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** UU is a mysterious character, and while she's been presented thus far as a nice girl, there's enough to suggest she's a [[Manipulative Bitch]] for fans to believe it.
* [[Angel Devil Shipping]]: Tavros is often shipped with either Vriska or Gamzee. Both are canonical for Tavros, though Vriska gave up her crush.
* [[Angst? What Angst?]]: Act 4 and 5 are a [[Trauma Conga Line]] for the Kids but none of them are very fazed by it.
** [[Averted Trope|Averted later.]] Rose angsts a fair amount about the futility of their session, and all of the Kids are affected to some extent by their Guardian's death. Dave outright goes a little crazy for a bit from grief and doesn't snap out of it until the end of Act 5.
** John, however, seems fairly chipper just hours after the deaths of his father, Rose, and her mother.
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* [[Cargo Ship]]: Bro/Lil Cal. [[Nightmare Fuel|Yes, it exists.]]
** Smuppets are someone's [[Rule 34]] enough to make a profitable website out of it. Faith in the audience's depth of irony is a...[[Go Mad From the Revelation|more comforting alternative to imagine]].
* [[Complete Monster]]: The Jack Noir that becomes Jackspers Noirlecrow/Bec Noir not only kills hundreds of people for his own amusement - he '''thoroughly enjoys it'''. That he goes so far as to [[Hero -Killer|kill many of the protagonists]] because he can only cements him in this status.
** [[Monster Clown|The Grand Highblood]]. The wall behind his throne is COATED with various colors of blood, and surviving a meeting with him is basically up to his whims: Whether it would be more hilarious to him to allow a troll to survive or to beat them to death for shits and giggles.
** Doc Scratch once it became clear that he [http://www.mspaintadventures.com/scratch.php?s=6&p=005944 wasn't joking about breathing privileges].
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*** Virtually nobody brings up the fact that Vriska personally murdered thousands of trolls, or that Eridan murdered their lusi <ref> Indeed the first thing Eridan does after being officially introduced is murder a lusus</ref>. Feferi and Terezi likewise escape judgement despite being complicit in their murders for sweeps
**** Feferi, at least, has an excuse: if she doesn't keep her lusus alive by feeding it the lusi Eridan hunts, it will kill ''[[Brown Note|everyone in the galaxy.]]'' Vriska's case is similar, if less intense (failing to feed her lusus will only lead to the death of the two of them, as opposed to the entire galaxy), but other aspects of her character mentioned elsewhere on this page keep her from being seen as sympathetic in the eyes of some.
* [[Moral Event Horizon]]: Where exactly Jack crosses the line probably depends on the reader, but the way he [[Hero -Killer|runs around stabbing many beloved characters]] makes Aradia's curbstomping him ''really'' satisfying to watch. A good point of reference would probably be his senseless destruction of Prospit and Skaia (killing Dream Jade in the process).
** Gamzee crossed when he [http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=005345 choked Equius to death with a broken bow].
** Vriska was shown having previously crossed it when she crippled Tavros because he wanted to stop playing a round of Flarp.
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** Not to mention John's utterly thoughtless [http://mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=005590 loss] of his ''sixth'' computer.
** Eridan's decision to join Jack despite Jack being an [[Omnicidal Maniac]] who probably wouldn't let anyone join him. Then there's his whole genocide against the angels on his planet. And his attempts to get his friends to help him genocide all of them. And his pathetic romantic miscues. The list goes on.
* [[Wham! Episode]]: [[Wham! Episode/Homestuck|There's a whole page for it.]]
* [[Wheelchair Woobie]]: Tavros, the woobie and pushover of the trolls' session, spends much of the story crippled. He even convinces himself his lack of mobility affects his self-esteem.
* [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds]]: Clearly evident in Eridan after he destroyed the Matriorb and killed Kanaya and Feferi.
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== Audience reactions and Fandom related tropes ==
* [[Alas, Poor Scrappy]]: Certain trolls by the time of their previously clamored-for deaths.
** Vriska, Vriska, Vriska. The last messages she sent for John pulled a lot of retroactive heartstrings even amongst diehard haters.
*** On the other hand, [[Romantic Plot Tumor]]. She still has her haters. Not to mention her view of her murders is really scattershot; she waves off Aradia's murder in the same breath that she feels bad about Tavros's.
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** One more good-natured and universal idea, however, is a respect of Andrew's decisions, as Homestuck is ultimately a grand experiment for him, and so certain things like Vriska being an intentional [[The Scrappy|scrappy]] are justified as him exploring the reception of characters.
* [[Creator's Pet]]: Vriska again. She even develops a romance with John and is more important than Karkat, the designated main troll character. Also gets a sequence where Doc admits that she stood a fair chance at defeating Jack Noir, ie the man who blows up planets for fun. If that doesn't cry overpowered, nothing does. As with most things involving [[Teasing Creator|Hussie]], this was intentional.
* [[Darkness -Induced Audience Apathy]]: Act 5 Part 2 just keeps getting bleaker and bleaker to the point where some fans just don't want to follow it anymore.
** Fortunately [[It Gets Better]] as the rest of the human kids ascend to god tier, Jade using her new powers to save all the planets and their inhabitants in the kids' session from the [[Reset Button|Scratch]], and there seems to be no more troll deaths.
** Then Act 6 comes around. Sure, there's some lulls in the seriousness of the act, but given all that has happened so far, it's not hard to see people stop reading it post-Act 5 Part 2.
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** Aradia's snarky line about how Karkat should just keep listening to his self-destructive, angry impulses gets much worse when you find out later from Karkat that many if not most of the Aradiabots from doomed timelines came about because of hasty decisions on his part. In other words, a lot of her snark towards Karkat came because she got to see herself (and her friends) die over and over again because of him.
* [[Hilarious in Hindsight]]: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8Z6TA8Lrwc This video] came out about six months before the Felt album, though the former is jazz.
* [[HSQ]]: An upper limit has yet to be found regarding this and Homestuck. If you see an animation marked with [[Homestuck (Webcomic)/Awesome Music|[S]]], you might as well [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|leave]] [[Crowning Music of Awesome|your]] [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|jaw]] [[Animation Bump|on]] [[Wham! Episode|the]] [[HSQ|floor]].
** Also spikes in the [[Unsound Effect|presence of]] [[Killed Off for Real|DEAD.]]
* [[Hype Aversion]]/[[Hype Backlash|Backlash]]
* [[I Knew It!]]: The heavily reader-driven nature of the work causes this to happen a lot. "90% of calling it, is really influencing it in disguise."
* [[Internet Backdraft]]: There was a contained but impressive one of these on the forums when it was revealed that Vriska had been behind Bec's prototyping and indeed, the creation of Bec himself. The comic's designated chat thread reached 100 pages in just over ''16 hours.''
* [[It Gets Better]]: The beginning with John floundering about in his room is starkly different from the later parts of the comic. In fact, each Act can basically be considered a somewhat different style of story, as by the time of Act 5, the plot has become incredibly convoluted, confusing, and dramatic.Fans of ''[[Problem Sleuth]]'' have been a bit put off by the drastic change in style. Note that it has been stated the slow beginning of ''Homestuck'' was intentional.
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