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*** As for the first question {{spoiler|he belives himself to be the latter}}.
*** Tsukiko has her own interpretation of Redckloak, considering him spineless coward who does Xykon's dirty job, because he is afraid of him. She also has [[Draco in Leather Pants]] threatment for Xykon and undeads in general. {{spoiler|Combination of those two makes her belive that she can treat Redcloak like crap. It comes to [[Incredibly Lame Pun|bite]] her back. Hard}}
* Emily from ''[[Misfile]]'' is either a heterosexual girl attracted to Ash but unable to go further in their relationship because [[Gender Bender|Ash is currently a girl]] ''or'' a lesbian/bisexual in denial who simply doesn't want to accept that she's attracted to another girl. Which interpretation of her character you believe depends upon which side of the [[Ship -to -Ship Combat|shipping war]] you fall on.
** Rumisiel is either a textbook alcoholic stoner who needs to be pummelled at every opportunity for being such a massive [[Jerkass]] loser, or he is a pretty decent guy who has some major self-esteem issues which caused him to take refuge in aforementioned substances and is actually of at least above average intelligence.
*** There are some that take that former even farther: plenty have noted that he could easily be an [[Unreliable Narrator]] about the story behind the misfile, especially in regards to his [[Pointy-Haired Boss|supervisors]]. If you take this to a radical extent, it could very easily be that he was flat-out ''lying'' when he said the people in charge of the [[Celestial Bureaucracy]] would make the changes permanent to cover their own asses; Rather it's really ''he'' who is lying to cover ''his own ass'' by making the two people that remember the change afraid to let anyone know about it before he can fix it/cover it up himself.
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* ''[[Megatokyo]]'''s Miho is, depending on who you talk to: an [[Break the Cutie|emotionally damaged goth girl]], a brilliant computer hacker, a [[Dark Magical Girl]], an undead fiend, [[Epileptic Trees|an artificial inteligence let loose on the net and given corporeal form]], or any combination there of. Views on her morality range from being a saintly [[Broken Bird]] to being a [[Poisonous Friend]] so evil Old Nick himself looks like a pretty swell guy in comparison. It doesn't help matters that writer/artist Fred Gallagher is a notorious sadist who enjoys toying with his fans. Also, she may or may not be bisexual. [[Bonus Material]] says she isn't, but it's uncertain how [[Canon]] it is.
** [[Word of God]] has responded to the sexuality issue in the forums: {{spoiler|she's straight, and Gallagher got a little pissed at the theory. In the omakes, however...}}
** Your interpretation of Miho is also likely to influence your interpretation of Piro. Followers of the sympathetic interpretations tend to view Piro somewhat of a [[Jerkass]] because of his uncaring attitude towards {{spoiler|Miho's apparent death}}. However, if you think of Miho as a [[Psycho Ex -Girlfriend|vindictive psycho ex from hell]] who is actively trying to sabotage Piro's relationship with Kimiko, then his lack of pathos would seem somewhat justified.
*** Or you can realize that nobody is likely to know that {{spoiler|she was ''dead''}} and in fact to him it may be just some other weird game he's being put through by Miho. Wouldn't put it past her, really, but that's what this trope is about.
** Largo. Heroic cyberpunkish hacker genius who is the only one who truly understands the threat, or an insensitive incompetent idiot who succeeds mostly by dumb luck and causes computers around him to spontaneously combust just by looking at them?
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