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* The ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]'' books. People new to it (and in particular the [[Forgotten Realms]] novels) and who scoff at Drizzt being the emo badass rebel from an evil society don't realize just what hot shit those books were in the early '90s--and that they inspired a lot of the clichés they deride the books for using. Author R. A. Salvatore has even had readers come up to him at conventions to say "A good duel-wielding Drow ranger? How cliche!"
** ''[[Dragonlance]]'' suffers from this trope as well, alas. Reviews exist of the original Chronicles that tear them apart on the premise that it's such a cheesy/overdone/cliched setting and cast of characters.
* [[Ernest Hemingway]]. Read any other novel or watch a movie on wartime experiences before reading ''[[A Farewell to Arms (Literature)|A Farewell to Arms]]''. It'll end up looking like just another run-of-the-mill war story.
* [[HP Lovecraft|Howard P. Lovecraft]]. Compared to some of the tropes they've arguably spawned, certain stories of his can come across as charmingly old-fashioned and not necessarily all that horrifying to the modern reader. Or, in the case of his obvious racism, not-so-charming.
* [[Jane Austen]] and to a lesser extent the Bronte sisters suffer from this. Their novels have had a massive influence on romance novels to the point that they may appear hopelessly clichéd and even a bit low brow because of the countless imitators.
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