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One Piece/Tropes A-B: Difference between revisions

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** They also show Rob Lucci's backstory in frightening detail.
** The anime also adapts the cover illustrations for chapters 35-37, 39, 42-43, 46-48, and 50-51, which chronicle Buggy after his defeat at the hand of Luffy, from the time he is nearly eaten by a giant bird, to when he meets Gaimon, and the first time he joins forces with Alvida into two/three full-length episodes.
* [[Adaptation -Induced Plothole]]: Plenty of these.
** Zoro gets two in the Warship Island Arc. The first has him remark that he can cut through anything, conflicting with an important plot point where Zoro can't cut steel. The other has the crew meeting a dragon, making Zoro's claim of "not believing in dragons" during Thriller Bark seem silly.
*** Zoro's claim about dragons is made even funnier, when in One Piece: Unlimited Cruise, Zoro's animal themed costume is one of a dragon.
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* [[Bastard Girlfriend]]: Hancock, of course. She can kick a kitten, she can insult pretty much anyone she wants and she can turn people into stone without anyone caring. Why? Because [[Screw the Rules, I'm Beautiful|she is ]]''[[Screw the Rules, I'm Beautiful|beautiful]]''.
* [[Batman Gambit]]: Blackbeard is the man with a plan. Check the page entry for details.
* [[Battle -Interrupting Shout]]: Happens not one, but many times. First, it is subverted by Princess Vivi as per [[Rule of Drama]] when she tried to stop the revolutionary army from attacking the royal palace. Played remarkably straight by Luffy later on: when he screams for a crowd to ''stop'', he can actually cause an entire battlefield to ''faint and froth at the mouth.''
* [[Battle Tops]]: Captain Buggy's First Mate uses spinning tops in one of his attacks.
* [[Beam Spam]]: When he feels up to it, Kizaru can unleash an absolute hail of laser blasts.
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* [[Beat Still My Heart]]: In chapter 662, {{spoiler|Law literally pokes out Smoker's heart. Law then is seen holding Smoker's heart as Smoker himself slumps down.}}
* [[Beat Them At Their Own Game]]: The Davy Back Fight, where one pirate crew challenges another to a series of games with crew members as the prize. Naturally, the Straw Hats win.
** Also with CP9 who, confident in their skills, make a game out of rescuing Robin by dividing five keys between themselves, one of which unlocks Robin's handcuffs. Of course, we all know what happened there. And even earlier in the Arlong arc, when the titular fishman throws Luffy into the water and proclaims to Zoro, Sanji, and Usopp that it's a game to save him by beating the [[Quirky Miniboss Squad]]. Three fishmen beatdowns later (as well as some [[CPR: Clean, Pretty, Reliable]]; they didn't ''quite'' get to him in time), and Luffy is freed to deliver some much overdue pain onto Arlong.
* [[Beauty Is Never Tarnished]]: Nami's skin is still <s>practically</s> flawless, despite the fact that she's been slashed or stabbed more than any character besides Luffy or Zoro. Hell, this trope might count for everyone besides Zoro, who's the only one in the entire <s>crew</s> series to retain the scars from his battles.
** In the illustrations from an old light novel set in Loguetown, Nami does have a rather noticeable scar on her shoulder where she stabbed out her Arlong tattoo.
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* {{spoiler|[[Bittersweet Ending]]}}: {{spoiler|The ending of Marineford. Ace and Whitebeard have been killed, Luffy stays without his nakama for about two years (though it was his choice), and the world is now under a new age of even more piracy. Despite this, Luffy and his crew resolve to continue their adventure with high spirits and never give up on their dreams.}}
* [[Blank White Eyes]]: Happens to every villain who has been deafeated by Luffy and won't be getting back up again (For the moment). Also happens to Luffy when {{spoiler|he realizes that Ace died right in front of him.}}
* [[Blessed With Suck]]: A highly uncommon trait in this series, since important characters tend to be very good at exploiting their strengths, no matter how weak they may seem (see [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?]]).
** Perhaps the most notable case is Brook, whose Yomi-Yomi Fruit allows nothing more than coming back from the dead. His soul took so long finding his body that it had rotted to only bones by the time Brook fully revived. Plus, it's implied this power only works ''once'', so Brook is now left with the negative effects of a Devil Fruit. Regardless, even Brook has found ways to put his light, bones-only body to good use.
*** The Yomi-Yomi fruit also keeps you in whatever state you were in when it kicked in permanently, essentially bestowing semi-immortality; the user can't age or die of natural causes, but they can be killed by other means. This turned out to be more of a curse for Brook since it led to him spending ''fifty years'' all alone on a deserted ship.
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** If a female character starts getting stronger, expect their bust size to increase as well, just look at Nami {{spoiler|and Tashigi}}.
** At first, Princess Shirahoshi looks to be an exception, then you realize that {{spoiler|she's the modern incarnation of the Ancient Weapon Poseidon and possesses to control Sea Kings and possibly use them to tear islands apart - fitting considering she has the largest pair in the series}}.
* [[Boom! Headshot!]]: In Luffy's flashback to his time with Shanks, Shanks is held at gunpoint by a mountain bandit. [[What Do You Mean It's Not for Kids?|Shanks calmly tells the man that guns are for killing, not threatening, at which point the big guy in Shanks's crew headshots the bandit point blank.]]
* [[Bootstrapped Leitmotif]]: Franky's theme music.
* [[Bowdlerise]]: 4Kids North American dub.
** The Japanese anime also did this occasionally, with respect to the manga. When Luffy gets hit by Jango's chakram, it originally goes straight [[No One Could Survive That|into the back of his head]]; the anime changes this into a [[Cutlass Between the Teeth|mouth catch]] that slightly cuts the corners of his lips. Bellemere is {{spoiler|shot ''through the head''}} in the manga, while the anime just has her {{spoiler|shot, period}}. There are various other incidences as well, though they're relatively minor.
*** ... Except for one: According to the anime guide ''One Piece RAINBOW'', Sanji is 20. [[Word of God]] in the manga states unequivocally that he's 19, and [[Not Allowed to Grow Up|none of the characters are getting any older]]. This may have to do with Japanese broadcast TV standards, which allow ''adults'' to be shown smoking ("adults" being defined as anyone age 20 or over), but not minors.
** Another instance in the anime. During Sanji's fight with Absalom, Absalom stabs him in the back with a knife, and Sanji manages to locate him thanks to him stepping in a pool of his blood. However, thanks to the [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Akihabara_massacre:Akihabara massacre|Akihabara Massacre]] about a week prior, [[Too Soon|the knife and blood was hastily edited out in the anime]], resulting in Sanji apparently getting hit with a normal blow and locating Absalom without help. Foreign broadcasts, and presumably the DVDs, remain unedited.
** There were two major bowdlerizations done in the Marineford Arc: {{spoiler|when Ace was given the killing blow from Akainu, the carnage done to his torso was heavily reduced to a blank hole and much less blood. Also, most importantly, while Whitebeard got half of his face blown off from one of Akainu's attacks in the manga, the anime changed it to losing half of his moustache.}} Understandably, if the anime kept this gorey detail in, it would definitely change the rating closer to those of more darker anime.
* [[Boxing Lessons for Superman]]: Fruits don't change, the users just get more creative in how to apply them.
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* [[Break the Cutie]]: Nami, Robin, Zoro, Chopper, and Franky's backstories all have at least elements of this.
** The Impel Down and Marineford arcs are all one long and painful line of [[Break the Cutie]] for {{spoiler|Luffy}}.
* [[Breaking the Fellowship]]: As of [[Wham! Episode|Chapter 513]], {{spoiler|the Straw Hats are scattered by Kuma. After two years, they are finally beginning to reunite.}}
* [[Breath Weapon]]: Several, including Franky's ability to literally breathe fire and Kuma's ability to shoot lasers from out of his mouth.
* [[Brick Joke]]: There's one every now and then. One that isn't entirely a joke but becomes funny through the effect: Luffy lunges at Wapol, saying "Gum Gum Bul--" right before a three-chapter flashback. Once the flashback is over, it cuts right back to Luffy finishing the "--let!" as he punches Wapol. Even funnier is that it lands on the last page of the volume and comes out of nowhere after all that flashback.
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** Also his fight with Rob Lucci, where he was pretty much crippled afterwards.
** And let's not forget Luffy's battle with Crocodile, where he had to be bleeding profusely, covered in his own blood, to be able to hit Crocodile. Coupled with that Crocodile's poison hook had infected Luffy with a lethal poison ''multiple times'' throughout the fight. By the time Crocodile had finally been knocked ''unconscious'', Luffy was laying there ''dying'' of poison.
* [[Brought to You By The Letter "S"]]: Over the course of the series, Luffy, Nami, Sanji, and some others can be seen with shirts that have numbers on them. Not surprisingly, Luffy's number is 1. Also, Nami's number is 57.
* [[Built With Lego]]:Cover 622 has the Straw hats building a lego structure.
* [[Bunny Ears Lawyer]]: The author, Odacchi. Seriously, the fans wouldn't put up with all the [[Hand Wave|unexplained]] [[It Runs On Nonsensoleum|nonsense]] he comes up with if he wasn't so darn good at it!
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