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== Films -- Animation ==
* Mr. Perkins, the evil head of the Bank of Evil ([[Take That|formerly Lehman Bros]].) in ''[[Despicable Me]]'' certainly [[Shout -Out|looks like]] the the original (or [[Weapon Brown|the unrated version of him]]) but he's actually scarily competent.
* [[Ted Baxter|Oscar]]'s [[Fat Bastard]] boss, Sykes from [[Shark Tale]].
* King Malbert the [[Fat Idiot]] from [[Igor]].
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* Dougie in ''[[Enlightened]]'' is a sort of example. While he is actually rather good at programming, his people-management skills are horrible, and he is pretty socially inept.
* ISO Administrator Mike Goss in ''[[Defying Gravity]]'' is shaping up to be this, grinding subordinates faces in their mistakes while refusing to admit to or back away from his own.
* ''[[The Brittas Empire]]'' revolves around one of these running a previously ordinary leisure center. Gordon Brittas ([[Hey, It's That Guy!|played by]] [[Red Dwarf (TV)|Chris Barrie]]) can, through sheer tactlessness and incompetence, induce psychological breakdown in pretty much anyone who vists the center. He stops by groups of happy people to offer well-meant "words of encouragement" and they storm off crying. He insults visitors until they're willing to pull a gun over a dispute about a cup of coffee. He tries to settle a problem with an unruly child, and ends up getting the center attacked by a Roman Recreational Society complete with ''war-elephants''. His behavior did inspire many people to have the "I Spy Brittas" game where they have company outings to his center and score points every time they witness his various hand gestures and idiosyncratic tics and hear his various speeches. Bonus points if you get him to talk about ''The Dream''.
* Arthur "Big Guy" Carlson, of ''[[WKRP in Cincinnati]]''.
* In ''[[Are You Being Served? (TV)|Are You Being Served]]'', much of the senior staff at Grace Brothers could fit this category. Mr. Rumbold is the most blatant example, but a recurring theme is that ''everyone'' in a position of authority at the store is incompetent; Captain Peacock is a blowhard, Mrs. Slocombe is far too self-absorbed to be much help to anything [[Double Entendre|except for her pussy]], Mr. Grainger is worn-out and well past the point when he should have retired, and Young Mr. Grace is virtually senile. Only [[The Barnum|Mr Humphries]] can handle additional responsibilities while escaping mostly unscathed.
* ''[[The Wire]]'' has several outstanding examples, both in city government and the Baltimore Police Department, with almost all authority figures fitting in somewhere between [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]] and [[Pointy-Haired Boss]]. Special note has to given to Maj. Valchek, however, who is rewarded for his incompetence by {{spoiler|being made police commissioner}}.
* This is how Major Norton was portrayed in [[Disney]]'s ''[[Davy Crockett]]'' mini-series, though he may have just seemed this way against [[Badass|Davy]].
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* ''[[Cat Dog]]'': Rancid Rabbit.
* Major Monogram from ''[[Phineas and Ferb (Animation)|Phineas and Ferb]]'' drifts into this sometime. While most cases Doofenshmirtz is usually doing something to warrant sending Perry to stop him. There are a few instances where Doofenshmirtz is usually taking an off day such as going on a blind date, meeting an old teacher, going to a convention, ''actually being sick'', etc., but Monogram doesn't really bother to look into these case and send Perry to "stop him" anyway.<br />Then again, even in those occasions, Doofenshmirtz was doing something that should be stopped. In the blind date, Doof had developed a device to deprive people of their emotions if his date failed; to impress the "old teacher", he tried to blow up the moon; the convention was for evil scientists so, there was a reason to think someone (even if it wasn't Doofenshmirtz) would do something Perry should stop; when he got run over by an ice cream truck, he tried to hit the truck with a giant tire. Even when Major Monogram sent Perry to Doofenshmirtz because Doof was picking up empty bottles for recycling, it turned out it was for some plot ("It's green ''and'' evil! I call it 'greevil'!").
* Zapp Brannigan from ''[[Futurama (Animation)|Futurama]]'', a celebrated space captain who couldn't fly his way out of a meteor shower. He puts all the work on his assistant Kif and takes any credit he can. His strategies for any threat are usually [[Attack! Attack! Attack!]], sending hundreds of [[Red Shirts]] to their demise while he sits back and does nothing. The only reason he hasn't gotten himself offed <ref>other than that one time, [[Status Quo Is God|but you know]]</ref> because circumstances usually prevent it from happening and at best he walks away with a few bruises.
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[[Category:Born in The Funny Papers]]
[[Category:Pointy Haired Boss]]
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