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Pathfinder (tabletop game)/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[The Berserker]]: Even for a barbarian, Amiri has anger problems.
* [[BFS]]: A giant-sized bastard sword taken from a dead frost giant. She can only wield the thing with full effect when she's in the throes of blood rage.
* [[No Guy Wants an Amazon]]: She is brave, brawny and independent, traits that are less than desirable in a [[No WomansWoman's Land|Six Bears]] tribeswoman. To everyone else she's an example of a [[Hot Amazon]].
* [[Plucky Girl]]
* [[Shout -Out]]: Or maybe just an obvious art reference--her main portrait, and thus elements of her costume, are obviously based on one of Yukito Kishiro's cover illustrations for [[Gunnm]]:Last Order, featuring Sechs in his/her original female body.
* [[Unkempt Beauty]]
* [[Unstoppable Rage]]: The only time she can utilise her [[BFS]] is when she goes berserk.
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* [[Blessed With Suck]]: Like all oracles, Alahazra is blessed with considerable magical power, but at considerable cost - in her case, her eyesight.
* [[Blind Seer]]
* [[Hello, Nurse!]]: She is described as getting this reaction quite often and is rumored to have made consorts of many powerful men.
* [[Kuudere]]: She has a cold exterior that hides an inner rage and passion.
* [[Nice Hat]]: A particularly impressive and possibly heavy example.
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* [[Of Corsets Sexy]]
* [[Raised By Orcs]]: She was raised by a coven of hags who stole her from her parents.
* [[Shout -Out]]: She seems to share a dressmaker with [[Final Fantasy X]]'s Lulu.
* [[White-Haired Pretty Girl]]
* [[WomaninWoman in Black]]
* [[Zettai Ryouiki]]: Grade B
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* [[Guns Akimbo]]
* [[The Gunslinger]]
* [[Schizo -Tech]]: She comes from Alkenstar, a city-state in a wasteland where magic doesn't work all that well, which is why she relies on guns. This makes her stand out in the outside world.
* [[Spirited Young Lady]]
* [[Stay in The Kitchen]]: Her father and his friends on the force did everything they could to keep Lirianne out of the Alkenstar shieldmarshals, and even after she proved herself beyond a shadow of the doubt, had her consigned to menial jobs.
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* [[A Father to His Men|A Mother To Her Women]]
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]
* [[My Master, Right or Wrong]]: Up until her breaking point.
=== Vencarlo Orisini ===
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* [[Big Bad]]
* [[Blessed With Suck]]: Like all efreet, Jhavhul can alter the very fabric of reality itself. Problem is, he can only do it when a mortal asks him to. But if he can coerce mortals into wishing the way he wants...
* [[Four -Star Badass]]
* [[Genie in A Bottle]]: He's actually a genie ''out'' of a bottle, though he can still grant wishes. Or rather, he can force mortals to wish for what ''he'' wants.
* [[Large and In Charge]]: He's around twenty feet tall.
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* [[God Save Us From the Queen]]: She and all of her daughters.
* [[Public Domain Character]]: One of the [[Big Bad|Big Bads]] of Russian and Slavic folklore.
* [[Shout -Out]]: To ''[[Greyhawk (Tabletop Game)|Greyhawk]]'', where she ''also'' had a daughter (Iggwilv) who became a witch-queen. She's explicitly noted in ''Pathfinder'' to travel to many different worlds, and ''The Witchwar Legacy'' mentions a daughter of hers with a name (Tashanna) similar to Iggwilv's alias (Tasha).
* [[Sorcerous Overlord]]: Of Irrisen, though she rarely visits.
* [[Ugly Guys Hot Daughter]]: When you look at Baba Yaga, and then at any of her daughters, you really have to wonder how they're related.
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* [[Arch Enemy]]: Of Nex.
* [[Ghostly Goals]]: See [[Unfinished Business]] below.
* [[Glowing Eyelights of Un -Death]]
* [[Haunted Castle]]: His palace, insofar as it's haunted by himself.
* [[The Necrocracy]]: Type III. In Geb's kingdom, undead are often in positions of power, but the living can and sometimes do rise to the same level. There is a whole underclass of human chattel who are bred only as food for vampires and ghouls, however.
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* [[Captain Ersatz]]: Possibly of Gorilla Grodd from [[DC Comics]], but without [[Psychic Powers]].
* [[Early -Bird Cameo]]: Ruthazek actually appeared in the Compleat Encounters line of adventures before the creation of the Golarion campaign setting.
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* [[Evil Overlord]]
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* [[A God Am I]]
* [[The Dragon]]: A less powerful lich named Socorro, who is currently in hiding.
* [[Early -Bird Cameo]]: Like Ruthazek, Tar-Baphon originated in the Compleat Encounters series.
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* [[Evil Overlord]]
* [[Evil Sorcerer]]
* [[Green-Eyed Monster]]: He was envious of Aroden's divine power.
* [[Hero -Killer]]: To date, he's the only non-divine being to kill a god (Arazni, the herald of Aroden). He's one of the few epic-level NPCs in Golarion, outclassing even Karzoug.
* [[Kill the God]]
* [[Our Liches Are Different]]
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* [[From a Single Cell]]: Only a carefully-worded ''wish'' spell can permanently end it.
* [[Healing Factor]]
* [[Hero -Killer]]: The tarrasque is one of the Spawn of Rovagug, god of destruction. It is the biggest, baddest monster in the entire world. It has utterly destroyed multiple empires.
* [[Implacable Man|Implacable Monster]]
* [[The Juggernaut]]
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* [[Physical God]]
* [[Pride]]: God of it and victim of it.
* [[Public Domain Character]]: Asmodeus is a [http[wikipedia://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asmodeus |Hebrew demon]] associated with lust. The ''Pathfinder'' version takes a page from ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]'' by basing him heavily on [[Satan]] as well.
* [[Rules Lawyer]]
* [[Satan]]: He ''is'' the Prince of Darkness and ruler of Hell. Differs from previous D&D interpretations in that he is not a fallen angel, but has always been a god in his own right (and was the brother and coequal of Ihys, [[Crystal Dragon Jesus|the closest being to the Abrahamic God in the setting]], who he killed.)
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* [[Ascend to A Higher Plane of Existence]]: He was a mortal hero who passed the Starstone test...completely hammered.
* [[Boisterous Bruiser]]
* [[Booze -Based Buff]]: Can grant them to his followers.
* [[Chivalrous Pervert]]: Has put the moves on almost all of the goddesses, from Desna through Callistria.
* [[Physical God]]
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* [[Blood Knight]]
* [[Colonel Kilgore]]
* [[Know When to Fold 'Em]]: Despite what one might expect, Gorum recognises the difference between cowardice and strategic withdrawal, and doesn't expect his followers to continue fighting against impossible odds. If they can escape to fight another day he is cool with that.
* [[Might Makes Right]]
* [[Physical God]]
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]
* [[War God]]: Gorum represents war as a whole, the good and the bad.
* [[War Is Glorious]]: His cardinal belief.
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* [[God of Evil]]
* [[God Save Us From the Queen]]
* [[Good Wings, Evil Wings]]: Evil Wings.
* [[Human Sacrifice]]
* [[Kill the God]]: When she was a demon lord she and her lover, Pazuzu, lured one of the gods to the Abyss and murdered him. Lamashtu delivered the killing blow, and as a result, was able to ascend. Pazuzu now wants to do this to her.
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* [[Physical God]]: Ascended to godhood by killing her predecessor.
* [[Power Born of Madness]]: She's the Goddess of Madness.
* [[Public Domain Character]]: She's based on a [http[wikipedia://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamashtu |Mesopotamian demon]].
* [[Third Eye]]
* [[Your Worst Nightmare]]
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* [[Fighting a Shadow]]: Rovagug's spawn are so powerful that almost none have been permanently defeated, and yet they're still nothing to the god itself.
* [[God of Evil]]: The worst in the pantheon, he literally represents the end of all existence.
* [[The Gods Must Be Lazy]]: Sealing Rovagug took the cooperation of every single deity in the pantheon, [[GodsGod's Hands Are Tied|which makes sense]], but they haven't done much to fight the Spawn emerging from the holes in his prison.
* [[Kill the God]]: Slew numerous other deities and seeks the destruction of the entire cosmos, gods included. Rovagug himself seems immune to this--the aforementioned destruction of the universe may well be the only way for him to die.
* [[Hero -Killer]]: Slew countless other deities during the war against him.
* [[The Juggernaut]]: Rovagug is this from the perspective of the other gods.
* [[Kaiju]]: All of his offspring, including the infamous Tarrasque. Rovagug himself appears as an impossibly huge insect/arachnid/reptile monstrosity.
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* [[Flaming Sword]]
* [[Good Is Not Soft]]: One of the kindest beings in the multiverse, but she has a militant side. Consider what she did to Rovagug. She also has a whole sect of [[True Neutral]] worshipers (the Cult of the Dawnflower) who focus on her warlike side to the exclusion of her merciful aspect.
* [[Good Wings, Evil Wings]]: Good wings.
* [[Hot Chick With a Sword]]
* [[Kill It With Fire]]
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* [[Old Gods]]: One of the oldest beings around, Apsu is, if you believe the metallic dragons, one of the beings responsible for the creation of the universe.
* [[Our Dragons Are Different]]: Takes the form of a massive metallic dragon.
* [[Public Domain Character]]: He is based on the creator-god [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/:Abzu |Abzu]] from Babylonian mythology.
=== Aroden ===
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* [[Evil Counterpart]]: To his father.
* [[Our Dragons Are Different]]: Shattered the original dragon gods into their current state and takes the form of a huge chromatic dragon.
* [[Public Domain Character]]: He is based on the evil spirit [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/:Zahhak |Zahhak]], also known as Azi Dahaka. In ''Pathfinder'', "azi" is the name of a race of dragons he spawned.
* [[Red Baron]]: The False Wyrm, Sorrowmaker, and the Endless Destruction.
* [[Satan]]: The dragonic equivalent, being the rebellious, destructive son of their creator god who seeks to place himself above all others.
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'''Alignment:''' [[Neutral Good]] }}
* [[Bicep -Polishing Gesture]]: His symbol is an arm in this pose.
* [[Blade On a Stick]]: The javelin is his favoured weapon.
* [[Graceful Loser]]
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* [[Demon Lords and Archdevils]]: He is the ruler of the divs, a minor race of fiends formed from corrupted genies, and the only one of divine status.
* [[Eviler Than Thou]]: Ahriman is an ascended [[Neutral Evil]] archfiend with a portfolio involving oblvion who resides in Abaddon, so one could be forgiven for thinking that he and the daemons would get along. They do not, and he and his divs regularly go to war with the agents of the Horsemen.
* [[Good Wings, Evil Wings]]: Evil wings.
* [[Just Eat Him]]: Ahriman can swallow people whole. Those swallowed by him fall into a [[Bottomless Pit]] for eternity.
* [[Large and In Charge]]
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* [[Plaguemaster]]: Where other gods might represent various diseases, or forms of infection, Apollyon represents fullscale pandemics.
* [[Poisonous Person]]: Is one and can transform his followers into them as well.
* [[Public Domain Character]]: Apollyon was originally the Greek name of the Hebrew [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/:Abaddon |Abaddon]], alternately the "king of tormenting locusts" and "angel of the bottomless pit" or the place of the dead. ''Pathfinder'' uses the Greek name for the Horseman and the Hebrew name for the plane he co-rules.
* [[Sinister Scythe]]: Carries one as his [[Weapon of Choice]].
* [[Skull for A Head]]: A naked ram's skull to be precise.
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* [[Mordor]]: His layer of Hell, Avernus, is the surface layer; a vast volcanic desert of pitted iron and charred rock.
* [[Ominous Floating Castle]]: His fortress, The Promised Land, hovers over the realm of Avernus, taunting everyone trapped in the Hell below.
* [[Public Domain Character]]: He is based on [http[wikipedia://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbatos |an obscure demon]] from the ''[[Ars Goetia]]''.
* [[Red Baron]]: The Bearded Lord.
* [[Third Eye]]
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* [[The Corrupter]]
* [[Mother of a Thousand Young|Father of a Thousand Young]]: No archfiend has ever reproduced the way Belial has.
* [[Good Wings, Evil Wings]]
* [[Light Is Not Good]]: Invoked by the angelic half of his split form.
* [[Lust]]: Suffers from it, inflicts it upon his followers, and likes those who act on it.
* [[Public Domain Character]]: He is based on a demon from Judeo-Christian apocrypha.
* [[Red Baron]]: The Pale Kiss, The Thorned Caress, The Father of Whores
* [[Two -Faced]]: When dealing with the other Lords of Hell he takes on a form that is devilish on one side and angelic on the other.
* [[Voluntary Shapeshifting]]: Can take on any form when dealing with other beings, appearing as what they most desire; what his true form is, no one knows.
* [[Winged Humanoid]]
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* [[Nietzsche Wannabe]]: In addition to being a daemon, Charon is fully aware that time will eventually destroy everything. Empires fall, stars burn out, universes collapse, nothing endures. Nothing save perhaps the Boatman himself.
* [[Omnicidal Maniac]]: Charon is willing to wait a long time for his goals to be achieved, but like the other Horsemen, his objective is to usher in the End Times.
* [[Overnight Age -Up]]: Can inflict this upon those who see him or his steed.
* [[Pragmatic Villainy]]: Charon will do exactly what he has to in order to get results, no more, no less.
* [[Public Domain Character]]: He's based on Charon, the Underworld boatman from [[Classical Mythology]].
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* [[Centauroid Form]]: Human(ish) from the waist up, locust from the waist down.
* [[Demon Lords and Archdevils|Demon Lord]]
* [[Good Wings, Evil Wings]]
** [[The Worm That Walks]]: His wings are made out of thousands of buzzing insects. He also counts many Worms That Walk among his worshippers.
* [[In the Blood]]
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* [[Blob Monster]]: Appears as a gelatinous blob of protoplasm and is served by a variety of ooze monsters including his favoured servants, the omoxes, living waves of slime given sentience.
* [[Demon Lords and Archdevils|Demon Lords]]
* [[Extra Eyes]]/[[Eyes Do Not Belong There]]/[[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: His blobby body is covered in thousands of red eyes the size of a man's head.
* [[The Gods Must Be Lazy]]: Whether Jubilex even realises he ''has'' worshippers is a matter of some debate.
* [[I'm a Humanitarian]]: Enjoys absorbing mortals into his protoplasmic bulk when he runs into one.
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* [[Revenge]]: Kostchtchie loves the vengeful, and seeks to gain it himself.
** [[Revenge By Proxy]]: Hopes to raze Irrisen and kill Baba Yaga's daughters as a lesson to her.
* [[Self -Made Orphan]]: When he was human his father forced him to murder his mother and his sisters. Kostchtchie went him one better and killed his father as well.
* [[Was Once a Man]]: Kostchtchie was a human who was turned into a deformed giant by Baba Yaga. He fled to the Abyss and changed once again, becoming the Demon Lord he is today.
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* [[The Corrupter]]
* [[Evil Is Not Pacifist]]: Though less so than Szuriel.
* [[Four -Star Badass]]: General of Hell's armies. Unstoppable in combat.
* [[Horned Humanoid]]
* [[Large and In Charge]]
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* [[Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette]]
* [[Eviler Than Thou]]: One of the few demon lords to openly oppose Lamashtu.
* [[Good Wings, Evil Wings]]: Has massive bat wings.
* [[Horny Devils]]: She's the first of the succubi and is worshipped by them.
* [[Lust]]: Personifies all the negative aspects of lust, with the worst of her followers being serial rapists, sexual sadists, and the ever profligate drow.
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* [[The Power of Hate]]: When the flood of souls reached Abbadon, the reason that he alone survived was because his hatred, rage, and self-loathing was so much stronger than that of his brethren that he was able to catalyze into a unique being and consume all the others.
* [[Red Baron]]: The Lord of the Forsaken, The Bound Prince.
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]
* [[Sealed Evil in A Can]]: The Four sealed him within his spire in the centre of Abbadon, that they might forever feed on his power.
* [[That's No Moon]]: The moon that hangs over Abaddon? If you look up from the Oinodaemon's spire you'll realise that it's really his eye.
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* [[Parental Favouritism]]: Pazuzu has many offspring, demonic, half-fiend, and tiefling, yet the Demon Lord Deskari remains both the most powerful, and his father's favourite.
* [[Public Domain Character]]: Like Lamashtu, he is a demon from Mesopotamian mythology.
* [[Shout -Out]]: His penchant for [[Demonic Possession]] is inspired by his role in the classic movie ''[[The Exorcist (Film)|The Exorcist]]''.
* [[Snakes Are Evil]]: Has one in place of his genetalia.
* [[Truly Single Parent]]: Is said to have created the Demon Lord Deskari with the first breath he exhaled on the mortal plane.
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* [[Despair Event Horizon]]: Drives her victims to it.
* [[Driven to Suicide]]: Her specialty--drives a person to suicide, than claims their soul.
* [[Good Wings, Evil Wings]]
=== Socothbenoth ===
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* [[Fangs Are Evil]]
* [[Final Solution]]: Crucified every member of her faith after they exocommunicated her. She has gone on to support many other similar enterprises across the planes.
* [[Four -Star Badass]]: In life.
* [[God Save Us From the Queen]]: In life she may have been a conquering empress with a thing for crucifying her enemies.
* [[Good Wings, Evil Wings]]: Has black angel wings.
* [[Hellish Horse]]: Grace of Flame, a burning nightmare ridden by Szuriel and occasionally loaned to her most fervent worshippers.
* [[Horsemen of the Apocalypse]]
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* [[Demon Lords and Archdevils|Demon Lord]]: Technically a ''nascent'' demon lord, which means he can be killed by non-epic mortals, but still has worshipers and can grant spells to his followers.
* [[Fertile Feet]]: Inverted. Mushrooms and mold sprout wherever he walks.
* [[Good Wings, Evil Wings]]: Evil batlike wings.
* [[Green Thumb]]: Horribly inverted.
* [[Large and In Charge]]
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* [[Evil Sorcerer]]: In life.
* [[Expy]]: Of game designer Todd Stewart's [[Planescape]] character, Shemeshka the Marauder, another jackal-headed daemon (or yugoloth, as they were called in ''D&D'' at the time).
* [[Full -Frontal Assault]]: Typically doesn't bother with clothes.
* [[Half-Human Hybrid]]: He was a tiefling in life, of human and daemonic heritage.
* [[Hearing Voices]]: Hears the voices of his servants and victims, most notably that of his predecessor, the Parasite Queen.
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* [[Archnemesis Dad]]: Created the Trolls, yet loathes them all, going so far as to make his Abyssal realm a place of constantly burning fire, they're one weakness.
* [[Demon Lords and Archdevils|Demon Lord]]
* [[GaiasGaia's Vengeance]]: Some druids see him as such.
* [[Hair-Trigger Temper]]
* [[Horned Humanoid]]
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* [[Demon Lords and Archdevils|Demon Lords]]
* [[Evil Eye]]: Has a parlyzing gaze that he can grant to his followers.
* [[Good Wings, Evil Wings]]: Stone bat wings.
* [[Multiple Head Case]]
* [[Our Gargoyles Rock]]: He rules the gargoyles and takes the form of a massive, four headed one.
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* [[God Save Us From the Queen]]: She was a monstrous queen in life; she's worse now.
* [[I'm a Humanitarian]]: Many of her worshippers are cannibals.
* [[Good Wings, Evil Wings]]: Bat wings.
* [[Lean and Mean]]
* [[Our Vampires Are Different]]
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