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* Character names when a series is being translated [[Spell My Name With an "S"|from one language to another]]. ([[Death Note (Manga)|Raito or Light]]? [[Princess Tutu|Ahiru or Duck]]?)
* Asking "Why is ''[[Naruto]]'' such a crap Anime" on any anime forum gets 3 different responses; non-fans saying it is, fans saying it isn't and a 3rd group that actually look at the question and point out its foibles and short comings, and try to answer it logically and factually. The 1st and 2nd group will fight, and the 3rd inevitably joins in, and can take either side.
** Just ''try'' pairing ''any'' two characters together: 90 percent of the time, you'll get [[Ship -to -Ship Combat]].
** ''Never'' try to favor Hidan or Shikamaru above the other. The [[Scars Are Forever|scars will last a lifetime...]]
* ''[[Dragonball Z]]'' ... so many to count, but simply ... Frieza Saga VS Cell Saga VS Buu Saga.
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== Fan-fic ==
* [[Ship -to -Ship Combat]] seems common... all ''too'' common.
* Any fansite devoted to [[One Piece]] will burn to the ground if someone says the forbidden word: Zolo.
* Want to see mushroom clouds erupt all over the area? Go to a [[Daria]] fan board and type in the following words: [[Berserk Button|"I like Tom Sloane."]]
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* [[Star Trek the Original Series (TV)|Kirk]] vs [[Star Trek the Next Generation (TV)|Picard]] is a classic that shows up less often now. If only because people prefer to complain about [[Star Trek Enterprise (TV)|Archer]] and [[Star Trek Voyager (TV)|Janeway]].
** Then there are those who think that [[Star Trek Deep Space Nine (TV)|Sisko]] was the greatest captain EVAR and refuse to accept any and all Star Trek that isn't completely serialized like Deep Space Nine was.
* A specific example from ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'': the [[Flame War]] that resulted after it was announced that [[Christopher Eccleston]] was only doing one series as the Ninth Doctor got so out of control the entire [[Outpost Gallifrey]] forum had to be shut down for two days. Matters weren't helped when [[Small Name, Big Ego|prominent fan]] Ian Levine, in what can only be described fairly as a moment of [[Fan Dumb|hysteria]], elected to describe Eccleston as 'lower than a cockroach'.
** In general, discussions about whether the New Series is better than the Classic Series or vice versa have a good probability of ending up as one of these.
** Another common, yet pointless debate common on forums is [[I Am Not Shazam|whether the first name of the protagonist is 'The Doctor', or 'Doctor Who']].
** Really, anything about ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' will result in a flame war. Old series v. New Series, shipping battles, best Doctor, best companion, best episode, best season, best writer, best producer, worst Doctor, worst companion, worst episode, worst season, worst writer, worst producer, romance in the TARDIS, too much emotion, not enough emotion, stand alone episodes v. arcs, the TARDIS interior design, the TARDIS exterior design... and that's not even ''touching'' the [[Expanded Universe]].
*** And perhaps most vehement of all - discussions of whether the Doctor is really [[No Biochemical Barriers|"half human on his mother's side"...]]
**** [[Word of God]] smashed that one in Series 4, the Meta-Crisis Doctor being referred to as the First Half Human/Half Time Lord.
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* Some truly ancient flamewars, all of which have been around for a couple of decades at least, some as long as half a century:
** Unix vs. ITS. Yes, ITS is in the dustbin of history because it was written for a platform which nobody has seriously used in something like 20 years. ITS grognards, however, will still go into a foaming rage at any hint that Unix might be a better choice. And Unix grognards will go into screaming hissy fits at any hint that perhaps the "innovations" they attribute to their favorite hack might have existed long before it.
** [http[wikipedia://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Editor_warEditor war|EMACS vs. VI]]. Wanna disrupt any technical forum you like? Wait for someone to mention EMACS or VI and then casually say one of the following (depending on which is mentioned first): "I really don't like EMACS. Alt-Meta-Shift-Bucky-Bucky-One is just not a user interface." "VI really lacks anything to recommend it as a developer's editor. Between the anemic scripting capabilities and the hideous, irritating modal setup, you can't get anything done without your editor biting your fingers off." Then just sit back and watch the flames leap up until either the forum is rendered absolutely useless or the mods step in and start kicking butt. While expressing their own preference. (Bonus points if you can get the mods fighting each other!)
*** Lots of other editors, from very lightweight to overcomplicated, somewhat eased, or at least blurred, this.
*** Whether copy-paste via middle button is the greatest mouse related invention after the first trackball (and if yes, [http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/ClipboardsWiki should it use the common clipboard or separate one]?) or an infinitely annoying [[Easter Egg]]? ''That's'' a call for blood.
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* ''[[The Legend of Zelda (Franchise)|The Legend of Zelda]]'':
** [[Viewer Gender Confusion|Talking about what sex Sheik is]] will likely garner heavy flaming from the conflicting groups, despite [[Word of God]] on the matter.
** A really fun one: Take some ''Zelda'' Fans of various ages and drop the words "[[They Changed It, Now It Sucks|The Wind Waker]] and [[It's the Same, Now It Sucks|Twilight Princess]]". The ensuing [[Flame War]] will keep you entertained for hours. Alternatively, you can also put into a duel the two [[Nintendo 64]] games (''[[The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Video Game)|The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time]]'' and ''[[The Legend of Zelda Majoras Mask (Video Game)|The Legend of Zelda Majoras Mask]]''), and get similar results.
** The timeline. Both before ''and'' after the Hyrule Historia confirmations. [[Rule of Cautious Editing Judgement|Let's stop here.]]
* [[PC vs. Console|PC gaming vs. console gaming]]. If the two are even brought up in the same paragraph, it always has to be a competition.
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== Western Animation ==
* ''[[The Simpsons]]''. Anything about the Simpsons. For a good description of the usual flame wars over the Simpsons, see the [[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]] entry above, combined with every single animation-related flamewar ''ever''. And we're not even in the golden age of Simpsons flamewars anymore. The phrase "[[Worst Whatever Ever|Worst Episode Ever]]" came from the most common fan reactions to every single Simpsons episode on old [[UseNet]] forums in the '90s. In fact, Simpsons flamewars and [[Fan Wank]] on [[UseNet]] were partially responsible for the rise of the internet.
* Traditional animation vs CG. Some of the arguments in the ''[[Tangled (Disney)|Tangled]]'' forums before the movie was released made the title change controversy look forgivable.
** This has cooled down somewhat in the wake of ''[[Tangled (Disney)|Tangled]]'''s release... just try not to bring up the fact that it did better than [[The Princess and The Frog]].
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** [[Adult Swim]] has a similar problem. Some people believe that when it was first made, it was either boring or excellent. [[Aqua Teen Hunger Force (Animation)|Aqua Teen Hunger Force]], [[Family Guy]], [[Robot Chicken]], [[Venture Brothers]], and ohers are shows that are normally targeted.
*** Speaking of [[Aqua Teen Hunger Force (Animation)|Aqua Teen Hunger Force]], there are many flame wars if the older ones or the newer ones are much better.
*** And some people will go on flame wars about how [[Cartoon Network]] would have been a channel if the [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/2007_Boston_bomb_scare:2007 Boston bomb scare|Mooninite Bomb Scare]] did not happen.
** [[Nickelodeon]] and [[Disney Channel]] have similar situations.
* The "TRUKK NOT MUNKY" mentioned in the page description above comes from just one of the incessant [[Transformers]] flame wars. Every single fandom can start a flame war between fans. [[Beast Wars (Animation)|Beast Wars]] and Beast Machines are the worst offenders (thus where the saying comes from), followed up by [[Transformers (Film)|the 2007 movie]]. Are Optimus Prime's flames awesome or did Michael Bay rape your childhood? Then again, with people who tend to cry "[[Ruined FOREVER]]" at anything new, this should be expected.
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** It gets even worse in the [[Furry Fandom]], where the bronies often feel unfairly persecuted while the [[Hatedom]] is often genuinely afraid that MLP fans are a cult which will take over the fandom/the Net/the world. When bronies deliberately go around being as obnoxious, in-your-face, and persistently [[Fan Dumb]] as possible by insisting all ''must'' watch the show and [[Fan Myopia|how could you possibly not love it]], while the haters go out of their way to preemptively attack the show and its fans (including with crass art and imagery) when most fans are perfectly harmless and not [[Fan Dumb]] at all yet get lumped in with them anyway thanks to [[Vocal Minority|the actions of a few]]...you know that there's just irreconcilable differences between the extremists of both sides. Suddenly the [[Golden Mean Fallacy]], or at least neutrality, doesn't seem so illogical any more.
* Although it seems to show up less, people will fight over whether or not [[Avatar: The Last Airbender]] qualifies as anime or not. (No, it does not matter that the creators said it wasn't.) And that's all we'll say about that.
** Pick a forum, any forum. Mention either [[Ship -to -Ship Combat|Kataang or Zutara]]. Then, ''RUN''.
* ''[[Danny Phantom]]'' and its shipping wars. If you even just ''mention'' the characters [[Die for Our Ship|Sam and Valerie]] in one sentence, you will inevitably unleash chaos in the form of 'x sucks and y belongs with Danny!'.
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** ...{{spoiler|Boxxy}}?
** [[Too Dumb to Live|Cube?]]
* Here's something that you might want to try out. Look for a forum (preferably showbiz-related) that has a fairly large Filipino membership. Create a thread titled "[http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/ABS_CBN:ABS CBN|Kapamilya]] or [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/GMA_Network:GMA Network|Kapuso]]?" Talk about network ratings, and watch Armageddon unfold right before your eyes.
* A little broad to fit anywhere else, but digital piracy as a whole. There's a reason the [[Digital Piracy Is Evil|page pertaining to the issue]] has been locked out of real life examples.
* Everything else. Even if it seems impossible to debate. [[Insane Troll Logic|Especially if it seems impossible to debate.]]
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== Real Life ==
* [http[wikipedia://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Feces/archive1 |Talking]] [http[wikipedia://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Feces/archive2 |shit.]] Literally. These are links to a [[Flame War]] about feces on Wikipedia.
* '''Politics and religion.''' <small>'''[[Rule of Cautious Editing Judgement|That]]'''</small> <small>'''[[Rule of Cautious Editing Judgement|is]]'''</small> <small>'''[[Rule of Cautious Editing Judgement|all]].'''</small>
* The ''very existence'' of atheism has lead to huge flame wars over the Internet.
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** Nothing comes even close to the ones on the [http://f-16.net/f-16_forum_viewforum-f-22.html F-35] [[Reporting Names|"Joint Strike Fighter"]], and it's still only in testing! However opinions are becoming increasingly positive now that [[Take That|it's beginning to show what it can do]]. ''Enough said, please!''
* On some forums, discussing how tea should be prepared can lead to one of these. Heaven help you if you mention coffee being better than tea or vice versa.
* [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/:0.999_999 %3D_13D 1|0.999... = 1]]. Just because there are multiple mathematical proofs for this equation—and the issue is patently moot—does not mean there are not people who will dredge the depths of [[Insane Troll Logic]] to argue about it.
* [[Edit War]] in any wiki, no exception.
* Breastfeeding vs. formula feeding.
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