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Homestuck/Characters/Agents and Monarchs: Difference between revisions

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* [[And Then What?]]: Faces this dilemma after being prototyped with Bec. Killing and destruction are the only ways he knows to pass the time, but he has to be careful so that he doesn't accidentally destroy ''everything'' with his omnipotence, because then there will be nothing left for him to destroy. However just as he's run out of things to blow up, PM shows up and Jack falls in love with her.
* [[Anthropomorphic Personification]]: His insatiable lust for destruction exists because he's the embodiment of the cancer in the kids' universe.
* [[Bad Job, Worse Uniform]]: He ''hates'' the outfits the Black Queen forces him to wear.
* [[Berserk Button]]: After the fourth prototyping, harming Jade eventually develops into this.
** [[It Got Worse]]. See [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]] below.
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** And now with PM after she followed him [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge|to get revenge]]. A stunned Jack {{color|red|♥}}'s PM now, but PM {{color|black|♠}}'s Jack.
* [[From Nobody to Nightmare]]: Goes from a glorified paper-pusher to an nigh omnipotent [[Ax Crazy]] [[One-Man Army]] who destroys planets.
* [[Good Wings, Evil Wings]]: Evil, black, feathered wings, befitting his prophesied role in the Troll session as the [[Light Is Not Good|Lord of all Angels]].
* [[Grudging Thank You]]: After Mr. Egbert sets his hat on fire, sprays shaving cream all over it and stomps it into ruination, Jack allows him to leave. He really hated that hat.
* [[Handicapped Badass]]: The prototyping removed one of his arms, not that it seems to hinder him any.
* [[Hero -Killer]]: He's already wiped out entire armies and planets, but killing Bro, one of the most badass characters in the story, qualifies him beyond a doubt. He then goes off to stab John through the heart and to kill another of Dave's timeline offshoots. Then, he stabs Mom, Dad and John (again).
** Possibly tops this in his brutal onscreen murders of the dreamselves of Feferi and Nepeta, two trolls who before playing Sgrub were capable of pulling whales around and murdering animals with no weapons at all.
** Not to mention reducing an entire ''army'' of [[Me's a Crowd|Aradiabots]] to scrap metal, psychic powers and [[Super Strength|robotic strength]] be damned.
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==== Alpha Jack Noir ====
This time, he's taking a... [[Hero -Killer|slightly more direct approach]] in fueling the Prospit-Derse war.
* [[Axe Crazy]]: First thing he does when given some knives in prison? Kill everyone he can reach.
* [[Blood From the Mouth]]: [http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=006501 Somewhat injured] from [http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=006500 a head injury.]
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* [[Everything's Better With Spinning]]: Not Jack Noir himself, but [http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=006500 his sword] thanks to [[Rule of Funny]].
* [[Genius Bruiser]]: While still being his usual [[Ax Crazy]] self, he apparently has enough technological skill to rewire his prison cell's Sendificator to transport to a specific new location.
* [[Hero -Killer]]: Much like his Beta counterpart. He kills Jane's dreamself before the game even begins. Dirk says they'll have to take him down first to stand a chance of winning.
** Ultimately subverted for now as far as the actual 'killing heroes' part goes, as Jane did some kind of lifey thing and survived, and Jack got conked on the head by the White Queen before he could finish the job.
* [[Incredibly Lame Pun]]: [http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=006499 Jack delivers one to DD, who is not amused.]
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==== UU & uu Jack Noir ====
* [[Hero -Killer]]: UU's dreamself.
* [[Every Man Has His Price]]: Sweet Scotty Dogs.
* [[Palette Swap]]: Unlike previous Jack Noirs, he wears white clothing.
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* [[The Dragon]]: Jack Noir's second-in-command.
** [[Dragon With an Agenda]]: Suggested when he stole Dave's copy of Rose's MEOW book and used it to create Bec, apparently not on Jack's orders and with no obvious connection to Jack's plans. Later more or less subverted when Bec was prototyped, and Vriska revealed that she had conveyed the idea to the Dignitary as part of her own plan to ''empower'' Jack. So DD was still ultimately acting toward Jack's ends, even if not under his direct orders.
* [[Hero -Killer]]: Dave quickly finds out that going back in time to stop this guy just leads to dead Daves.
* [[Hypercompetent Sidekick]]: Not that Jack isn't competent, by ''any'' means. Still, DD's taken over the administrative end of things while Jack's been rampaging.
{{quote| You tell him you're busy with things that actually matter. Like running this kingdom on his behalf and all. Levying taxes, oppressing consorts, all the unpleasant chores he would never dirty his snout with.}}
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The Queen of Derse. She possesses a [[Ring of Power]] which changes her form to apply the prototyped aspects of the players' sprites when they enter the Medium. While her husband wages the war on the Battlefield, she's perfectly content to just sit around and harass the shit out of Jack Noir.
The Troll's version became the member of the Felt known as Snowman, and her tropes can be found [[Homestuck (Webcomic)/The Felt/Characters|here]]. The tropes here apply to the Beta Session's iteration, and the final iteration in the Alpha Session was replaced by Betty Crocker, who presumably [[You Kill It, You Bought It|killed her]].
* [[Chess Motifs]]
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* [[I Have Many Names]]: She has been referred to as the Exalted Ruler, the Glorious Monarch and the Black Queen.
* [[Ring of Power]]: The source of her changes from being prototyped.
* [[Mix -and -Match Critters]]: Arguably. She has a carapace, a feline face, two tentacles and wings, the last three resulting from the kids' prototyping of their sprites.
* [[Nice Hat]]
* [[Sensible Heroes, Skimpy Villains]]: Her dress is much more revealing than the White Queen's.
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* [[The High Queen]]: It even reflects itself in her text, which is overly flowery and elegant.
* [[I Have Many Names]]: White Queen, Adored Sovereign, and Windswept Questant.
* [[Mix -and -Match Critters]]: With the cat-features and tentacles, she could be considered this.
* [[Nice Hat]]: The jester hat that she got thanks to John's prototyping.
* [[Sensible Heroes, Skimpy Villains]]: Her outfit is more modest than the Black Queen's.
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* [[Large and In Charge]]: Holding his scepter makes him a giant, and he's pretty tall even without it.
* [[Magic Wand]]/[[Requisite Royal Regalia]]: The scepter has... [[Colony Drop|magical powers.]] Given that White is destined to lose, said powers are activated near endgame and leave [[Timed Mission|twenty-four hours]] for the players to prevent the destruction of Skaia.
* [[Mix -and -Match Critters]]: Lost after his scepter is captured.
* [[Nice Hat]]
* [[Off With His Head]]
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* [[Large and In Charge]]: Holding his scepter makes him a giant, and he's pretty tall even without it.
* [[Magic Wand]]/[[Requisite Royal Regalia]]: The scepter transfers prototypings and apparently also must be captured to stop the Reckoning.
* [[Mix -and -Match Critters]]
* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]]: His title alone is quite menacing on basic grounds of implying evil.
* [[Nice Hat]]
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