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Devilman/Heartwarming: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Heartwarming.Devilman 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Heartwarming.Devilman, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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* Oddly enough, the bad guys get one. {{spoiler|Losing her battle to Devilman, Silen is offered a fighting chance by Kaim [[Minion Shipping|(who loves her, apparently.)]] Due to Silen's injury, merging would mean the end of them both, but Kaim has no intention of surviving. He only wants to give Silen [[Taking You With Me|the satisfaction of defeating Devilman.]] Their combined strength mortally wounds Devilman, but they're petrified before they can deliver the final blow. The look on Silen's face is that of [[Go Out Withwith a Smile|a satisfied grin.]]}}
* When Devilman rescues Miko from the Anti-Demon Corps laboratory.
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