jerk guys. This ultimately fails because the leader is Trisha, who has guys marked down as jerks for frivolous offenses or without getting all the facts. Or she could have just been singling out Jude and Wyatt because they're friends with Caitlin.
* [[Yet Another Christmas Carol]]: Wayne experiences one during "In a Retail Wonderland".
* [[You Know I'm Black, Right?]]: The episode where Wyatt had a crazy [[Stalker With a Crush]] who thought that he and Wayne were identical twins. At the end of the episode, he finally snaps.
{{quote| '''Wyatt:''' We're ''not'' '''''twins'''''! ''I'm'' black, and ''he's'' '''''white'''''!<br />
'''Wayne:''' Ah ha ha! And you're ''''crazy''''. }}
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