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BioShock (series)/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[AFGNCAAP]]: As the [[Player Character]], naturally.
* [[Badass Normal]] (He begins the game as this, then becomes more of a [[Badass Abnormal]] as he becomes more and more spliced. {{spoiler|And ends up partially becoming a Big Daddy, to boot.}})
* [[Bee -Bee Gun]] His insect swarm plasmid.
* [[Elemental Powers]]: some of the plasmids
** [[An Ice Person]]: Winter Blast
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** Well, he still sees the Little Sister as [[Corrupt Corporate Executive|an excellent business plan]]...
** He also says he could never raise his hand against {{spoiler|Jack, after realizing Jack is his son}}.
* [[Evil Overlord]]: His disapproval rating only gets worse and worse with his hypocritical actions to remain in power, even to the point of [[Zero -Percent Approval Rating|the entire city population rebelling against him]], {{spoiler|which leads to the other [[Big Bad]], a [[Magnificent Bastard|magnificent]] [[Rebel Leader]] taking advantage of it.}} The few who were still loyal to him even after he [[Moral Event Horizon|crossed the line]], either stab him in the back later eventually, or get stabbed by ''him''.
* [[Fake American]]: In-universe: He was born Andrei Rianofski in the USSR; Belarus, to be exact.
* [[Foil]]: Recieved an excellent one in the form of Sofia Lamb
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* [[Child -Hater]]: Suchong hated children, and scarcely bothered to conceal it in any way. One of his big dreams was to find a way to make children age quickly to make them more efficient and "domesticatable."
{{quote| ''"Before ADAM, you could no more domesticate a child than a boa constrictor. They eat and drink like pig, and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process."'' }}
** {{spoiler|Eventually, he succeeded in this by creating Jack.}}
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{{quote| ''"Until ADAM, the human animal was a slave to the gene... the inner Tyrant. Lust... greed... rage; self obsession was etched into our DNA. We were not pulling the 'Great Chain of progress,' as Ryan believed - but shackled to it. But now, in theory, we can redraft the human blueprint. Serving the common interest can become as natural as breathing."''}}
The [[Big Bad]] of [[Bio Shock]] 2. ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' fans [[Hey, It's That Guy!|may recognize her as]] [[Agatha Christie (Creator)|Agatha Christie]], played by Fenella Woolgar. An idealist as obsessive as Ryan, but with a philosophy that's diametrically opposite. She believes in absolute collectivism, denouncing individuality and. indeed, sentience as a curse. She plans to use her daughter Eleanor to set the foundations for Utopia, [[Utopia Justifies the Means|whatever it takes]].
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* [[Evil Matriarch]]: Is she ever! It's clear from the opening cutscene that she possesses no love for Eleanor as a human being, only possessiveness.
* [[The Evils of Free Will]]: She believes that individuality is the root of all evil.
* [[Four Eyes, Zero Soul]]
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: In the form of her strict upbringing as a psychiatrist following in her father's footsteps, and in the form of her volunteer work in post-bomb Hiroshima.
* [[Foil]]: Her collectivist outlook makes her one to Andrew Ryan.
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* [[Moral Sociopathy]]: A curious case in that she probably did not began as this, but by the time of Bioshock 2 she has definitely become a sociopath obsessed with her philosophy.
* [[Nothing Personal]]: She goes as far as to say she loves Subject Delta just as much as anyone else, before sending a pack of splicers to kill him.
* [[Psychic -Assisted Suicide]]: Attempts to do this with Subject Delta at the beginning of the game by using a mind control plasmid. Fortunately, he gets better.
* [[Straight Edge Evil]]: Much like Ryan before her, she doesn't indulge in Plasmids and Gene Tonics, to the the point that the abovementioned mind control was administered by one of Lamb's splicers.
* [[Totalitarian Utilitarian]]
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* [[Hair-Trigger Temper]]
* [[Hates Being Touched]]: Apparently a side-effect of his homophobia.
* [[Hot -Blooded]]
* [[Jerkass]]
* [[Large and In Charge]]: With the exception of Sofia Lamb and the other lieutenants, the Brutes are generally the highest-ranking members of the family.
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* [[Cute but Cacophonic]]
* [[Cute Monster Girl]]: Undoubtedly the most attractive of the Splicers, even though she's just as disfigured as the others.
* [[Shout -Out]]: To ''[[What Ever Happened to Baby Jane]],'' of course.
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]
* [[Uncanny Valley Makeup]]: Close examination shows that her makeup consists of a layer of greasepaint and lipstick smeared [[The Joker|Jokerishly]] over her face.
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* [[I Need a Freaking Drink]]: While being frozen, the Breadwinner starts muttering about how he needs a hot toddy- or a vodka.
* [[Perpetual Poverty]]: In spite of his insistence to the contrary, it's not likely that the Breadwinner will ever have the wealth he wants- or claims to have.
* [[Sharp -Dressed Man]]: Still wears an expensive pinstriped suit.
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]
* [[White Dwarf Starlet]]: In the corporate sense, anyway.
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* [[Conspiracy Theorist]]
* [[Cowboy Cop]]
* [[The Cuckoolander Was Right]]: At one point, exclaims that {{spoiler|Fontaine isn't dead}} and that {{spoiler|Atlas and Fontaine are the same}}. And [[Wham! Episode|towards the end of the first game...]]
* [[Politically-Incorrect Villain]]
* [[Properly Paranoid]]: At times.
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A surgeon in the mould of Dr. Steinman (they share the same basic model), dialogue reveals that he's not exactly the most professional in the business- freely admitting to making up answers to questions posed by concerned patients, and forgetting what his various medical supplies actually do. And worse still, he's a germophobe.
* [[Back -Alley Doctor]]: In the sense that if he ever qualified for a medical degree, he's long since lost the qualifications to splicing-induced insanity.
* [[Child -Hater]]: Despises children on general principle, claiming that babies are born "covered in death," and professing utter loathing for the Little Sisters.
* [[Deadly Doctor]]
* [[Dr. Jerk]]
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* [[Screw the Rules, I Make Them]]: "When is a fever ''not'' a fever? WHEN I SAY IT ISN'T!"
* [[Slipping a Mickey]]: Occasionally admits to putting things in his nurses' drinks.
* [[Trust Me, I'm an X]]: When searching for a character in hiding, he can be heard yelling, "Don't worry, I'm a ''[[Blatant Lies|professional]]!"''
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?]]: His germophobia, which has him claiming that he can see death floating in the air- and that bacteria ''aren't'' microscopic.
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* [[Gentle Giant]]: To the Little Sisters.
* [[Implacable Man]]
* [[One -Way Visor]]
* [[The Unintelligible]]
* [[Walk, Don't Swim]]: Most Big Daddies are far too heavy to swim, but as they don't need to breath and they're immune to the crushing pressure on the ocean floor, Big Daddies are perfectly capable of marching across the sea bed.
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