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* [[Abandon Shipping]]: Courtney's Jerkass behavior in ''Action'' has caused many once die hard fans of Courtney/Duncan to jump ship to Gwen/Duncan or Alejandro/Courtney. Ironically, she got ''better'' in ''World Tour''...and the Courtney/Duncan ship was then canonically sunk.
* [[Alas, Poor Scrappy]]: Sierra is severely injured and loses all her hair in the explosion that results in her elimination, and the destruction of the Total Drama Jumbo Jet, immediately after winning invincibility, which was only caused by her making a birthday cake for Cody, who was completely ignored on his last birthday.
* [[Alas, Poor Villain]]: Some people felt very sorry for Alejandro after what happened to him in the finale, and Heather fans didn't like it when she lost her hair at the end of season one.
* [[Alternative Character Interpretation]] - Every character on the show, even [[One-Scene Wonder|One Scene Wonders]].
* [[Badass Decay]]: Duncan's status as a [[Badass]] is inconsistent, but he sure gets his butt kicked a lot for a such a supposedly tough guy. Not only has he been beaten up by Courtney more times than you can count, but he has also been punched out in single blows by Harold and Cody. And whenever he tries taking on animals, he almost always loses. Mother Nature seems to hate him more than it does DJ.
* [[Base Breaker]]:
** Arguably the whole cast, due to the myriad of [[Ship -to -Ship Combat|shipping wars]] and [[Alternate Character Interpretation|alternate character interpretations]]. Courtney, Sierra, Gwen, Owen, Izzy, Cody and Duncan are some of the most notorious cases.
** The entire cast of ''Revenge of the Island'' has been this [[Replacement Scrappy|before the season even aired.]]
*** {{spoiler|The biggest base breaker of the season seems to be Zoey. The main criticism of her seems to be that her fanbase only exists because of her attractive design and that the actual character herself is a bland [[Satellite Character]] without much of a personality.}}
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* [[Evil Is Sexy]]: Heather, Duncan and Alejandro. Justin also technically qualifies, but isn't really an example since he was originally conceived as just "sexy" and only ever became "evil" much later on.
* [[Fan Dumb]]: One of the most prominent subjects ''ever'', including on this very site.
* [[Fan -Preferred Couple]]: ''Lots.''
** First, it was Duncan/Gwen, but then {{spoiler|it became [[Canon]]}} so the fan preference switched to {{spoiler|Trent/Gwen}} instead.
** [[Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl|Noah/Izzy]] is picking up quite a bit of followers. Especially by those who [[Die for Our Ship|dislike]] [[Creator's Pet|Owen]].
** [[Ho Yay|Noah/Cody]], [[Ship Tease|Duncan/Heather]], [[Stalking Is Love|Cody/Gwen]] and [[Crack Pairing|Ezekiel/Izzy]] are also quite popular.
* [[Foe Yay]]: Between Heather and Alejandro
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** Surprisingly averted for ''Total Drama World Tour,'' as the majority consider it to have rekindled the spirit of the series. However, when it came to the writing, it was still poorly received by some. Especially Ezekiel fans.
* [[Sequelitis]]: Total Drama Action can be interpreted as a parody of this trope.
* [[Ship -to -Ship Combat]]:
** Duncan/Courtney vs. Duncan/Gwen.
** Duncan/Gwen vs. Trent/Gwen as well, with Duncan/Courtney fans typically [[Ship Mates|tag-teaming]] with Trent/Gwen fans.
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