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When someone finally does act or speak up, the objection comes as a source of puzzlement, confusion, and sometimes outright anger on the part of the person or group! Someone is objecting? Why would they object? How ''dare'' they object!
A [[Sub -Trope]] of [[Idiot Plot]].
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== Live-Action TV ==
* In ''[[Babylon 5 (TV)|Babylon 5]]'', the Minbari routinely salute other Minbari vessels by approaching with gunports open as a sign of respect. When they encounter a human vessel for the first time, they attempt to do the same as a friendly gesture. The Earth ship, utterly misinterpreting this maneuver and convinced the larger alien vessel is about to attack, opens fire first. The Minbari leader Dukhat was ''[[Subverted Trope|enraged]]'' when he learned his crew was doing this in a first-contact situation, but he was killed in the process of ordering the gun ports closed. A bloody war immediately followed.
* In several ''[[Star Trek]]'' episodes, various alien species actually seem surprised when the Federation objects to having their citizens [[Alien Abduction|kidnapped]].
** In the episode "Half a Life" there's an entire species of people who ritualistically kill themselves on their 60th birthdays, and they seem shocked and baffled when one of their own refuses to do so so (because he needs more time in order save the whole planet -- also, he'd fallen in love with Lwaxana). Apparently none of their 60-year-olds had ever had any qualms about dying before.
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[[Category:Stupidity Tropes]]
[[Category:Nobody Ever Complained Before]]
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