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Call of Duty: Black Ops: Difference between revisions

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** Also, the CIA strike team assaulting Rebirth wear Level B [[Hazmat Suit|Hazmat Suits]].
* [[Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!]]: {{spoiler|Mason's entire interrogation was pretty much to get him to snap out of his MK-Ultra brainwashing he had endured at Vorkuta.}}
* [[Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death!]]: Achievement achievable by {{spoiler|escaping Vorkuta.}}
* [[Gollum Made Me Do It]]: {{spoiler|Mason and Reznov}}, though the former insists the latter is his friend.
* [[Glasses Pull]]: an incredibly epic one in the {{spoiler|"Revelations"}} mission. YEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHH
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* [[Great Escape]]: After the tutorial level, you execute a plan to stage a mass breakout from a Russian prison. The plan has been in the works for months, but the player only sees it as it plays out.
* [[The Gump]]: Alex Mason bumps with some of the most prominent figures in the 1960s (Robert McNamara, John F. Kennedy, Fidel Castro), and takes part in some world-changing events (the Bay of Pigs invasion, the Battle of Khe Sanh, the Tet Offensive, and {{spoiler|assassinating Kennedy}}).
* [[The Gulag]] / [[Hellhole Prison]]: Vorkuta. [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorkuta_Gulag:Vorkuta Gulag|And it actually]] [[Truth in Television|existed in real life, too!]]
* [[Hero Antagonist]]: {{spoiler|The SAS soldiers in the second half of "Project Nova"}}.
* [[Heroic Mime]]: Averted after many games in the series played it straight: Alex Mason speaks both in interrogation scenes and in the levels themselves, as do {{spoiler|Hudson and Reznov}} when you play as them.
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** Reznov leads the Army away during the bike chase so Mason can escape Vorkuta, but he survives. {{spoiler|Turns out Reznov was actually killed, and his later appearances were hallucinations.}}
*** {{spoiler|Concerning both of the above sacrifices, hacking into the terminal and checking Mason's, Hudson's, and Weaver's emails, all three receive messages from a Mr. X telling them Reznov, Woods and other unmentioned but [[All There in the Manual]] loved ones may still be alive.}}
* [[Hero -Killer]]: Dragovich. Kravchenko tried to be one {{spoiler|but is foiled by Woods}}.
* [[His Name Is]]: {{spoiler|Clarke's}} [[Boom! Headshot!|death.]]
* [[Historical In-Joke]]: In the "Five" cutscene at the end of the game, {{spoiler|Nixon freaks out when he hears a crash, assuming it's a break-in. [[Zombie Apocalypse|It actually is.]]}}
** In one portion of the level "S.O.G.", the player has to rescue Woods from a VC soldier who is about to kill him. The sole reason Woods didn't shoot the guy himself? His rifle jammed. <ref>The earliest M16 model was notoriously unsuited for the environments of Vietnam. It's rather appropriate that this was the one time in the series a character's weapon jammed.</ref>
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* [[Ink Suit Actor]]: Alex Mason, Jason Hudson, and Joseph Bowman are dead ringers for Sam Worthington, Ed Harris, and [[Ice Cube]].
** Averted with Reznov, Petrenko, and Kravchenko.
* [[Insurmountable Waist -Height Fence]]: Zig-zagged. There are plenty of doors you can open on your own, along with doors you can't open until your superiors order you to do so, some good old-fashioned NPC-only doors thrown in for good measure and some that are just part of the level art and can't be opened in any way by anyone.
* [[Interface Screw]]: During the mission in which Hudson is wearing a NBC suit to protect against nerve gas exposure, taking damage will [[Broken Faceplate|crack the faceshield.]]
* [[John F Kennedy]]: Appears in campaign (voiced by a [[So Bad It's Good]] impersonator), authorizing the assassination of a primary villain. Also appears {{spoiler|as one of the four playable characters in a bonus Zombies level.}}
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* [[Precision F-Strike]]: "''DO NOT '''FUCK''' WITH ME'', Mason! I know when you're lying!"
* [[Previous Player Character Cameo]]: Dmitri Petrenko shows up in the flashback mission "Project Nova". {{spoiler|He then [[Back for The Dead|dies a horrible death by chemical agent]].}}
* [[Press X to Not Die]]: In Khe Sahn, a Vietcong soldier gets into a brief hand-to-hand altercation with Mason which is won by pressing a button as fast as you can. It's a [[Shout -Out]] to a similar event in Call of Duty 3, where a Nazi ambushes you in the same exact way. You also have to mash buttons to open a stuck side door on a crashed helicopter before it sinks in a river.
* [[Railing Kill]]: On the Soyuz mission, players have the option of sneaking up on one sentry and shoving him off the roof of the building.
* [[Rashomon Style]]: The penultimate act is portrayed from two different perspectives.
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** only if you shoot inside the chamber.
* [[Sequel Hook]]: Gathering all the intel in the final mission reveals a document detailing {{spoiler|1=that Mason, Hudson and Weaver are considered to have gone rogue and that CIA analyst Ryan Jackson is gathering a team including a hugely talented young SAS trooper named Jonathan ????? <ref>It's five letters long and his first name's Jonathan. [[Modern Warfare|Who]] do you THINK they're implying it is?</ref> to travel to South Africa in order to hunt them down.}}
** Which is either a [[Shout -Out]], [[Call Back]], or [[Take That]] {{spoiler|at ''[[Modern Warfare]] 2'', which ends with Price, Soap, and Nikolai going rogue.}}
** There's also a computer accessible at the main menu telling you that {{spoiler|as of 1978, Frank Woods is still alive and the sole remaining American prisoner at the Hanoi Hilton, North Vietnam's largest prison camp. ''Black Ops 2'' shows he made it back to the United States, and managed to live to a ripe old age.}}
** In addition, {{spoiler|there's some sort of shadowy organization watching the CIA and are the ''real'' ones responsible for murdering JFK.}}
* [[Semper Fi]]: Woods and Mason were Marines, before being assigned to Operation-40.
* [[Shown Their Work]]: Yes, there '''IS''' a Gulag named [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorkuta_Gulag:Vorkuta Gulag|Vorkuta]], And yes, it '''WAS''' notorious for holding American Inmates. And yes, it was most famous for a prisoner uprising.
** And there is a [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebirth_Island:Rebirth Island|Rebirth Island]] which was used to test WMDs. However, it's not really an island anymore, due to the rapid drying of the Aral Sea.
** Contrasting [[Anachronism Stew]] above, some of the guns fit right in. The Stoner 63 (seen in this game in machine gun variant) was only in active service from 1961-63, and some five-hundred Colt 629 Commandos were ordered by the real-life MAC V SOG in April of '67, under the designation of XM177E2 (Although the real XM177 has a longer flash-hider than the in-game model).
** And Mount Yamantau (often spelled Yamantaw) is a real location as well. Several theories surround it. And, indeed, one of the main theories is that it is a "doomsday bunker", a title ascribed to it during the game. Another theory is that it is the Russian counterpart of NORAD's old Cheyenne Mountain facility, or maybe even the Russian Area 51.
** The "intel" files are pretty well done too. Almost every non-fictional name and piece of background information in those has at least some sort of grounding in either reality or at least a realistic theory.
* [[Shout -Out]]: "Fortunate Son" by Creedence Clearwater Revival plays on the radio in the background at the beginning of the first Vietnam level, as it does in ''[[Forrest Gump]]'', ''[[Full Metal Jacket]]'', and ''[[Battlefield Vietnam]]'', making the scene feel like it was ripped right out of a war movie.
** Many of the intel documents are written by a CIA analyst named Ryan Jackson. Tom Clancy wrote several novels featuring a CIA analyst named [[Jack Ryan (Literature)|Jack Ryan]].
** NOVA6's effects are a lot like [[The Rock]]'s version of VX, {{spoiler|and the sequence in which Hummel is forced to leave one of his men behind when a VX capsule breaks, and see the man's skin boil off as he helplessly watches is similar to Reznov watching Dmitri dying.}}
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* [[Stealth Pun]]: Woods shoulders a rocket launcher and exclaims: "Let's rock it!"
* [[Strange Minds Think Alike]]: "You look like hammered shit." Considering these quotes [[Book End]] the hardest mission in this game, it can count as [[Breaking the Fourth Wall]] too.
* [[Surprisingly -Sudden Death]]: The level Victor Charlie shows a comrade ahead of you in a tunnel getting ambushed, with all you can do for him being killing his killer.
* [[Taking You With Me]]: {{spoiler|Kravchenko attempts to do this to Mason, but Woods subverts it at the last minute.}}
* [[The Greatest Story Never Told]]: Something very bad was about to happen in 1968...
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* [[Turned Against Their Masters]]: {{spoiler|[[The Reveal|Mason.]]}}
* [[Unreliable Narrator]]: {{spoiler|Mason.}} Makes all those anachronisms a little easier to swallow, at least.
* [[Who Shot JFK?]]: {{spoiler|It is implied in the ending that Mason was meant to assassinate JFK if Oswald (who was also hired by the Russians) was killed.}}
{{quote| {{spoiler|'''Mason''': You tried to make me kill my own president!}}<br />
{{spoiler|'''Dragovich''', smirking at the player: ''[[Smug Snake|Tried?]]''}} }}
** {{spoiler|Don't forget how "Sympathy for the Devil"- featured in the game- has the lyrics: "Who killed the Kennedys? When after all, it was you and me!"}}
* [[Wham! Episode]]: {{spoiler|The missions "Rebirth" and "Revelations."}}
** {{spoiler|[[Wham! Line]]: "Viktor Reznov has been [[Dead All Along|dead for five years.]] For all this time, you though he was with you, but that was just in your mind!"}}
*** {{spoiler|It's possible that he may not have died. That doesn't, however, change the fact that he was a figment of Mason's imagination for the majority of the game.}}
* [[What Happened to The Mouse?]]: What happened to Nevski, the {{spoiler|only surviving}} teammate of {{spoiler|Reznov}} in "Project Nova"?
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** The numbers broadcast was stopped, but there are still hidden communist cells in the United States with stockpiles of Nova 6.
* {{spoiler|[[Where It All Began]]: The numbers station is on the ship Rusalka in Cuba.}}
* [[You Have Got to Be Kidding Me!]]: Hudson's reaction when told to leap from a rooftop onto a balcony three stories below in Kowloon.
* [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness]]: Dragovich does this to {{spoiler|Clarke}} and later to {{spoiler|Steiner}}.
* [[Younger Than They Look]]: {{spoiler|Dmitri Petrenko. Perhaps the war got to him...}}
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* [[Acceptable Breaks From Reality]]: The NVA weren't ''that'' well armed or trained in real life (as regular troops can curbstomp [[Elite Mooks|SOG]] in multiplayer and can come equipped with G11s and PSG-1s), but then again, no one likes multiplayer turning into a "hide and seek and pray to God the Americans don't bomb us/pray to God my M16 doesn't jam and I don't step on landmines" war.
* [[Ascended Meme]]: The multiplayer map Nuketown features a Double Rainbow.
** The caption for a Headshot medal is "[[Boom! Headshot!]]."
** The multiplayer map "Hangar 18" includes an apple floating in an anti-gravity device.
* [[Battle in The Rain]]: The [[Downloadable Content|First Strike DLC]] gives us "Kowloon", a [[Added Alliterative Appeal|rain-soaked romp across the rooftops]] of urban Hong Kong, echoing a similar level from the campaign. It features ziplines, which while a quick way to traverse the map will likely expose you to enemy fire.
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* [[Bilingual Bonus]]: The non-American factions speaks in their native tongue (see [[Enemy Chatter]]), but the announcements are still in English.
* [[Bling Bling Bang]]: If you get enough prestige levels in multiplayer, you can buy Gold camouflage for any primary weapon. Serves no purpose other than [[Bragging Rights Reward]] and looking incredibly cool.
* [[Boom! Headshot!]]: Name-dropped if you accomplish one.
* [[Captain Obvious]]: If a bunch of killstreaks are launched at once (usually near the end of a round), the announcer can fall a little bit behind the action.
{{quote| *Jet flies over, bombs explode, player burns to death horribly.*<br />
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