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There was a war. It happened years ago, maybe even thousands of years. Characters reference it, especially if they took a part in it: the [[Shell-Shocked Veteran]] never managed to get over what he experienced back then, while the [[Phony Veteran]], on the other hand, will never shut up about how many brave things he did in it.
Sometimes people will use the war as a reference point for placing events on a timeline - something happened a few years before the war, or somebody did something after the war.
Maybe people still have to deal with its consequences. The war happened, and it left its ugly mark on the world. But it's [[Noodle Incident|never shown to the audience]] - we [[Take Our Word for It|never see]] a single [[Flash Back]] from the war, are never shown more than just a glimpse of what happened. The war will be referenced, but otherwise left mysterious, unexplained. Why it happened, how it ended, and what all the things that took place there (which people talk about [[Cryptic Background Reference|like it should be obvious]]) actually were, are never explained. The war is only a mysterious event of the past, included mostly to add a bit of mystery and [[Wild Mass Guessing|give people excuses for insane ideas]]. Needless to say, this trope can easily be processed into [[Fanfic Fuel]]
[[World War Three]] is often used as this, as are the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and so on. For that matter, so are the [[World War I|First]] and [[World War II|Second]]. Stories set [[After the End]] have the tendency to do this with the war that caused the apocalypse. If the war never stopped, may be a [[Forever War]].
If said war is going on presently but the characters themselves aren't involved, then it is [[Behind the Black]].
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Often used as a sub-trope of [[Cryptic Background Reference]]. Compare also [[Cataclysm Backstory]].
Please, avoid shows referencing [[Real Life]] conflicts: we have much more information about them than will be ever provided in the typical case of the fictional conflicts mentioned here, so they don't count for the 'mysterious/unexplained' element of the [['''Great Offscreen War]]'''.
{{noreallife|Real Life does not have an "Offscreen". No, "before you were born" doesn't count, either.}}
== Anime and Manga ==
* The war with the Quincies in ''[[Bleach]]''.
* The ''[[Ghost in Thethe Shell]]'' TV series is set sometime after both [[World War III]] ''and'' IV.
* ''[[Code Geass]]'' has the Britannian invasion and conquest of Japan, which we see only in flashbacks concerning young Lelouch, Suzaku and Nunally and the one from first episode opening sequence. There also was an alternate version of the Napolean wars, where Napoleon conquered Great Britain, making all the British aristocracy run to America, creating the Britannia Empire.
* The many wars of the Ancient Belka in ''[[Lyrical Nanoha]]''. We have been told some general info about it, such as how it destroyed Old Belka and [[Year Zero|led to the current age]] where physical-based weapons were banned, but otherwise, it's a big question mark. As ''[[Nanoha Vivid]]'' revolves around the [[Reincarnation]] of two prominent figures from that war, many readers hope that it will eventually give more insight to that period.
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* ''[[Last Exile]]'' also has the war between its two major powers, which is mediated by The Guild. Much of the action of this war takes place BEFORE the actual story, as a few episodes in we discover that {{spoiler|one of the planets these factions live on is dying, essentially taking them out of the conflict for good. They're pretty much refugees after this point.}}
* In ''[[Blue Gender]]'', we don't actually see humanity get overtaken by the Blues.
* The War with "Them" in ''[[So Ra No woWo To]]'' is a complete mystery that has become filled with myths.
* Mysterious conflict with [[Mazinkaiser SKL]], whose conseqences are related to events of the series.
* ''[[Naruto]]'' has the first three Great Shinobi Wars in backstory. All we know is Konoha won the 3rd one against Iwa, which Kakashi's team fought in, and many, many lives were lost during all three.
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== Fan Works ==
* The Private War in ''[[The Jackson Legacy (Fanfic)|The Jackson Legacy]]'' takes place a decade before the story kicks off.
* In ''[[With Strings Attached (Fanfic)|With Strings Attached]]'', Grunnel talks about how the Tayhil and their monsters conquered most of Baravada some 200 years ago, and how the skahs rose up to take back the place.
* There are several references in ''[[Drunkard's Walk]]'' to the "Vampire War" which took place in main character Doug Sangnoir's home world some time before the start of the story.
* ''[[Kimi no Na Iowa]]'' has not one but two of these. First and further back is some vaguely alluded-to mess with "Yamata" that is strongly implied to be but never outright confirmed as the events of ''[[Debt of Honor]]'', given various Japanese characters' talking about the stains it left on Japan. Second is a "Terror" that Ended over a decade ago, but not before badly impacting the Middle East.
== Film ==
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* When watching ''[[Airplane!]]'', they never make clear which war "The War" was for Ted Stryker, though judging by when the movie was made, one might assume Vietnam. As farcical as the entire movie is, it could very well have been some other war entirely though. Hell it could be a war they (or Ted) completely made up as well.
** "The War" in ''Zero Hour!'', the film on which ''Airplane!'' is based, and which came out a quarter of a century earlier, was obviously [[World War II]]. This timeframe informs a lot of the gags and references in the latter film.
* ''[[The Lord of the Rings (Filmfilm)|The Lord of the Rings]]'' begins with Galadriel recounting the story of the last war with Sauron, several thousand years prior. We only see the end of the final battle.
* ''[[The Time Machine]]'' (1960): In-Universe. The protagonist from 1899 traveled a couple of decades into the future. One of his friends' sons mention "the front" of "the war". It's obvious its the First World War, but being a time-traveler, he was unaware.
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* Twice in ''[[The Hunger Games]]:'' the [[After the End|civilizational collapse]] that led to the founding of [[Police State|Panem]], and the more recent "Dark Days" when Panem's provinces rose in an unsuccessful rebellion against the Capitol.
* [[Shakespeare]]'s ''[[As You Like It]]'': Duke Senior was (somehow) deposed by his younger brother Fredrick and exiled to the Forest of Arden. A very blatant [[Deus Ex Machina]] at the end restores Senior to his rightful place.
** Also Old Hamlet's war with Norway in ''[[Hamlet]]''.
** [[Othello]]'s military record might also count: he boasts at length of his experience with 'pride, pomp and circumstance of glorious war', but we never see him fight.
** ''[[Macbeth]]'' begins with a recounting of a war between Scotland and Norway.
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* ''[[A Song of Ice and Fire]]'' has many of these. The most important is Robert's Rebellion, which is really the cause for all of the events in the series - giving the effect that the reader has plunged into the middle of the story rather than the end. The Blackfyre Rebellion also, and the Doom of Valyria (which is seldom mentioned in more detail than its name) are further back in time.
** Also, whatever it was that Tywin Lannister did the to inspire 'The Rains of Castamere'. "But there are no Reynes and Tarbecks"... "Exactly."
* From ''[[Honor Harrington (Literature)|Honor Harrington]]'':
** Admiral Theisman's purge of the [[State Sec]] forces which refused to fall in line with the new government after the overthrow of the Committee of Public Safety. The only part of it shown is from ''The Fanatic'', which itself took place away from the meat of the action. Not a typical example, as that particular conflict took place between two of the later books of the series.
** Earth's "Final War" many centuries before the current timeline, where the planet was nearly rendered completely uninhabitable until several colonies sent aid to repair the damage.
* In [[Jo Walton]]'s [[Alternate History]] ''[[Small Change (Literature)|Small Change]]'' trilogy, Germany continued fighting on the Eastern Front past 1949; Japan conquered most of China. The novels take place from the detached perspective of England, with word of the continuing war coming in [[Cryptic Background Reference|newspaper headlines and occasional chatter]].
* [[Stephen King]]'s ''[[Dark Tower]]'' books occasionally reference the last war of the Gunslingers against the Good Man, and it's the backdrop against which ''[[Wizard And Glass]]'' is set. There is also an even older event implied to be a nuclear war, which is why the series is [[After the End]] in the first place.
* In the [[Star Trek: New Frontier]] series, Calhoun and Picard (and their crews) discover that a species that's apparently been friendly is actually capable of an insidious level of mind control which they've hid successfully until then. In the next book in the series, there's been a [[Time Skip]] of several years and said alien species has been defeated after a fairly vicious war.
* ''[[Lensman|Triplanetary]]'' mentions the first and fourth Jovian Wars, which resulted in the formation of the Triplanetary League from Venus, Tellus, and Mars.
* The 'Holy War' against the Ghouls in E. R. Eddison's ''[[The Worm Ouroboros (Literature)|The Worm Ouroboros]]'', in which all the civilized ("polite") nations of the world of Mercury fought alongside each other, and that ended just shortly before the book's storyline begins.
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* The Last Great Time War from ''[[Doctor Who]]''. It was never shown, we know only that it caused a lot of destruction and wiped out entire races, including the Time Lords, whose last survivor was the Doctor. We find out that the Doctor was the one who ended the war, killing ''every'' Dalek (apart from [[Joker Immunity|a few who got away, of course]]) at the cost of also killing ''every'' Time Lord, including his own children and grandchildren. The Doctor has to deal with the consequences of the Time War from time to time and sometimes he or somebody else makes a reference to some events of it, but it's still mostly a mystery.
** Current showrunner [[Steven Moffat]] has gone on record saying that he will never show the Time War since there isn't enough money in the world to do it justice.
{{quote| '''Doctor:''' You weren’t there in the final days of the war. You never saw what was born. But if the Time Lock’s broken then everything’s coming through, not just the Daleks, but the Skaro Degradations, the Horde of Travesties, the Nightmare child, the Could-Have-Been-King with his Army of Meanwhiles and Never Weres – the war turning to Hell!}}
** Older episodes referred to similar such events, including the survivors of the destruction of Phaester Osiris defeating Sutekh and sealing him in a pyramid on Mars, or the ancient war between the Time Lords and the vampires shortly after the beginning of time.
** Ancient battles between the Fledgling Empires (including Gallifrey) and the Racnoss were mentioned in "The Runaway Bride".
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** The ongoing war between the Federation and the Klingons at the time of the Original Series is mostly not shown.
*** Note that the Federation and the Klingons have gone to war many, many times: A few of these conflicts ''have'' been depicted on-screen, including in the Original Series: The brief Federation-Klingon War of 2267 (which was ended by the Organian Peace Treaty, imposed upon the belligerents against their will) took place entirely within the episode "Errand of Mercy". Another Federation-Klingon War took place during the first half of the fifth season of ''Deep Space Nine'', which was effectively ended (and the terminated alliance suddenly restored) when the Cardassians joined the Dominion.
** ''[[Star Trek: theThe Next Generation|The Next Generation]]'' has the war between the Federation and the Cardassians, which was responsible for creating the Anti-Cardassian [[La Résistance|Maquis]]. Strangely, it wasn't mentioned in the first seasons, only later.
** In [[Star Trek: Insurrection]], the [[Deep Space Nine|Dominion War]] is treated like this.
** As well as "brutal border wars" against the Talarians and the Tzenkethi, which happened at some point between the Original Series and the next Generation.
** The Earth-Romulan war ended as this, because ''[[Star Trek: Enterprise|Enterprise]]'' was cancelled before it could cover it. The continuation novels have since stepped in to flesh it out.
*** When first mentioned in the original series, this war was fought entirely at extreme ranges with nuclear weapons (and with neither race ever actually seeing a member of the other).
* Both series of ''[[Battlestar Galactica]]'' have mentioned previous wars with Cylons.
** However, the new BSG's First Cylon War will be getting screentime in the upcoming ''Blood and Chrome'' series. A licensed video game also purports to cover that period, even being played from the perspective of Commander Adama as a rookie pilot, but it mixes and matches so many elements of the original series and remake that it probably belongs in its own separate continuity.
* Silicate War, the war with the android revolution, taking place years before events of ''[[Space: Above and Beyond]]''.
* The conflict between Dharma Initiative and the Others was only hinted at in the first four seasons of ''Lost'', though the Season 5 gives us a pretty clear picture of it. The conflict between the Others and the US Army is even more obscure.
* The war with the Magogs from ''[[Andromeda]]'', the end of which caused the [[Nietzsche Wannabe|Nietzschean]] revolution, may count too, as it started at the beginning of the first episode. The episode then jumps 300 years in the future, to the main plot, not only skipping the downfall of the revolution, but also the civil war among the ones who caused it, the High Guard.
* Played with in ''[[That Mitchell and Webb Look]]'' where a group of people are holed up in a nuclear bunker playing a game show and broadcasting in the vain hope somebody is actually watching. It all focuses around "The Event"; the only interesting thing any of the characters can think about but are sworn not to talk about for various reasons. The most probable event would be a nuclear war.
** Or alternatively whatever caused the majority of the human population to become zombies ('Them').
* ''[[Babylon Five|Babylon 5]]'' has the Dilgar War, the first major interstellar war that the humans got involved in, as well as the previous Shadow War, which took place around a thousand years previously. We do see a glimpse of that era, mostly just some less advanced looking Minbari ships, but nothing of the war itself.
** Also the Telepath War. We are shown only before and after.
** And the first Narn war for independence from the Centauri, about 100 years prior to the beginning of the series.
** Along with the numerous wars the Centauri Republic was waging with its neighbors in the third season, none of which are seen, or indeed the numerous smaller wars between the members of the League of Nonaligned Worlds in the same season.
** There are also allusions to various minor conflicts that the Earth Alliance took part in. Not to mention the Earth Minbari War, which we heard much about, but saw little of, until the prequel movie ''In The Beginning''.
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** ''[[Mighty Morphin Power Rangers]]'' had a great battle between Good and Evil 10,000 years ago. Zordon was with the good guys, Rita with the bad guys under the command of Zedd. We have no other clues about it beyond that, despite the ''many'' ancient magical characters who were there and make none-too-informative references to it.
** ''[[Power Rangers Lost Galaxy]]'' is so vague that we don't even know if there was one big event or just a bunch of isolated incidents. Either way, a lot of backstory happened 3,000 years ago.
** ''[[Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue]]'' had Bansheera and company [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can|put in the can]] 5,000 years ago. Her ''entire'' motivation for attacking in the present is to destroy the city and reestablish her palace upon the demons' sacred ground, granting 'ultimate power.' The fact that she had it then meant she had to have been a lot worse than anything witnessed during the Lightspeed series.
** ''[[Power Rangers Wild Force]]'' had the war between the Animarian civilization and the Orgs 3,000 years ago.
** ''[[Power Rangers Ninja Storm]]'' introduced one of the generals this way; the warlord Shimazu terrorized the populace with his Wolfblades 2,000 years ago until he is sealed in a mask.
** ''[[Power Rangers Mystic Force]]'' saw a group of wizards seal away the forces of the underworld only twenty or so years prior.
** ''[[Power Rangers Jungle Fury]]'' had a war between man and beast 10,000 years ago. Surprisingly, the four of the seven [[Old Master|Old Masters]]s that survived the war also survived to the present day.
** Averted in ''[[Power Rangers RPM]]'', where we get a number of flashbacks to Venjix's conquest of Earth the year prior.
** ''[[Power Rangers Samurai]]'' had the Nighlocks sealed away by samurai in feudal Japan, and apparently a number of skirmishes between them and the samurai's descendants in the intervening years.
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* ''[[Kamen Rider]]'' has an unusual example: ''[[Kamen Rider Agito]]'' is a non-direct sequel to ''[[Kamen Rider Kuuga]]'', most explicitly referenced by the police-made G3 [[Powered Armor]] being based on data from Kuuga himself. According to the backstory, Kuuga's old enemies the Grongi fought a war against another monster group, the Lords, who eventually won and became the villains of ''Agito''. ''[[Kamen Rider Decade]]'' directly references this when the heroes go to an [[Alternate Universe]] version of ''Agito'' and land right near the end of the Grongi-Lord War.
** And of course then there are things like the Rinto Kuuga's battle with the Grongi, the [[Kamen Rider Blade|Battle Royale]], and [[Kamen Rider OOO|the original OOO's battle with the Greed]], though that one is not what it seems.
* In ''[[Merlin (TV series)|Merlin]]'' there are increasingly frequent mentions of a war waged some time before/around King Uther's time in which Ancient Kings were pitted against the High Priestesses.
== Tabletop RPG ==
* ''[[Dungeons and& Dragons]]'' adventure I12 ''Egg of the Phoenix''. The War of Ending between the forces of Evil and Old Empyrea. Doc and the silver dragon Falx fought in the war, during the adventure the [[PC|PCs]]s find a message that dates back to it, and one mission involves scouting one of the Castles of Ruling that played a major part in the war.
** The [[Points of Light]] settings in 4th Edition has the war between the civilization of Nerath led by King Elidyr and the gnoll demon horde headed by Yeenoghu. There was also the war between the tiefling (half-devil) empire of Bael Turath versus the dragonborn empire of Archosia. [[Dungeon Crawling|Your characters most likely will start their career scrounging leftover supplies from said wars.]]
* ''[[Warhammer 40000|Warhammer 40,000]]'' includes a lot of this in the [[Backstory]], such as a [[Robot War]] that explains the Imperium's distrust of [[Artificial Intelligence]].
* ''[[Exalted]]'' has a few examples: the Primordial War, the Aftershock War, the Usurpation and the Balorian Crusade. All of these are provided some level of detail (specifically who was fighting and why), but the exact events of the wars are generally shrouded in mystery (typically because they all involved reality being damaged to some degree).
** And those are just wars involving the Exalted. The occasional hint is dropped regarding wars waged by gods in the era before humanity, and even occasionally to conflicts involving the Primordials prior to the existence of Creation.
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* ''[[Freelancer]]'' has the [[The Empire|Coalition]]/[[The Alliance|Alliance]] war, the beginning of which was shown in ''[[Starlancer]]'' but which lasted for another century afterward and the winner is not the one the first game would indicate, as well as the 80 Years War between Rheinland and the [[NGO Superpower|GMG]].
* ''[[Star Wars]] [[Knights of the Old Republic]]'' has the Mandalorian Wars. Much of the information about it is from allusions and [[As You Know]] statements in the games, and lots of characters you run into in both games are war heroes or veterans from one side or the other.
* For the longest time, ''[[StarcraftStarCraft]]'' had the Guild Wars, which were referenced only in vague snippets as a civil war whose consequences still loomed over the Terran worlds. Fast forward many years, it's been more-or-less explained away with [[Expanded Universe|tie-in literature]]. Still nothing in the games, though.
* ''[[Cave Story (Video Game)|Cave Story]]'': References are made several times to a war for control of [[Artifact of Doom|the Demon Crown]]. It's implied that the protagonist and Curly Brace were combatants in this war, two of the few surviving soldiers from the army that massacred the Mimigas. {{spoiler|But that's ultimately revealed to be false when Curly regains her memories--she remembers fighting to destroy the Demon Crown, separate from any army, with the protagonist as her only ally.}}
* ''[[Guild Wars]]'': Prophecies has the actual Guild Wars, Factions has the Tengu Wars, Nightfall has the war against Palawa Joko.
* ''[[City of Heroes]]'' has the first Rikti War in Primal Earth, and the [[EndoftheThe End of the World Asas We Know It|Hamidon Wars]] in Praetorian Earth.
* ''[[Mass Effect]]'' has numerous wars in its long history: the [[Bug War|Rachni War]], the Krogan Rebellions, the [[Robot War|Morning War]], the First Contact War, the Skyllian Blitz and {{spoiler|the Reapers' genocide of the Protheans}}.
* [[Metal Wolf Chaos]]: The Arizona Conflict
* ''[[Blaz BlueBlazBlue]]'': The First War of Magic, in which humans (including Hakumen, Jubei, Valkenhayn, and Terumi) fought against [[Eldritch Abomination|The Black Beast]]. Later, the Ikaruga Civil War, in which Jin became "The Hero of Ikaruga" by murdering Bang's lord.
* ''[[Guilty Gear]]'' has Gear War, apocalyptic conflict between humans and Gears, led by Justice. In some games you can play duels that happened back then.
* The Seven Hour War from ''[[Half Life]] 2''.
* In the ''[[Ground Control]]'' games: [[World War Three|World War 3]], the Independence Wars, the First Stellar War, the Terran-Viron conflict, most of the Second Stellar War. There are mentioned in a few brief lines in the [[All There in the Manual|manual]].
* In the ''[[Earth 2150|Earth]]'' series, we never get to see or read details about [[World War Three|World War 3]], only that it was a [[Nuclear War]] that destroyed all former nation-states. Only a few facts are known from before the war, mostly about the founding of the [[One Nation Under Copyright|Lunar Corporation]]. The game history starts after the war, with the creations of the [[Eagle Land|United Civilized States]] and the [[The Empire|Eurasian Dynasty]].
* In ''[[Nexus the Jupiter Incident|Nexus: The Jupiter Incident]]'', the [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot|AI Wars]] are mentioned, but no details are given. Other conflicts not mentioned or mentioned/shown only briefly are the war between [[One World Order|IASA]] and the [[Mega Corp|megacorporations]], the [[Technical Pacifist|Vardrag]]-[[Lizard Folk|Gorg]] War, and the Noah-Gorg War prior to the events of the game.
* The Great Keyblade War in ''[[Kingdom Hearts]]'', which took place some time before the prequel,[[Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep|Birth by Sleep]], and reshaped the game's whole universe. All that remains is an absolutely ''massive'' [[Field of Blades|Field of Keyblades]] on an otherwise abandoned world.
* ''[[The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Video Game)|The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time]]'' has a vague recounting of a war which occurred before Link was born and led to the death of his mother, who left him in the care of the Great Deku Tree. It's implied that this was the war that led to the unification of Hyrule.
** ''[[The Legend of Zelda: aA Link Toto T Hethe Past (Video Game)|The Legend of Zelda a Link To T He Past]]'' talks about a war<ref> according to [[All There in the Manual|the timeline]] set shortly after Ocarina of Time in a timeline where Link died before beating Ganon</ref> known as the Imprisoning War in which the Knights of Hyrule fought to give the Seven Sages the opportunity to seal Ganon in the Sacred Realm.
** ''[[The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Video Game)|The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess]]'' mentions a similar conflict, describing how an evil tribe of powerful sorcerers (known in [[Fanon]] as the Dark Interlopers) came so close to getting the Triforce that the Spirits of Light had to entrap them in the [[Eldritch Location|Twilight Realm]], where they evolved into the Twili.
** ''[[The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Video Game)|The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword]]'' mentions an earlier conflict in which Hylia and her armies fought against armies of invading demons to keep the Triforce safe. In this case, the offscreen nature of the war is actually justified: in the early days of the war, the group from whose perspective we see were sent up into the sky on a [[Floating Continent]] with the Triforce to keep both safe and out of reach of the war.
* At the start of ''[[Metroid Prime]] 3: Corruption'', a Federation technician mentions that he hasn't seen "that many fighters scrambled since the [[Horus Heresy]] [[Warhammer 40 K,000|Rebellion]].
* ''[[Fallout]]'' has the Great War, a two-hour war during which every nuclear-capable country in the world launched. No one knows who launched first.
** Two sources - the leader of the remnants of the US government and the log of a Chinese submarine commander during the Great War - point to the Chinese. Still, they might be mistaken, and part of the lead-up to the Great War is still undetailed - the war between China and the USA have been given a fair bit of attention, but the other Resource Wars - especially the one between Europe and the Middle East, and the ones that happened in Europe after that - are still mostly names, if even that.
*** Also the theory that a bored AI started it.
* Loghain of [[Dragon Age Origins]] often mentions the Ferelden rebellion against Orlais. Vague references to the war between the Qunari and the Tevinter Imperium are also present.
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* ''[[Touhou]]'': The Great Suwa War, in which Kanako subjugated Suwako; and Yukari's (first) invasion of the Moon. {{spoiler|''Silent Sinner in Blue'' is essentially Yukari making a petty revenge upon the Lunarians over her defeat 1000 years ago.}}
** Your milage may vary on {{spoiler|whether it was petty, or even revenge. She outright stated it was payment for her letting an exiled moon princess and pharmacist live in Gensokyo, despite not conforming to the roles of either human or youkai. Especially since it's likely she started the invasion to teach a lesson to her fellow youkai, rather than in an actual attempt to conquer the moon.}}
* The Belkan War was this in ''[[Ace Combat 5 The Unsung War]]'': the only events mentioned in the game were that Bartlett and Pops were shot down together, and that it ended when Belka dropped seven nukes on its own soil. It was later expanded on in ''[[Ace Combat Zero]]''.
* Since [[Grand Theft Auto]] 3 radio conversations and ads have hinted at a war between America and Australia which happened sometime in the mid 1980s. It's played for laughs.
* [[Septerra Core]]. The Resource Wars, the most recent of the wars between Ankara and Jinam. Also the war between Chosen factions that devastated Maya's hometown.
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* ''[[Tales of Vesperia]]'' references The Great War between humans and Entelexeia. One of the party members is a veteran.
* The ''[[Fire Emblem Elibe]]'' games (being the 6th and 7th titles) had a great war between humans and dragons, referred to as 'The Scouring' that occurred roughly 1000 years before the events of the games. It ended with the humans supposedly killing off the dragons, when, in actuality, the dragons, on the verge of defeat, exiled themselves to the land of Arcadia, closing the gate portal behind them.
* In ''[[Ultima VI]]'', there's supposedly a huge war with the gargoyles going on. The soldiers talk about it. You see the wounded being cared for in Cove... however due to the [[Wide Open Sandbox]] gameplay you travel all over the fairly pristine world and never find a single battleground.
* ''[[Dungeons of Dredmor (Video Game)|Dungeons of Dredmor]]'' contains many references to a war between elves and dwarves that's taken place back on the surface; the dungeons are full of discarded weaponry and such.
* In ''[[The Elder Scrolls]]'' series there have been many wars in its backstory, but only three act as direct backdrops for main quests. The first was the War of the First Council (culminating in the Battle of Red Mountain), taking place thousands of years ago, which saw the disappearance of the Dwarves and the Tribunal's (plus [[Big Bad|Dagoth Ur's]]) rise to divinity, setting the stage for ''[[The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (Video Game)|Morrowind]]''. The second was Tiber Septim's conquest of Tamriel, aided by ''[[The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall (Video Game)|Daggerfall]]'''s giant mecha [[MacGuffin]], Numidium, and the third was the The Great War, which took place between ''[[The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Video Game)|Oblivion]]'' and ''[[Skyrim]]'' and set up the entire civil war plotline.
* ''[[Ar Tonelicotonelico]]'' series: the war between Sol Ciel and Sol Cluster that peaked with [[The End of the World Asas We Know It|Grathnode Inferia]]. Much of the events of the war has passed into legends, chronicled in Ar=Ciel Ar=Dor.
** ''[[Ar Tonelicotonelico]] 1'' has the war between Mir-led Reyvateil and humans, which ended with Mir sealed and the Reyvateil treated as second- or even third-class citizens.
** ''[[Ar Tonelicotonelico]] 2'' has the previous period of conflict between the [[Rage Against the Heavens|Grand Bell]] and the [[Assimilation Plot|Sacred Army]]. The current period of conflict takes the majority of the gameplay, so it doesn't feel very offscreen-y.
* The ''[[Assassin's Creed (Video Game)|Assassin's Creed]]'' series makes reference to a war that occurred tens of thousands of years ago in the First Civilization, between [[Precursors|Those Who Came Before]] and the humans they used as slaves. This war is never detailed, but is instead used as a context to explain how the [[Half-Human Hybrid|Half Human Hybrids]] "Adam and Eve" became [[Phlebotinum Rebel|Phlebotinum Rebels]]s and stole the secret of the [[MacGuffin|Pieces of Eden]]. And then their civilization was wiped out by a [[Cozy Catastrophe|solar flare]], making the whole thing moot.
* ''[[Hexx]]'' mentions the Chaos wars, which apparently involved one of the four deities in the setting.
* The ''[[X Universe]]'' backstory includes the [[Robot War|Terraformer War]] in the 2140s AD, during which [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot|insane terraforming robots]] wiped out all of Earth's extrasolar colonies and nearly destroyed Earth, too. A Terran warfleet managed to lure them through a jumpgate, which was then destroyed behind them; this fleet became the Argon race. About 200 years later, we had the [http://x3wiki.com/index.php/Xenon_Conflict First Xenon Conflict], where the terraformers reappeared, followed by the [http://x3wiki.com/index.php/Boron_Campaign Boron Campaign], a more conventional interstellar war between the various superpowers.
* Lt. Surge in ''[[Pokémon Red and Blue (Video Game)|Pokémon Red and Blue]]'' refers to a war in which his electric Pokémon "zapped [his] enemies into paralysis." None of the subsequent games (except the [[Video Game Remake|remakes]], which repeated the line exactly) mentioned anything about this war.
== Web Comics ==
* ''[[Ronin Galaxy (Webcomic)|Ronin Galaxy]]'': Taylor speaks to cecil about the current war-like state of Earth and her difficulty getting to the Moon [https://web.archive.org/web/20120715005547/http://www.roningalaxy.com/comics/chapter-1/page-43/ on this page.] Cecil retorts that Earth is an "antique collecting space dust."
* One (probably two) of the four "Breakings" from ''[[The Dragon Doctors]]''.
* The war with the Other in ''[[Girl Genius]]'' occurred about twenty years before the events of the comic, which resulted in chaos across Europa and [[Mad Scientist|Sparks]] fighting one another in the resulting havoc. It only ended when Baron Klaus Wulfenbach showed up and smacked all of the insane Sparks down to establish his empire.
* ''[[Schlock Mercenary]]'' has the Terraforming War, in which both Tagons participated. Gradually some details were revealed.
== Web Original ==
* ''[[Red vs. Blue]]'' (especially the ''Recollection Trilogy'') makes repeated references to some kind of great war against an alien race. The only details are that it took place during ''The Blood Gulch Chronicles'' and was resolved offscreen sometime between ''Blood Gulch'' and ''Reconstruction'' (or possibly sometime before the end of ''Blood Gulch''), that Project Freelancer was one of many desperate initiatives towards the end of the war, and that humanity became allied with the aliens afterwards. The war occasionally seems to intrude on the Reds and Blues in Blood Gulch {{spoiler|but it's unclear if those events were genuine, or just training scenarios for Tex.}}
** Another possibility is that the war they mentioned is an attempt by Rooster Teeth to put the series into the Halo continuity. One example is the mention that the Freelancer-project was just one of the magic bullets created to win the war since the war was going really bad for the humans possibly referencing the different projects (for example Spartan II and III) during the covenant war. More can be read on the Red vs Blue [[Red vs. Blue (Machinima)/WMG|WMG page]]
* The ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony]]'' spoof series ''[[Friendship Is Witchcraft]]'' features this in the second episode, [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gRo_ZxXXJg "Read it and Sleep"], with [[Lady of War|Rarity]] admitting that she is still [[Alternate Character Interpretation|traumatized]] after The War.
* The "great war" eighty years before the opening of the show is frequently referenced in ''[[RWBY]]'', and is responsible for some of the quirks and oddities of the setting. It had two of the four kingdoms on each side, and the losing side essentially wanted to quash all behavior -- like art, in particular -- which had a chance of producing negative emotions and thus attracting the Grimm.
== Western Animation ==
* Not ''exactly'' a war, but ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender (Animation)|Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'' has the Fire Nation's destruction of the Air Nomads 100 years prior to the start of the series.
** The War itself is an an interesting variation in the show. We know why it started (the Fire Nation needed resources), when it started (100 years previous), who is fighting it (Fire Nation vs Earth Kingdom and the mostly neutral Water Tribes), and the characters are fighting its final year. However, we only get, at most, a couple flashbacks over 61 episodes. We don't see any battles even during the present (well, three, ''maybe'' four if you count the drill), so no Alternate Universe Counterparts to [[WWII|Stalingrad]] for the Earth Kingdom (unless you want to count the, again mostly unseen, 600 Day Seige of Ba Sing Se by [[Cool Old Guy|Iroh]]), or a [[WWI|Jutland]] for the Water Tribes, or even any [[WWII|D-Day]] recreations for the Fire Nation's first invasion of the Earth Kingdom at the start of the war. In fact, the entire century of conflict between Aang's freezing to when Katara frees him is mostly untouched even in fan fiction. Which is sad, because [[Fanfic Fuel|it has a lot of potential]].
*** That may be mostly because it's a kids' show.
*** [[What Do You Mean It's for Kids?|Which is a damn shame]]
* According to [[Word of God]], ''[[Adventure Time (Animation)|Adventure Time]]'' takes place after "The [[Everything Makes a Mushroom|Mushroom]] War", which pretty much destroyed all of humanity.
** Also notable is the war between rainicorns and dogs, which is never elaborated upon (beyond mention of Lady Rainicorn's father being saved by a dog at some point during it) but shown as a cause for great strife between the species.
* ''[[Futurama (Animation)|Futurama]]'' occasionally makes reference to some war or another, usually for a quick gag. The one time one is relevant to the main plot is in "Three Hundred Big Boys", where the spoils from a recently-won [[Bug War]] are spread among the populace.
* The war between the Autobots and the Decepticons in ''[[Transformers Animated (Animation)|Transformers Animated]]''. By the time the series starts, the war is over, with the Autobots having won and the Decepticons scattered to the far reaches of space.
** The only flashback material was repurposed clips from ''[[The Transformers (Animationanimation)|The Transformers]] Generation One''.
** Speaking of ''[[Transformers Generation 1 (Franchise)|Transformers Generation 1]]'', it contains references to the Third and Fourth Great (or "Cybertronian") Wars, the assumption being that there were a first and second. (They're probably in the fourth one. Or the fifth, if you consider the ending of [[Transformers: theThe Movie]] to be the end of that particular war.)
* The ''[[SpongeBob SquarePants (Animation)|SpongeBob SquarePants]]'' episode of the Krusty Krabs video stated that Mr. Krabs created the restaurant some time "after the war".
* One ''[[Kim Possible (Animation)|Kim Possible]]'' flashback showed Steve Barkin camping in the jungles with his comrades.
* The [[Artificial Human|Neosapien]] [[Turned Against Their Masters|Rebellion]] a.k.a. the First Neosapien War fifty years ago in ''[[Exo Squad (Animation)|Exo Squad]]''. It is particularly oft mentioned in the early episodes, before the ''Second'' Neosapien War breaks out and easily surpasses the original one in scope and impact.
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